T-S Horizons
- 2 Books of Games: TS 1000Review of Crunchers: 21 Simple Games for the Timex/Sinclair 1000 and 51 Game Programs for the Timex Sinclair 1000 and 1500.
- 2068 Review: Greeting Card DesignerThanks to Zebra Systems (the same great folks that brought us Tech-Draw… ZPRINT80… and many other fine products), we now have… GREETING CARD DESIGNER!
- 2068 Software ReviewsReviews of BIZ (a home budget management program) and DRAW II.
- 2068 Tutorial: Open# Close#Using the streams built-in to the 2068 to redirect output or accept input.
- 2068 Word-Processor Software Evaluation (Part III)Mscript, Text Editor 2000, Word 1.5, Word-Most, Textman, T50WS84B reviewed.
- 2068 Word-Processor Software Evaluation, Part IOverview of word processing software for the 2068 and evaluation criteria.
- 2068 Word-Processor Software Evaluation, Part IIShort reviews of Tasword Two, the Textwriter series, VIEWord and Letteriter/Bufferiter.
- 3D FractalsProgram to generate fractal landscapes.
- A & J Model 2000 Stringy Floppy Micro-driveFor those of you who own the TS2068 and bought it in anticipation of the micro-drives, the wait is over. The interface just plugs on to the back of the computer as would the printer. It has a connector on the back to allow for the attaching of the 2050 printer or modem. There are…
- A Computer in the CongregationAs an avid Timex/Sinclair “computerist” and pastor, I am convinced that the computer does indeed have a bright future in the church, and that every church can reap enormous benefits from owning its own system. I am, moreover, completely biased toward the Timex/Sinclair 1000 computer, which is the core of the system I own.
- A Message from Thomas B. WoodsOpen letter promising continued support; announcing Pro/File 2068.
- A Right-to-Left Pixel-by-Pixel Screen ScrollThe following machine code program can be located anywhere you wish. It is very easy to double a number that is given in binary, just as it is very easy to multiply a number by 10 if it is given in decimal — in each case, you Just add a 0 on the right.
- A Simple Loading AidPlans for a small device to monitor signal levels when loading programs.
- ACZ General Ledger 2000ACZ GENERAL LEDGER 2,000 is designed to run on the T/S 2068 with the T/S 2040 printer. An option is provided for use of a CARDCO numeric keypad utilizing either of the T/S joystick ports. The program is designed to produce the most important financial reports required by a small business at minimum expense. A…
- Adapting the ZX81 Rampack to the TS2068Adapt the 1016 ram pack, memory mapped to the DOCK bank.
- Alpha StringsLabel maker modification; little goodies revisited; user groups.
- Alpha Strings$Correction to A&J article in n14; RAM chips from Jameco; adjustments to WORM program; Callisto Software’s ZX Hi-Res.
- AnimationAnimation using screens stored in arrays.
- Applied Sinclair: Subroutines for the Mathematically-MindedThis publication is, in a word, “impressive”. To complement his powerful cadre of subroutines, which are capable of handling some rather formidable problems from applied math, Booth has also included some very elegant plotting routines, which, used in conjunction with the numerical programs through a (simply written) main program will actually plot the solution for…
- ArtworxReview of drawing program for the 2068.
- BadgammonThis is a very good version of the game “Backgammon” for the TS 2068. It has full color and sound: playing pieces are drawn in hi-res graphics.
- Bank Switching for the TS 1000, Part 1
- Bank Switching for the TS 1000, Part 2Describes some of the hardware needed for the project.
- Bank Switching for the TS 1000, Part 3
- Bank Switching for the TS 1000, Part 7Operating system for bank switching and file management system.
- Bank Switching for the TS 1000, Part 8This is the last instant of this series. Routines to save (and reload) bank data on tape are included in the 2K operating system. These are necessary for back-up and because the memory in most banks is volatile.
- Bank Switching... The Timex/Sinclair 2068 Computer, Part IDetails of bank switching, starting with the CLOSE command. Errors in the ROM are described and a short solution is proposed. Disassembly of the CLOSE command is provided.
- Bank Switching... The Timex/Sinclair 2068 Computer, Part IIDiscussion of how streams were supposed to use bank switching to interact with external devices and how the system probes for devices at startup to set up the SYSCON table.
- Bank Switching... The Timex/Sinclair 2068 Computer, Part III and IVMore details of bank switching.
- Best of Sync, Volume 1Review of the book that collected articles from the first year of Sync magazine.
- Bits and Bytes #3Gladstone terminated the KRAKIT contest without a winner. Gary Gogel provided the answers, obtained from the program producers, International Publishing and Software.
