Date: May/June 1985
Issue: 14
Reviews for the Non-ProgrammerTS 1000 Software review Review of SuperScreen, a machine language program that allows you to manipulate the display as ‘windows’, effectively displaying output from several programs at once.
USR: User group Service ReportWelcome to the first installment of thee User Group Service Report. Our current, though tentative, plans are to run this report on a regular basis alternating every other issue with another column (possibly Sinclair World Report which would tell us of European and other foreign developments – if we can talk a certain Canadian friend…
Software ReviewTS 1000 Software review The Home Asset Manager, The Coupon Manager, The Checkbook Manager, The Gambler, and Supermaze, all for the TS1000, reviewed.
QL ReportQL Hardware review May is here and hopefully the QL will be too sometime soon. We have seen a lot of new products come into our offices this past month. We have the Computamate Q-Disk interface connected to our machine and are running a double-sided single drive capable of storing 700K worth of data!
Hardware HistoryReview of the Sinclair calculators.
Build Your Own Surge SuppressorHardware project Add MOVs to a power strip and make a surge suppressor.
Cassette NotesTape cleaning and adjustment suggestions.
Spectrum Program ReviewsTS 2068 ZX Spectrum Software review Beach-Head, Dangermouse in Double Trouble, reviewed.
Zebra Graphics Tablet Tech-Draw SoftwareTS 2068 Hardware review ZebraPainter, TECH-DRAW and the Zebra Graphics Tablet reviewed.
Number to WordTS 2068 Type-in program Convert a 7 digit phone number to all possible letter/number combinations.
Machine Code Graphics LoopTS 2068 Type-in program Thoughts on programming graphics with machine code.
Adapting the ZX81 Rampack to the TS2068ZX81 TS 1000 TS 2068 Hardware project Adapt the 1016 ram pack, memory mapped to the DOCK bank.
2068 Word-Processor Software Evaluation (Part III)TS 2068 Software review Mscript, Text Editor 2000, Word 1.5, Word-Most, Textman, T50WS84B reviewed.
EnterTS 2068 New Subscribers; The Portuguese 2068: Hopeful Hybrid or Mutant Misfit; Impending Cancellation of SYNTAX.
- FDD SpecificationsTS 2068
TS 1000 Keyboard Add-OnTS 1000 Hardware project Wire a keyboard to your TS 1000.
T-S NewsTS 2068 Ezra Group has software for TS1000 and TS2068; “The 1985 Sinclair User Annual” published by Sinclair User; Timex Sinclair Amateur Radio Users Group published QZX.
EDITorialTS 2068 It was one year ago that Timex closed its doors to the world of computers. Upper management “pulled the plug:” “not enough R.O.I” was their excuse.
From the Cluttered Desk: Reader Input Plus Other Notes of InterestTS 2068 David G. Hansen of Madison, Wisconsin, is the 2068th subscriber.
- English Micro Connection
- Knighted Computers
- J. Keene Ltd
- WMJ Data Systems
- SUM: The Sinclair/Timex Users Magazine
- Curry Computer
- Tom Cole
- Algobit Software
- Sunset Electronics
- Chia-Chi Chao
- A.F.R. Software
- Weymil Corporation
- Delphic Enterprises
- Tad Painter
- Zeen Graphics
- Byte-Back Co
- Sum-Ware