New and Updated Documents

This file contains the source code for JLO SAFE V2.65, its object code, and an assembler to assemble the object code from the source code. I, John Oliger, still maintain copyrights of this code, but am releasing this as ‘freeware’ to give Oliger Disk System customers access to the code for their own modifications or
document, orig pub: 03.06.25, updated: 03.06.25
document, orig pub: 02.11.25, updated: 02.11.25
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 02.01.25
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 02.01.25
CASINO I R Leninger 1983 Loading time: 1 minute 45 seconds Load name must be typed in lower case letters. CASINO I includes computer simulations of three popular games of chance:Twenty-One (or “Blackjack”), Craps and Slot Machines. Twenty-One and Crapsmay be enjoyed by up to three players per game. Although Slots is designed forone player
document, orig pub: 03.19.22, updated: 02.01.25
The Winchester technology used in the Miracle Systems Hard Disk for the QL is considerably more reliable than floppy disk technology. Nevertheless the Winchester stores a considerable amount of data and even the most reliable systems can fail. It is ESSENTIAL to keep backup copies of all of your working files. You have been warned!
document, orig pub: 03.22.24, updated: 02.01.25
The Super Gold Card brings true 32-bit processing to the QL for the first time together with several other benefits. These are:
document, orig pub: 03.22.24, updated: 02.01.25
Short letter with samples of key pads stapled to it.
document, orig pub: 07.17.21, updated: 02.01.25
Documentation for assembly and use of the Hunter 8K ROM/RAM memory expansion board.
document, orig pub: 11.30.21, updated: 02.01.25
Subroutines for Speech Synthesizer.
document, orig pub: 04.30.22, updated: 02.01.25
Demonstration of Speech Synthesizer.
document, orig pub: 04.30.22, updated: 02.01.25
Program to compile libraries of words for Speech Synthesizer.
document, orig pub: 04.30.22, updated: 02.01.25
document, orig pub: 04.30.22, updated: 02.01.25
document, orig pub: 12.01.21, updated: 02.01.25
HOT Z-2068 combines a line-by-line assembler, a labelling disassembler, a single-stepper and a simple editor. The purpose of HOT Z is to give you a reasonable degree of direct control of your computer, as well as to assist you in writing assembly-language programs to extend your control. HOT Z requires some knowledge of the hexadecimal
document, orig pub: 01.29.25, updated: 01.29.25
HOT Z-II USER’S NOTES Copyright 1983, Ray KingsleySINWAREBox 8032Santa Fe, NM 87504 HOT Z-II COMMANDS READ mode commands are listed at the top of the keys in thetop of the two layouts below. Single-step commands are listedon the same layout below the corresponding keys. WRITE mode commands are listed on the lower layout. FUNCTIONkey commands
document, orig pub: 08.06.21, updated: 01.14.25
The RPNZL Programming System has been designed to provide an alternative environment for the 2X80, ZX81, TS1000, and TS1500 computers. This design was carried out with four primary purposes:
document, orig pub: 01.11.25, updated: 01.11.25
This is an LROS cartridge designed to test the Timex/Sinclair 2068 Personal Color Computer for defects in key hardware and software functions. In most cases, a simple PASS/FAIL result is given. However, in some cases, further testing will be needed on the part of the technician testing and repairing the computer. This document includes the
document, orig pub: 12.17.24, updated: 12.19.24
Source code for an LROS cartridge designed to test the Timex/Sinclair 2068 Personal Color Computer, printed from a TS 2040 printer.
document, orig pub: 12.17.24, updated: 12.19.24
FROM: George Kuby Our next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, January 28, 1984 – 10:45 AM to 12:30 PM (Doors open at 10:30 AM)(Subsequent date: March 24, 1984)The place: Santa Monica Library – Fair View Branch2101 Ocean Park Blvd.(Directions: West on Santa Monica Freewayto Cloverfield Exit (on Cloverfield)then south two long blocks toPico Boulevard –
document, orig pub: 12.16.24, updated: 12.16.24
Multi-panel brochure summarizing BASIC commands, functions, graphics and more.
document, orig pub: 10.16.24, updated: 10.16.24
Multi-panel brochure summarizing BASIC commands, functions, graphics and more.