- BITS and BYTES #4Highlights of the industry and scene at the time.
- Blippo Sound Effects GeneratorThe Blippo sound effects generator is a low-cost add-on module for the ZX81 or TS1000. It connects through the computer’s rear expansion port, and as all sensible peripherals, provides another expansion port at its rear.
- Book Review: Timex Sinclair 2068 Beginner Intermediate Guide
- Bridging the Gap Between Sinclair & IBMI finally got my hands on an IBM PC. After having worked on a main frame for so long, I found the IBM to be a pleasant experience. I also discovered that the file system on the IBM was similar to that of the main frame— though much slower. Since I was still hacking away…
- Build an Uninterruptible Power SupplyAdd a small UPS to the TS1000.
- Build Your Own Surge SuppressorAdd MOVs to a power strip and make a surge suppressor.
- Byte PowerReview of Byte Power magazine (on tape).
- Byte-Mapped ScrollMost printing to the screen involves just 22 lines and 32 columns. One line scrolling is quickly done with RANDOMIZE USR 2361. This program takes scrolling a bit further. It will scroll each scan-line row of any defined block of graphics or text on the screen. The block will wrap around or scroll off the…
- Cassette NotesTape cleaning and adjustment suggestions.
- Charge Account BargraphMonthly charge account monitor/bar graph designed to provide incentive to reduce balances and watch graph lines grow shorter.
- Checking Out Library Computer LendingLibraries in the U.S. and Canada are lending Timex/Sinclair computers and accessories to patrons.
- Christmas Gift SuggestionsRecommendations for computers, accessories, upgrades, software and books.
- Clover: A Graphics Program for the 2068Creates a variety of geometric designs.
- Comment on Graphic ProgramsNotes about managing expectations for skill vs tools when it comes to graphics/drawing programs.
- CompatibilityIssues of compatibility among different vendor products present issues for TS users.
- Computer Interfacing Techniques in Science [Book Review]30 experiments for any ZX computer.
- Computers for Convicts DepartmentA California user group made a gift of two Timex computers and some software to inmadte in a Nevada prison.
- Converting to Timex Sinclair BasicReview of the book by Stuart Bird, published by Wayne Green Books.
- Creating and Saving FilesOne of the best features of the BASIC language that Sinclair designed into the ZX-81 (TS-1000) is its ability to SAVE all of its variables, including arrays, in the normal course of SAVEing the program onto cassette tape and reloading the variables along with the program LOAD. This allows us to transfer a file, in…
- DAMCO Rainbow Plus Interface; DK'Tronics Speech SynthesizerThe Rainbow Plus is an elegant and somple alternative to other Spectrum emulators. Its both Spectrum ROM and Spectrum compatible expansion port. A switch toggles between the Timex and Spectrum ROMs. The DK’Tronics Speech Synthesizer is basically the same as used in most inexpensive speech synthesizers for home computers.
- Dear ReaderWelcome letter from the editor.
- Dear ReaderDiscusses new authors and articles in the issue.
- Dear ReadersDelay in publishing the promised disk drive system.
- Design Tips for the Zebra Designer SeriesBanner, Greeting Card and Sign Designer are programs that give us the chance to be a little creative, and make even more constructive use of your 2068. After spending much time with all three programs, I have come up with a few suggestions to make your final product even more impressive.
- DK'Tronics 16K Uncased Memory BoardReview of the uncased memory board for use with the same company’s keyboard. Product is flawed, according to reviewer.
- DK'Tronics KeyboardReview of the keyboard.
- Double Feature AdventureReview of “The Elusive Mr. Big” from Softsync.
- EDITorialIt was one year ago that Timex closed its doors to the world of computers. Upper management “pulled the plug:” “not enough R.O.I” was their excuse.
- Educational Software for the TS2068Kids on Keys, Facemaker and Kindercomp from Spinnaker Software.
- EnterReport on Midwest T/S Computer Fest; Sinclair Research sold to Amstrad.
- EnterTex Faucette has been a faithful supporter of TS Horizons from almost the beginning. Many of you know Tex as Oscar Sensabaugh from Computer Trader Magazine, where he writes a regular Timex etc., column he calls “Computin’ in the Country”. Report on the Midwest TS Computer Fest from LIST. Updates on Computers for Convicts.
- EnterThis issue contains the first of a series of machine code articles for the TS1000.
- EnterNew Subscribers; The Portuguese 2068: Hopeful Hybrid or Mutant Misfit; Impending Cancellation of SYNTAX.
