LARKEN Electronics
RR #2, Navan, Ontario, Canada K4B-1H9
Larry Kenny
Produce high quality printing with an Epson compatible printer and LKdos. Page is kept on disk and scrolling through the page is as easy as clicking on the joystick or mouse on the icon menu.
TS 2068
Examine or change any byte on a LKdos disk. Useful in repairing damaged or glitched disks, changing the disk name or head speed, etc. You can also examine the track map and disk info headers. Documentation for the disk editor also includes information on how to access LKdos from machine code and information on the
TS 2068
Floppy disk interface, LKDOS cartridge, operating manual and LKDOS utilities disk. Can support up to four 3″ to 5.25″ single-sided, double-sided or quad density disk drives. NMI snapshot button and Kempston joystick port on the disk interface.
TS 2068
Expands the 2068 with up to 256K of nonvolatile RAM. Includes LKDOS Extended BASIC cartridge and memory board that attaches to expansion port. LKDOS uses standard BASIC commands (LOAD, CAT, SAVE, etc) to operate the RAM disk. Uses 32K (62256) CMOS RAM chips backed up with a battery; comes with 64K. Compatible with Spectrum, OS-64
TS 2068
Contains Larken DOS with 8K ROM and 8K RAM on the cartridge. Used to control Larken DSK-400 or other disk interfaces. All LKDOS or extended BASIC commands use the PRINT #4: syntax. Support for all Timex DOS commands. Extended basic commands include CIRCLE, windows, box clear and fill, channel support for devices, variations of POKE,
TS 2068
Full-featured modem software that links the modem to the disk, allowing uploads or downloads of files larger than 100K. Send NMI saves and large text files as well as Basic or code files, which other modem programs couldn’t send because of memory limitations. Also files can be sent with or without a information header (Spec-term
TS 2068
RAM-based LKDOS extension adds support for sequential data file support to BASIC commands. Lets you create, read from, or write to very large data files kept on disk. It uses the commands OPEN#, CLOSE#, PRINT#, INPUT#, and INKEY$# to access the files from BASIC. There is also a high speed search command for finding a
TS 2068
- 2068 Larken Disk Menu Maker
- 42 Track Converter for the Amdisk III and LKDOS
- A 2068 Disk Interface StandardRecommends TS 2068 users consider the Larken Extended Basic cartridge to make non-Larken systems compatible with the Larken as a standard.
- A Break Through DOS for the TS-2068MAX DOS: combining Oliger DOS and Larken DOS.
- A Challenge to ProgrammersChallenge to create disk utilities for ZX81/TS1000 that exist for TS2068 users.
- A Fist Full of LKDOS Tools
- A Fist Full of LKDOS Tools
- A LARKEN Disk Library
- A Larken TS2068 printer driver for a serial port
- A letter from Larry Kenny
- A Library of LarKen Procedures and Functions in HiSoft PASCAL for Sequential File Handling
- A Menagerie of Opinions and Some Programming TipsTips about disks and disk systems; a short program to print labels.
- A Programming Exercise
- A query from one of our members: TS2068 Larkenized Oliger System
- A Review of the Larken Disk DriveReview and comparison vs tape.
- A T/S 2068 Utility to Put Basic Programs into the Larken RAMDisk BanksIt is possible to load any of the RAMDISK banks with code which simulates a BASIC cartridge (an AROS) and to run that code as a BASIC program. This suite of programs will allow you to create your own simulated cartridges in the RAMDISK memory chips. A program running from DOCK leaves the HOME bank…
- A Tape/Disk Save Subroutine
- A tip about the Larken system and disk drives
- A TS2068/Larken Program: File Recovery
- Accessing LKDOS from Machine CodeThe DOS is easy to access from machine code using the internal jump table starting at address 120 in the cartridge. The jump table is a list of 20 or so entry points to the most often used sub-routines in the dos.
- Adapting Programs for Disk DriveTechniques for adapting ZX81/TS1000 programs to work with the Larken disk drive.
- Adding Two More DrivesAdd two more drives to a Larken system.
- An Improved Label Maker for Larken System
- An Improved Label Maker for Larken System
- An Interbank Database for the TS2068Larry Crawford has written a program which makes use of this feature to provide us with a very useful database program. The most significant feature of this database is its size. Its bank-switching capability means that a single database can expand to eight times the usual computer memory. Works with the Larken RAMdisk.
- Autostart Hint for Larken UsersHow to create an autostart block/file on a Larken disk system.
- Autostart Hints for Larken UsersHow to set up an autostart file for Larken DOS.
- Bill Pedersen's Diskspeed ProgramAdjustments to the disk speed program to make it work with Larken drives.
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Bytes
- Bits & Pieces
- Bits and Bytes
- Bob Swoger's LogiCall Provides Those Little Extras to Larken Users
- Bob's Notebook: Bank Switching Notes For A BeginnerTips for using the Larken RAMDISK.
- Bob's Notebook: Disk Management UtilitiesDisk utilities for LKDOS.
- Bob's Notebook: Font LoaderFont loader, a type-in program that loads a font from a Larken disk.
- Bob's Notebook: Larken Extended BASIC exampleDemonstration program that includes Larken Extended BASIC examples. Shows syntax and how quickly the extensions worked compared to Sinclair BASIC.