document, orig pub: 01.10.21, updated: 10.16.24
The Z-SI/O Serial Input/Output Module is a “hardware based” serial interface which allows the Timex Sinclair 2068 Personal Color Computer to support the EIA RS-232C standards applicable to the 25 pin interconnection of Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and Data Communication Equipment (DCE) employing serial binary data interchange.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 07.15.24
PCLS 1000 is a handy tool for managing the display file. It allows the user clear all or any portion of the screen with either background, white or black, almost instantly.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.10.24
Program submitted to SyncWare News’ 1985 contest.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.10.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
This HARDWARE/SOFTWARE MODIFICATION KIT will allow the user to operate the WESTRIDGE TS 2050 Modem with the SINCLAIR ZX Interface 1 and Microdrives.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
SPECTERM-64 has features not available in any other terminal software package for the TIMEX/SINCLAIR ~2068 Personal Computer. It can be used to connect the SPECTRUM emulated T/S2068 direct to a main computer or via any modem to “talk” to a Micro User or main computer over the telephone lines. It allows you to send and
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
I think that a real, full travel keyboard (KB) is a must for any computer! It was one of the first things I did, back in 1981: put a professional KB on my ZX81. I still have it: it has 10 dedicated keys, i.e. keys that effect functions that would otherwise require the actuation of
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
The enclosed plans describe a circuit which when properly assembled will provide 256 horizontal x 192 vertical bit mapped high resolution graphics (HRG) for Sinclair ZX80/81 type computers. Although a novice, with care, could assemble the circuit, it is more suitable for those who have had some wire wrapping experience.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
AERCO Disk conversion program for Omni-Calc II.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
Express will copy most TS 2068 cassette tapes directly to disk for you. A word of caution is in order, Express is not intended to be and should not be used for illegal purposes. I believe you will find Express to be one of the easiest to use programs you own.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
One of the most commonly asked questions lately has been, “How can I access the 256K RAM?”. Now, through the efforts of both AERCO and Keith Watson, our added memory has become more than just a conversation piece. After numerous conversations with Keith, and some poking around on my own, I now present to you
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
Enhance the performance of your TS 2068 with the AERCO Disc System. All of the speed and convenience of a full-out floppy disc system. Save, load and copy programs at the industry standard rate of 250,000 bits/sec. Fully compatible with all Shugart type drives, including those already in use with the AERCO 1000 Disc System.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
Interface 2 small stepper motors (1 Amp max.) to a standard Centronics printer interface and make fully coordinated 2-axis moves. Provides 4 limit-switch inputs and all the software you need to completely and accurately control a 2-axis machine. This is available for the 1000/1500 and the 2068 machines, but the 2068 is the recommended choice
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
Under the assumption that the reader is an assembly language programmer familiar with ASM and DDT, the material in this manual is presented at a somewhat advanced level. For others less experienced who would benefit from an introduction to these topics, a good place to find such an introduction would be in “CP/M Revealed,” published
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
Includes centronics printer interface, ROM board and direct video modification for the ZX81/TS1000.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
Microwafers: The Microwafer used in this Model 2000 Micro Drive is the Version II type wafer. When ordering additional microwafers, please use the following part numbers for the wafers of your choice: The amount of data storage per microwafer will vary with tape drive speed and number of files. Microwafer Write-protection The version II microwafer
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
In this package you will find all of the necessary items needed to make use of the printer port on the A & J Model 2000 Stringy Floppy Interface with Centronics compatible printers.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
This letter contains some additional information that will spare you some quess work and its frustrations. So please, read the manual which came with the unit and this letter carefully, before using the Model 2000.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
WHAT LENGTH IS MY TAPE? Underneath the “0” in Entrepo you will find a small number indicating the tape lenght. CAN I SAVE MORE THAN 9 FILES? Yes. If you look at page 241 of the Timex 2068 Personal Color Computer User Manual you will find a list of the character set. The next character
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.09.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
To use a 1200 BAUD modem without a Modapter, construct a modem cable as listed below. The parts needed will include a DB9 connector and a DB25 connector and your wire.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
Why would one want to relocate machine code? Many machine code programs written for the 2068 are located in the same area of RAM. Sometimes one might want to use both if they can be used that way. If you relocate one, you may be able to use both. I had previously purchased the Zeal
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
This is the first of two articles that deal with Art Studio. This month’s article includes a BASIC loader program that will allow the user to get rid of the annoying LENSLOK protection. It should work with any version of the Art Studio machine code, whether it’s the keyboard or joystick version.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