- EnterQL; 128K Spectrum.
- EnterSubscription rate change; upcoming Midwest TS Computerfest.
- EnterExcitement for First Annual Timex/Sinclair Computer Fest. Speakers include Mark Fendrick, Jerry Chamkis, Jack Roberts, Thomas Woods.
- EnterWelcome John Bell, new writer.
- EnterSinclair QL and the new Spectrum Plus were featured recently at the Consumer Electronics Show. Dave Higgenbottom is still trying to secure financing and Timex is being patient. BASIC publication cancelled; all paid subscriptions would be fulfilled by another company.
- EnterTimex no lnger in the computer business.
- EnterQueries about taking over the TS2068: Timex reports 20 parties have inquired about the prospect. Sync, TS User cease publication.
- EnterNews from Eben Arthur Brown about continuing Timex/Sinclair support and rumors about David Higgenbottom’s attempt to gain distribution rights to the Timex/Sinclair 2068..
- Enter: Please Read!TS Horizons No. 29 will be the last Issue published.
- Error Codes: Revising a Hunter Board to Hold 32kCorrection to “Revising a Hunter Board to Hold 32k” that appeared in T-S Horizons n19.
- Error RecoveryTechniques and programming examples to recover from user errors.
- Etch-Ah-SketchIt’s hard to come by a good drawing program with the capabilities represented In this one. This program was originally written for my uncle’s Atari 400 but, after many modifications, I converted It for the 2068 and thought I would share It with other users. I worked on this program two years off and on,…
- Experimenting With the Byte Back ModemHow to program modem settings with the TS1000.
- Extended Basic For The TS1000/ZX81Review of Thomas Woods’ Extended Basic. It is an extension/BASIC interpreter which lives in a 3.5K long 0 REM statement. All commands are entered after an initial REM statement on a line; multiple statements can be entered with a colon.
- FASTLOADReview of the program.
- FDD Specifications
- File ProtectionRecommendation, along with a short subroutine to support it, for saving programs and data to alternating sides of a cassette as a method of preventing data loss.
- Filler Up: For the TS 1000/ZX81Have you ever had a use for a partial screen clear or a rapid screen fill with a specific character? Then FILLER UP is for you. It’s a short (24 byte) machine code routine that can be stored in an opening REM statement or relocated to any of your favorite M/C storage spots (no absolute…
- Focus: Introducing the 2068Brief overview of the TS2068.
- From the Cluttered DeskUpdates on subscriptions: more than 1000 subscribers. Query about income tax programs, request for larger gutter in issues, printer hint, correction to program in prior issue.
- From the Cluttered Desk: Anonymous Letter
- From the Cluttered Desk: Reader Input Plus Other Notes of InterestDavid G. Hansen of Madison, Wisconsin, is the 2068th subscriber.
- Full-Size Printer Patches for MTERM I SoftwarePatch to enable MTERM I to print via Tasman Interface.
- Game ScoreboardShort program to track game scores, up to 12 players.
- Games from 'Games'Review of Deathchase and Frogger, available from Games to Learn By.
- Good News for Worried 2068 ComputeristsEditorial on continued support for the Timex/Sinclair 2068 from E. Arthur Brown Company.
- GosubsGOSUBS by Ewin and Shirley Gaby came out about the time Timex was going under. It is “A BYTE BOOK” and published by McGraw-Hill. Written for the original ZX81, the programs are applicable to the 2068 as well as the QL.
- GosubsShort programs contributed by readers.
- GrafistReview of drawing program for the 2068.
- Guest EditorialEditor of Computer Shopper weighs in on departure of Timex Corp.
- Guest EDITorial: From the "Save A Doorstop" DepartmentAppeal to donate old computers instead of using them for doorstops.
- Hacker's HandbookThe HACKER’S HANDBOOK is written by Hugo Cornwall (an alias?) of England. In this book, Hugo goes into detail of what goes on in the mind of a true “hacker”, one who revels in the ability to break into the most secure computer systems. He starts in very simple terms, and describes the subject in…
- Ham Hacker Programs from Hawg Wild SoftwareReview of programs for amateur radio operators.
- Hardware HintsPinouts of the TS2068 edge connector and dock connector.
- Hardware HistoryReview of the Sinclair calculators.
- Hardware Review: MULE Electronics Keyboard Overlays
- Hardware Review: ROMPAK Instant Load Software
- Help!Question from Don Hughes regarding problems loading from tape.
- How to Market Your Timex/Sinclair SoftwareReview of the book published by Softmark Associates.
