Date: July/August 1986
Volume: 2
Issue: 5
- Comments by the Editor
- Letters
Sinclair News NetworkSinclair micro update; Meet the QL Clones, Support for QL Continues; Super ZX81 Support from Scotland; Time Designs Acquires SUM; Letter from the Editor of SUM Magazine; Product/Dealer News.
- Games for the Sinclair QL: A PotpourriQL
- Cosmos: QL Software ReviewQL Software review
- T/S 1000/ZX81 External Keyboard BufferZX81 TS 1000
T/S 1000 Digital clockTS 1000 Excerpt from Highfalutin’ Computin’.
- TS 1000/1500 Program Chaining, Part TwoTS 1000 TS 1500
- Beginning Z80 Machine Code, Lesson 3TS 1000 TS 2068 Tutorial
The Mystery of the Missing 253TS 2068 Reference When Timex released its Technical Manual for the TS2068, we learned how to add memory to and switch between its three internal memory banks. This was wonderful stuff, and it’s given us many excellent TS2068 products long after the “profane world” thought that the Timex computer was dead. Still, if we think back, we may…
- Embellishing MTERM II
Ultra-Easy Designer GraphicsTS 2068 Type-in program A colorful little utility which leaves you all the fun of designing user defined graphics and little of the drudgery. It allows the user to design four UDG characters on screen at once and by the use of on-screen menus to alter, move or save them.
- Poly-Scroll
T/S V.I.P.Timex/Sinclair Video Identification Program
- Datagen
- Ski
- TASWORD Word Count Utility Modification
- MacIntosh-type Menu for the 2068TS 2068
DK'Tronics Sound SynthesizerReview.
- Software in Review: Saboteur!
- Software in Review: Colonize the Universe
- Curry Computer
- A.F.R. Software
- Foote Software
- Sharp's
- Markel Software
- A+ Computer Response
- Sunset Electronics
- Beaver Computer Products
- Knighted Computers
- English Micro Connection
- Ron Ruegg
- JRC Software
- C. W. Associates
- Lemke Software Development
- Gulf Micro Electronics
- DAMCO Enterprises
- LARKEN Electronics
- RMG Enterprises
- NovelSoft