The purpose of this software is to convert Sinclair ZХ-81/ТS-1000 programs to ASCII files. The ZХ-81 stores all of its Basic files as TOKENIZED files and are unreadable by most other computers. Once the programs are converted to ASCII files, you can port the programs to any system that uses ASCII program files.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
This program will print various Christmas-time address labels using a Tasman Printer Interface on your TS-2068 and a Legend-80 Printer.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
A major barrier to fixing the problems in the HOME ROM is one of access. Even though the ROM is socketed, you still have to open up the case and risk damage. This article shows how to replace the HOME ROM without touching a screw. It is not really necessary to replace ROM with EPROM.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
I ordered the NVRAM board from E. Arthur Brown Co. in March of 1987. I didn’t receive it until July 24, 1987. E. Arthur Brown didn’t have any in stock at the time I ordered it, and, after 606 days, they started sending me delay notice cards to send back to them and indicate whether
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
One of the biggest “headaches” for Timex/Sinclair enthusiasts is the painfully slow cassette LOADing performed by the ZX-81/TSi@@a computer. This, and the fact that one little “glitch” can make us have to do it all over again, prompted me to design this 2764 based “software on eprom” project.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
This routine will take a basic program stored in the 16K memory block from C000-FFFFh and move it down into the normal Basic ram area. (4009h and on) More than one program may be stored on a board in this block. POKE 16417 the number of the program desired to be downloaded,
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
The program to be stored on eprom must have been previously saved to tape. The eprom will be programmed exactly as it is stored on tape, so if you don’t need variables, clear before SAVING to tape to save eprom space.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
In last month’s article, you were introduced to the John Oliger expansion system kits for the TS1000/ZX-81 computers. Hopefully, those of you that went out and bought them now want to put them to practical use. Well, that’s just what we’re going to do.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
In part Il last month, we showed you how to program two 2764 eproms, one with HOT-Z, the other with the Oliger machine code downloading routine.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
The RD 8100 is a modular interface system capable of performing a wide variety of scientific tasks, when coupled with a Sinclair Computer (ZX 81 and Spectrum). Flexibility and compatability are built into the system, which is simple to program and operate. It is designed with the professional technologist in mind, but its low cost
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
Dear Mr. Day: Many thanks for your kind letter expressing your enthusiasm for the QL. As you can imagine, we are very proud of the machine and anxious to make it available to people like you. In response to your request for information, I am enclosing a QL brochure and also a Users Guide. This
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
One of the first things you may have noticed missing in SuperBASIC is LLIST. There is a way though. For example, you can OPEN a channel for your printer, and LIST to that channel (OPEN #5,ser1: LIST #5). Or, you can utilize either the COPY or COPY_N command (COPY mdvX filename TO seri). Or you
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
One of my great passions with my ZX81 and TS-1000 computers has been the many hardware projects that can be easily and inexpensively built for them. The following project was inspired by an article from the July edition of Sync magazine.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
Editor’s Note: The following is a light hearted dramatization of what could’ve, but to the best of our knowledge never did happen at a TS Computerfest.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
One of the buzz-words in the programming field these days is, “structured programming”. In general, this refers to programming in blocks of code, each a fairly independent unit unto itself. One of the principal languages supporting and encouraging structured code is Pascal.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
Well alive yes, but not moving too swiftly. Burning a program into an EPROM, headers needed for auto run, and hardware requirements have all been worked out. Now EPROM applications are needed. EFROMS can replace the internal ROM(s) to provide bug fixes, customization and expansion of the computer’s operating system. Replacing the internal ROM(s) with
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.08.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.07.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.07.24
document, orig pub: 06.07.24, updated: 06.07.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.07.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.07.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.07.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.07.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.07.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.07.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.07.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.07.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.07.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.06.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.06.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
The switch selects the upper or lower half of the 32K eprom. The lower half contains the corrected 2068 ROM code, and the upper half contains the corrected Spectrum ROM code.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
QRL is for those who have modems and wish. to decode or encode RLE files quickly. An RLE file is a run-length-encoded ASCII file that represents a picture of 256 X 192 resolution.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
Include details on Jack’s implementation of the Dallas Semiconductor on-chip clock in the 2068.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
Includes documentation for Keyword.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
FONTMAN is a program for the 2068 or SPECTRUM computers, allowing the user to use, modify or create up to 20 fonts at a time. FONTMAN is the nickname of FONT MANAGER.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