- How to Use Graphics, Part 1Tutorial on TS1000 graphics.
- In Spec: Rotronics ToolkitThis series of programs, available all on one wafer, offers a variety of useful tools. To quote the manual, “The routines are a compilation of the most popular programs available via the ROTRONICS Information Service.” All of these programs self-initialize upon loading and most are Then called with one simple command.
- In Spec: Trans-Express by Romantic Robot [Review]There are two main things you will find you can do with the program. The first is transfer programs from tape to wafer… but not all programs. The main problem with this is that the Wafadrive uses a bit over 2K of the computer’s memory for itself, so that programs that use a lot of…
- In Spec: Wafer Tips (The Wafadriver Column)Tips for using Wafadrive tapes. Smith Corona also used the same “wafers” on one of their word processors. Sources for Pro/File 2068 on Wafadrive.
- In Sync: 2068 Line Renumber RoutineRenumbering routine for the 2068.
- In Sync: 2068 Screen-SaveWhen you are writing a Basic program it is often necessary to be able to swtich between two screens of information. This program solves that problem.
- In Sync: Effective Graphics on the TS 2068Program to create a scrolling message ticker.
- In Sync: Exploring 2068 Video ModesOne of the reasons I bought a 2068 was to use the advanced video modes described in appendix C of the BASIC manual. I was disappointed when I found it impossible to access these modes using only BASIC. After learning machine code, I was able to use the Dual Screen Mode in my BASIC programs.…
- In Sync: LinecheckLinecheck generates checksums for programs, making it easier to ensure they are typed in correctly.
- In Touch with the World #5Updates on online services, communications software and publications.
- inQLingsNew software and other news about the Sinclair QL.
- Interfacing BooksTable compares The Ins and Outs of the Timex TS1000 & ZX81, Control Things with Your Timex Sinclair and Timex/Sinclair Interfacing.
- Kids' PagePrograms written by kids for kids.
- Lable MakerLableMaker is a short program to make nice looking cassette labels.
- Least Squares Method of Curve-Fitting Point DataProgram implements an approach to fitting a set of data points to a line.
- Leave My Stuff AloneTheft hurts just as much when the stolen item Is useless to the thief as If it were jewels. What is been presented here is not intended to let you penetrate deep secrets for criminal purposes. It is for self-help when things get sticky.
- LettersUsing Wafadrive in Spectrum mode; right to life ad in #18.
- Listing: A Text and Graphics ProgramProgram that lets you create drawings and enter text on the drawings.
- Little Goodies for the 2068A collection of tips, aids, utilities from Sinc Times and Timelinez that should prove helpful in 2068 programming. Includes function reference strip for the 2068.
- Logic FamiliesThis article is a collection of data from various data books and specification sheets and is intended to provide a useful source of information when you need to choose what kind of IC to use for your project and what, if any, interface is required between the various families.
- Machine Code for the MassesIntro to writing machine code on the 1000.
- Machine Code for the Masses: Part 2The object of this series is to present you with machine language programs that can be used to enhance your Basic programs.
- Machine Code Graphics LoopThoughts on programming graphics with machine code.
- Mailing ListThe program is written entirely in BASIC language. It stores from 100 to 425 NAMES, ADDRESSES, and PHONE NUMBERS; lists all names; searches by NAME, by CITY, by ZIP code, or by PHONE number. It allows changes to entered data, or deletions of data. It allows a print out of the complete listing, or a…
- Making 2068 Back-Ups on the A&J MicrodriveTechnique for backing software from tape to A&J Microdrive.
- MasterfileMASTERFILE is a cute and powerful file program originally written for the Spectrum. This review covers Version 09, converted to run on the T/S 2068 without any type of “Spectrum emulator”.
- Matrix Inversion Using Gauss-Jordan EliminationTutorial on using Gauss-Jordan elimination method to pivot a matrix.
- Matrix/Cursor InputSuggestions for coding programs to accept input and display as a matrix, like a spreadsheet. Includes routine for entering and displaying data.
- MemocalcReview of the program as replacement for VU-CALC.
- Memotech Centronics Parallel Interface and the Seikosha GP-100A PrinterReview of the interface and printer.
- Mined-OutReview of the game, from Quicksilva.
- More BIT/SThis program is a game I call ‘SECRET NUMBER.’ The computer holds a secret number whose value is anywhere between 0 and 50. You have to guess that number by using messages as cross references. As you enter a guess (input a number) the computer gives you a clue as to the general area of…
- More Educational Games [Review]Reviews of Logic Levels, Number Tumblers, Up & Add ‘Em, Alphabet Zoo and Aegean Voyage. Ports of educational games by Fisher Price/Spinnaker.
- More Notes on VU-CalcModifications to overcome certain shortcomings in VU-Calc.
- More Programming Tips For The T/S1000UnLISTable REM lines; tape unlocker; free MC storage; extra op codes for MC programmers; T/S 1000 clock.
- More Uses for Your Timex/Sinclair 1000: Astronomy on Your ComputerThis book is a collection twenty programs dealing with amateur astronomy. The programs are quite varied, ranging from the EASTR program which calculates the date of Easter Sunday for any year, to the CONST program which randomly selects a constellation for display and gives you a chance to identify it.
- Moreland's MemoEditorial about state of the industry in late 1983.
- Moreland's MemoTips for saving memory when writing programs on the TS1000.
- Moreland's MemoDifficulties and challenges of being a Timex dealer.
- MTERM and SpectrumUse MTERM with the Spectrum ROM.
- MTERM IIPart II – Text Files. How to upload and download text files. Describes how to use Mountaineer Software’s Letteriter/Bufferiter software to transmit files.
- Music LibraryMusic Library is a data base management program that provides a convenient format for organizing your music collection. It allows you to store three lines of information (each 32 characters wide) on 100 or more items of music.
- News AnalysisAnalysis of the entirety of Timex and impact of economic factors on all elements of its business.
- News from the World of SinclairSinclair Spectrums in Egyptian classrooms; assigning pro bono attorneys in the United States District Court, Southern District of New York system, with a 64k TS1000; notes about a visit to England, where the Spectrum is very popular.
- Notes on Vucalc and the 80-Column PrinterModify the original VU-Calc program to print on an 80 column printer via Memotech Centronics interface.
- Number to WordConvert a 7 digit phone number to all possible letter/number combinations.
- Odds, Ends, Etc. #2“Startext,” an on-line service offered by the Ft. Worth Star Telegram, selling unused time on their Vax. T.S. Services newsletter addresses the “CON” in the lower left of the MTERM II screen. Memotext on tape, courtesy Fred Nachbaur, is mentioned.
- Oh! Pascal!One of the most friendly textbooks the reviewer has encountered.
- P.S.Request for articles about the 2068 from the publisher.
- Page: 8Program to instantly display information on the screen by storing screens in an array.
- Part-Way Down the Road with Partial PascalPartial Pascal from Semper Software was the subject of an earlier review. This is a follow-up which includes a book review plus other “adventures” with Partial Pascal.
- Partial Pascal [Review]Review of a Pascal editor/compiler for the 1000.
- PenetratorPenetrator is a fast action arcade-type game written for the Timex-Sinclair 2068. The game is packaged in a neatly styled box with excellent instructions.
- Pictures from the 1986 Midwest TS Computer FestPictures taken by Charles Dickson of Lanham, MD.
- Pixel Sketch and Graphics Editor (PS/GE) 2.0The Pixel Sketch and Graphics Editor, Version 2.0 (or PS/GE, for short) uses the standard video mode, the extended color video mode with eight times the standard color resolution, and the high resolution graphics video mode to draw and to print text. This versatility is very useful especially if you like lots of color or…
- Powerful Projects with Your Timex/Sinclair [Book Review]Hardware interfacing projects for the 2068 and 1000.
- Printer EPROM for generating lower case letters with true descenders on 80-column printersReplacement ROM for Gorilla Banana (Seikosha GP-100A) that gives letters like g, j and p true descending (below the baseline) appearance.
- Products from Russell Electronics [Review]Reviews of ROMFIX, GAMESMATE JOYSTICK INTERFACE. ROMFIX upgrades the Russell Electronics ROMSWITCH to run all Spectrum programs. The joystick interface is a cartridge dock board that gives your 2068 a Kempston style joystick port.
- Program BVPSolution of the Linear Boundary Value Problem.
- Program TipsTips for the TS2068 and TS1000.
- QL ReportNotes about the QL, comparison of the QL to Amiga and Atari ST computers. Games and books about the QL discussed.
- QL ReportMay is here and hopefully the QL will be too sometime soon. We have seen a lot of new products come into our offices this past month. We have the Computamate Q-Disk interface connected to our machine and are running a double-sided single drive capable of storing 700K worth of data!
- Quest for the Holy GrailIn this game you have thing you can pick up like guns, machetes, fishing nets, gold coins and other things. Since you are in the jungle and you can be killed by a savage ape, I suggest you use your gun, but you can use your own judgement.