Word-Master is a software package written for the Spectrum by Paul Sneesby and Barry Parkinson, of PCG Software in England. The package is sold and supported in the USA by Jack Dohany. The USA version is designed to run on the Timex/Sinclair 2068 computer, equipped with any form of Spectrum emulator. The software is provided
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
DIS is a disassembler written entirely in BASIC so you can modify it to suit your needs. To load it, just LOAD “” or LOAD “DIS”. To save it, SAVE “DIS” LINE 1. CAUTION: do not CLEAR or RUN. DIS uses a very large array, and if you wipe it out you’ll have to reload
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
BANKMON allows you to inspect and modify the contents of 2068 memory in Bank 0 (Dock), Bank 254 (Exrom) and Bank 255 (Home), in hex, decimal or ASCII format. Bankmon is not a disassembler or debugger; for those purposes I suggest Ray Kingsley’s HOT Z.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
When using UPD with the Byte-Back serial units, you have to initialize the interface before you try to do any printing. This can either be done from BASIC (see Byte-Back’s documentation), or with a short machine-code routine like the following.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
Cassettes, drawings for the article on my AUTOSHIFTER, and a production circuit board, to use to reproduce full size patterns.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
Dear Mr. Bent & Mr. Woods: Please accept the enclosed documented program as my entry in your Display Utilities Contest (ZX81). I realize this entry stretches your rules a bit. So many screen utilities have been published for the ZX81 that it would seem difficult to come up with something completely original. Therefore, my entry,
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
Enclosed please find two entries for the SyncWare News programmer’s competition. One is for the TS2068, and one is for the TS1000. Each is on a separate cassette, and is recorded four times on its cassette. I’m terribly sorry about the handwritten documentation; I hope it will be acceptable to you.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
Enclosed is a considerably revised version of the article(s), “Evaluation of the Aerco 2068 Disc Interface”, which I had sent you earlier. It’s no doubt a good thing that you did not publish the earlier version in the Sept-Oct issue of SyncWare News, because of the update kit which Aerco has just begun to ship
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
Don’t let the length of the title of the title of this book put you off. This 250-page tutorial and reference work is by far the friendliest, most useful book of its kind that I’ve seen. Reading is easy, the author’s style is conversational yet without the forced attempts at corny humor, and goofy cartoons,
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.05.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
This program was written with the automotive enthusiast in mind. Being a certified mechanic and a “GEAR HEAD”, I read most of the popular high performance magazines on the market. Over the last 19 years of reading, there have been numerous formulas for computing gear ratios, etc.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
KAPKIT is a utility program for the ZX81, TS1000 and TS1500.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
In the May-June ‘86 issue of SyncWare News, I went through several sort routines for the 2068 and 1000 computers. For general use, I decided that the Shell-Faulk was the best all-round choice, but I also asked readers to send in any better ideas. One reader did, Larry Crawford of London Ontario, Canada. He took
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
Hot Z II uses a fascinating “trick” for getting back into itself if you should stumble into the error restart, RST 08. This is done by jimmying the ER_SP system variable. For a graphic demonstration, type @676 (disassembly mode), then go to edit made and run the code starting at this address (shift R). Dumps
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
Changes the attribute file for display file 1.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
Flash! inverts the video display.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
Aerco has been shipping its 2068 disc drive interfaces since June 1985, although quantities were originally limited, and it took some time to fill the large backlog. The wait was well worth while, however, for this is an excellent system that turns the 2068 into a powerful and convenient computer.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
This program shows how a Data Entry Screen can be utilized for forms processing and data entry. DEF 2068 uses a model for ап inventory program but can be modified for any purpose that the programer desires. This model uses an array for only ten files, this can be increased for a more usefull program,
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
Did you hook up one of those TI keyboards to your ZXB1/TS1000? Don’t you wish it had all the Sinclair legends on the keys? Well, if you can find an old membrane keyboard (remember those?) you can cut it up and paste the legends onto the keys with silicone cement/sealer.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
After building circuit boards from artwork or kits, it’s a good idea to clean all the rosin from the board. This makes it easier to see bad connections and shorts, and also gives a cleaner appearance. You may have been using acetone ; while it does work very well, it has some definite drawbacks. It
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
CHESS BBS 2068 is a program which allows you to play chess with another person on a computer bulletin board (BBS). It is a utility which creates a 533 byte ASCII file which you upload to a message board on a remote BBS.
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
The following is a step-by-step description of how I wrote the program, and why I wrote it as I did. The program as described applies to the TS 2068. Some of the principles described can be modified to work on the good ol’ ZX81/TS 1000, but only with serious limitations. The biggest problem with the
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
document, orig pub: 06.04.24, updated: 06.04.24
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