- Quick-BalanceQuick-Balance prompts for all the information it needs from the user. About all you need to know is that to exit the outstanding checks or unposted deposits reoutines, you need only to enter ‘0’.
- READer INPUTMore controversy over anti-abortion ad in #17.
- Reader InputMethod of copying data to a second array when more storage space is needed. Technique is limited by memory; discusses how to collapse the original array.
- Reader InputConcerns about an early contributor; kudos from readers.
- Reader InputLetter about printing to Seikosha GP-100A printer; open letter to Timex Corp about TS2068 software.
- RedalertReview of the game from Softsync.
- REM Builder for TS1000Seeing Mather White’s REM-expansion routine in T-S H reminded me of a REMBUILDER routine I use with my ZX81. It allows either building a REM to any desired number of characters or adding just one byte at a time.
- Reviews by Tex: SoftaidThe Softaid tape is one cooperative effort to support relief efforts for victims of famine in Africa.
- Reviews for the Non-ProgrammerReview of SuperScreen, a machine language program that allows you to manipulate the display as ‘windows’, effectively displaying output from several programs at once.
- Reviews for the Non-ProgrammerReview of Chroma-Soft, a program and a yellow filter for the TV screen, that generates some color through flashing. Update on Word* for the ZX81.
- Reviews for the Non-ProgrammerUsing the Z-XLR8 ROM with the Hunter board.
- Reviews for the Non-ProgrammerReviews and mentions of new software and hardware.
- Reviews for the Non-Programmer (TS1000)“Zapper” (removes electrical spikes); short memory test program.
- Reviews for the Non-Programmer: Word* from SiriuswareWord processor for the 1000.
- Revising a Hunter Board to Hold 32K Bank Switchable NVRAMWith HM6264LP-I5 28 pin RAMS at less than $4 each, l have devised a not-too-difficult revision to a Hunter board which will give your ZX81/TS1000 four switchable 8K sections of write-protected NVRAM on the one board.
- ROMPAKThe Rompak cartridge can instantly load programs, such as games or utilities, into memory. The cartridge is memory mapped in the unused 8 to 16k block of memory, and it has an expansion connector out the back, so it can be used with the T/S printer or ram pack.
- Rule of 1978 - Car Loan PaymentsProgram to calculate car loan payments.
- Runge-Kutta Method for Solving First Order Ordinary Differential EquationsType-in program to solve these equations.
- Sign Designer, Banner DesignerDesign and print greeting cards, signs, and banners with your 2068 and full-size printer. The quality of Sign Designer and Banner Designer are equal that of Greeting Card Designer. Commands are identical for all three progams. With the Graphic Designer Utility (provided with each of the three programs), you can design your own graphics that…
- Simple Reset SwitchInstructions and schematic for adding a debounced reset switch.
- Simpson's RuleProgram that implements a method to determine the integral of a continuous function over an interval.
- Sinclair-Vision?Sinclair TV available as a kit via mail order.
- Smart Text TS-2068Many programs may be evaluated and either reviewed or rejected in a single session at the keyboard. This IS NOT TRUE in the case of Bill Jones’ SMART TEXT TS-2068. In fact, upon first reading the 70-page manual, my reaction was, “Egad, he has reinvented Wordstar!” Of course I jest. Nevertheless, a mere listing of…
- Software ReviewThe Home Asset Manager, The Coupon Manager, The Checkbook Manager, The Gambler, and Supermaze, all for the TS1000, reviewed.
- Software Review: British TS1000/ZX81 SoftwareReviews of Rocketman, Forty Niner and ZXtricator.
- Software Review: War in the East
- Software ReviewsReviews of Screen-Calc (Banta), Screen File (Banta), Gridlock (2-Bit Software) and Timex/Sinclair 1000 Basic Programs in Minutes.
- Solution of Quadratic EquationsFrom the book “Small User’s Math”.
- Solutions of N x N Simultaneous Linear-Equations By Gauss EliminationGauss Elimination is one of the oldest, most commonly employed, efficient, and straight forward methods of obtaining the solution of sets of simultaneous linear equations on a digital computer. This method is very easily understood and programmed.
- Some Notes on the Bank Switching SeriesCorrection to a listing in issue 11. Another bug has surfaced in the listing provided in Issue 11.
- Special Report: Mass Storage Devices For The TS 2068Brief overview of A&J Microdrive, DAMCO/Rotronics Wafadrive, Millenia K Disk Interface, Aerco FD-68 Interface.
- Special Report: Spectrum Software For The TS2068English Micro Connection (EMC) is a new company formed for the sole purpose of bringing quality products into the U.S. from England. Other companies are also importing Spectrum software. Knighted Computers is converting some software so it can run on the TS 2068 without coversion.
- Spectrum Conversion Notes: The Spectrum Expansion ConnectorConvert the 2068 expansion connector to a Spectrum connector; add pull-up resistors to the EXROM socket; Spectrum Hardware Manual by Adrian Dickens; Easy Add On Projects for Your Spectrum, ZX81 & ACE by Owen Bishop.
- Spectrum Program ReviewsBeach-Head, Dangermouse in Double Trouble, reviewed.
- Superprinter for the TS1000Lower-case letters on the TS 2040 printer.
- Surplus Keyboard Improvements for Extra Shifted KeysThe TI 99-4A keyboards, still widely available, are an ideal unit for the ZX81/TS1000 computers. Recent and not so recent articles have shown how the shifted keys on the KB-0 line cam be connected using two diodes. This method can give you four useful and often used shifted keys: EDIT, DELETE, quotation marks, and FUNCTION.
- Switchable Spectrum ROM Project for the TS 2068I recently purchased some Spectrum ROMs from Zebra Systems with the hope that I might be able to make my own “ROM-switch” circuit without having to pay the price of those that are commercially available. When I examined the TS-2068’s ROM circuitry I realized that this was an easier task than I had originally assumed.
- T-S NewsSoftaid (tape with popular Spectrum games); proceeds went to BandAid. Programs for ham radio operators (1000 and 2068). “Memonotes”, a publication for users of Memotext and Memocalc. Wafadrive Engineering Bulletin, put out by Damco Enterprises, contains updates for a number of programs for Wafadrive users.
- T-S NewsEzra Group has software for TS1000 and TS2068; “The 1985 Sinclair User Annual” published by Sinclair User; Timex Sinclair Amateur Radio Users Group published QZX.
- T-S NewsMidwest Timex-Sinclair Computerfest coming. Byte-Back still in business. AN-TO Productions carries line of plastic keyboard overlays for the TS2068, for use with Tasword and MScript. English Micro Connection carries Spectrum games. Zebra Systems selling TS1510 cartridge doc and three cartridges. Applied Sinclair: Subroutines and Programs for the Mathematically Inclined available from Richard Booth. Hacksel Electronics…
- T-S NewsZebra Systems announced that the price of the Zebra-Talker has been reduced and the software is compatible with their disk drive. Thomas Woods has developed a 32K Bank-Switched programmable memory cartridge for the 2068.
- T-S NewsProduct announcements and very short news items.
- T-S NewsSurplus hardware from Electronic Supermarket that could be used with TS1000. Two new TS hardware/software directories. Keyboards from E. Arthur Brown and Sinclair Place. Three new magazines: Sync Ware News, TS User and Busyness. Intercontroller from InterComputer. Forth from Hawg Wild.
- T-S NewsCNN reported on the Sinclair C-5. News about the Spectrum Plus, ICL QL-based One Per Desk product. Sync Artist 1.3 from Callisto Software.
- T-S NewsEight page booklet appears in December issue of Discover and other magazines. Timex Sinclair Amateur Radio Users Group and QZX newsletter. Product and catalog announcements from Hawg Wild Software, E. Arthur Brown. Hotline and newsletter from Timex. Sinclair Research announces ZX Microdrive.
- T-S NewsDan Ross resigns from Timex. Book announcements from Wayne Green Books, Softmark Associates. Software and hardware announcements from multiple vendors.
- T-S News
- T/S Help and InformationSource of paper for the ZX printer; problem with ZX81 that could be bad SCL; non-working keys on a TS1000.
- Tantalizing Games for the Timex/Sinclair 2000 SeriesReview of the book.
- Tax Exemption for Timex User GroupsDoug Dewey reports that the Triangle Sinclair User Group has gained non-profit status.
- Technical Tips for the TimexAdd a repeat key to the TS1000.
- Textwriter 1000 EnhancementsOne of the best word processors around for the ZX/TS computers is TEXTWRITER 1000 by Robert Fingerle. However, there are a few enhancements that I found which make it even easier to use.
- The BASIC HandbookReview of the book by David Lien, published by Compusoft Publishing.
- The Box TrilogyThis program will put a box outline anywhere on the screen at machine code speed. A slight modification produced a program that will doodle.
- The KruncherReview of a program for 1000/1500 and 2068 that can make program code smaller through common methods.
- The QL Report from Curry ComputerReview of QL software.
- The Sinclair ZX81Review of the book by Randle Hurley.
- The Stopper for the 16K TS1000Have you ever thought you’d like to a backup copy of a valued program but couldn’t break into it to save it? Or have you admired a feature of a programm and wanted to look at it to see how it’s done? Then this short (12 byte) program is for you.
- The WizReview of small business accounting system.
- Timex Sinclair 2068 GuidebookCassette “guidebook” to publications, hardware, software and supplies for the 2068.
- Totally Safe Machine Code for the ZX81 and TS1000Tips for writing safe machine code.
- Try TheseGraphics demo programs for the TS1000 and 2068.
- Try TheseShort programs for the 1000 and 2068.
- Try TheseEach line of text appears to scroll outwards into place from the center of the screen.
- Try TheseShort programs that demonstrate graphics and audio features of the TS1000/1500/ZX81 and TS2068.
- TS 1000 Keyboard Add-OnWire a keyboard to your TS 1000.
- TS Help and Information: Modifications to Add-on KeyboardAdd one-key shift-lock, delete and function keys to a TI keyboard converted for the 1000.
- TS NewsSinclair QL announced. Updates from vendors. Timex Sinclair User taken over by another company; new issue promised.
- TS NewsMore about the Sinclair QL. Brief mention of Memotech MTX-512. Software from JRC, Softsync, Apropos Technology.
- TS2068 Review: The Horace Saga...There are three programs in the Horace saga: Horace and the Spiders, Horace Goes Skiing and Hungry Horace. Having all three, I think they are quite entertaining.
- Unknown Tongues Alternative Computer LanguagesAlternatives to BASIC: Forth (Tree-Forth, X-Forth, ZX-Forth) and Partial PASCAL.
- User GroupsNortheast Florida T/S Users Group; Montreal Area User Club; Ocean State Timex Sinclair Group.
- User-Friendly?Using INKEY$ to make user input more friendly.
- Using the ZX81 as an Instrument ControllerReview of an article about using the ZX81 in a research lab.
- USR: User group Service ReportWelcome to the first installment of thee User Group Service Report. Our current, though tentative, plans are to run this report on a regular basis alternating every other issue with another column (possibly Sinclair World Report which would tell us of European and other foreign developments – if we can talk a certain Canadian friend…
- Winky Board 2000The WINKY BOARD 2000 from G. Russell Electronics is a small load filter board that plugs into your line between the 2068 (or ANY T/S computer) and your cassette player. It contains 2 LEDs, for indicating load levels, and the necessary components to clean up the line for better load levels.
- WORM, Part 1Word processor with variety of features.
- WORM, Part 2
- WP32 Word ProcessorWord processor with additional features.
- YS MegabasicYS Megabasic adds 35 commands to Spectrum basic, several fonts, window capability, sprites, multi-tasking, enhanced sound, named procedures, a Z80 monitor, trace function and more.
- Zebra Graphics Tablet Tech-Draw SoftwareZebraPainter, TECH-DRAW and the Zebra Graphics Tablet reviewed.
- ZX 81 News and ResourcesBug alert for Aerco CP-ZX ver 2.2 centronics interface. Review of JLO Video Upgrade Project (TMS9918A). Hardware User Report: JLO Video Upgrade Project Just what sort of peripheral is this video project? Let me begin with a sweeping analogy: the Video Upgrade Project is just like a video monitor, a disk interface, or a full-size…
- ZX 81 News and ResourcesZX81 hardware expert Bruce Taylor, of Budget Robotics & Computing, has announced the release of his book, Build a Microcomputer-Controlled Robot and Other Computer Control Projects. David Clifford has Westridge 2050 boards available along with Mini-Xmod 1.7; is working on Mini-Xmod for the 2068. Review of Aerco’s FD-ZX Floppy Disk System. British companies supporting the…
- ZX PRO/FILEReview of the database program.
- ZX81 Hardware and Software NewsShort notes on ZX81/TS1000. This issue includes brief info on Larken, COMPUSA, Aerco and Oliger 1000/2068 disk systems. Also, why Aerco CP/M was never released. Short reviews of Sinc-Artist for the 2068 and ZX HI-Res. And one user, a Kolorworks owner, mentions writing a TMS9918 toolkit for the ZX81.
- ZX81 News and ResourcesLarken Disk system for TS1000, Mini XMODEM 1.7 for ZX81 and TS 2050, Fred Nachbaur’s JOBASIC.
- ZX81 ResourcesLarken LDOS, Eprom Services Programmer, modified version of program that appeared in Compute.
Publisher: TS Horizons
T-S Horizons published a mix program listings, product reviews, programming articles, hardware projects and applications.
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