- Bob's Notebook: Larken utilitiesLarken utilities.
- Bob's Notebook: Making Graphs with Larken Extended BASICMaking Graphs with LKDOS V3.
- Bob's Notebook: Near Letter Quality PrintingRoutine to print at near letter quality on the Smith-Corona Fastext 80, an 8-pin dot matrix printer. Requires Larken Extended BASIC.
- Bob's Notebook: Odds & Ends
- Bob's Notebook: Print a Disk DirectoryProgram to print a Larken disk directory.
- Bob's Notebook: Printer ExerciserLarken utility.
- Bob's Notebook: Printing and TIMACHINETIMACHINE and Larken disk system.
- Bob's Notebook: Programming TipsHow to add your own NMI routine to Larken Extended BASIC, printer control codes for Tasword and MSCRIPT, using ROM calls instead of INKEY$ for debounced results.
- Bob's Notebook: TASWORD Two Patched (Again?)Patches to Tasword Two. Includes re-activating the 2040 printer, a word count feature and an option for saving for autostart with a Larken disk system.
- Bug Alerts & Updates
- Cassette to Larken DiskConverting cassette-based programs to work with the Larken disk system.
- Check Disk Drive Speed
- Clean Screens Please!Request for change to how users save programs to prevent cluttering screen with feedback from Larken disk command calls.
- Congratulations to Toronto Timex-Sinclair clubClub continues to support TS 2068 and Larken DOS users.
- Converting Tape Programs to Larken Disk Programs
- Correction: Other Uses for Larken RAMDisk
- Customized Catalog Command for LKDosThis is an alternative catalog command that can be added to your programs or to use when modifying an existing program for disk. It only prints the selected filenames in a single column without any other info such as disk name of disk parameters. It works very well with windows such as the ones in…
- D.O.S. for the 2068
- Data InterruptDescribes variations of Larken hardware and software.
- Datastore() and Datafetch(): Two Larken DOS Procedures for Hisoft PascalTransfer any section of RAM to a file on disk.
- DataStore() and DataFetch(): Two LarKen DOS Procedures for HiSoft PASCAL
- Did You Know ... 2068/Larken Tips
- Did You Know?Larken ROM disassembly and cartridge schematic. 0000-05BC section of ROM.
- Did You Know?Discussion of LKDOS ROM disassembly.
- Did You Know?Discussion of LKDOS ROM disassembly. 164E-1FFF section of LKDOS ROM.
- Did You Know? 2068/Larken Tips
- Did You Know... 2068/Larken tips
- Discan: A Larken Utility for the TS2068
- Disjointed Programming TipsShort descriptions of available DOSes and utilities.
- Disk Doctor
- Disk DroppingsDescribes the Larken Electronics RAMdisk for the TS 2068.
- Disk Droppings
- Disk Menu Loader
- Disk System for T/S 2068 For Under $200
- Diskdriving with a JoystickLarken disk interface and Kempston joystick both use port 31.
- Diskette Menu Program for the Timex/Sinclair 2068 (LarKen DOS Version)
- Drifting Away?THE PLOTTER was originally produced as a vehicle to dispense news to the membership of CCATS about the meeting time and date as well as to disseminate information about the new and exciting Timex/Sinclair computers. That was over 12 years ago! The purpose of the newsletter has not changed. It is still sent to members…
- Error in simple Sound PortCorrection to the schematic.
- Excerpts from Bill Harmer Guide to the Larken ZX81/TS1000 Disk SystemHints, notes and techniques for using the Larken disk system for the ZX81/TS1000.
- File Header Reader Larken TS2068
- For Your SinclairDesktop publishing software from Lemke Software Development and Charles Stelding. Z88, Spectrum +3 announcement. Notes about Second Annual Midwest Timex Sinclair Computer Fest. PC8300, products from John Mathewson, Specterm 64, Larken disk interface, Sharp’s, more.
- For Your SupportProduct announcements from G. Russell Electronics, Byte-Back, Variety Sales, Chia-Chi Chao, Larken Electronics, Sams, Fred Nachbaur, Lemke Software Development and E. Arthur Brown.
- For Your SupportProduct announcements from John Oliger Co., NovelSoft, Willcocks Research Consultants, Grey & Clifford Computer Products, Knighted Computers, G. Russell Electronics, Jim Houston Enterprises, Larken Electronics, Chia-Chi Chao, Fred Nachbaur, Robert Fischer, Bill Heberlein, Bill Bell, C. W. Associates.
- For Your SupportProduct announcements from Chia-Chi Chao, NovelSoft, Willcocks Research Consultants, Grey & Clifford Computer Products, Knighted Computers, Fred Nachbaur/Silicon Mountain Computers, Robert Fischer, Larken Electronics, Bill Bell, Thomas Woods, Jim Houston Enterprises, WIDJUP Co., David Hill.
- For Your SupportProduct announcements from Fred Nachbaur, John Oliger Co., Grey & Clifford Computer Products, Larken Electronics, Chia-Chi Chao, Robert Fischer, Bill Bell, G. Russell Electronics, EZRA Group II, RMG Enterprises, David Hill, Paul Holmgren, GLENN Technics, John Deering.
- For Your SupportAN-TO Productions is marketing QUICKEY 2068 keyboard overlays. Overlays are available for the following programs: AccuDraw T2, Artworx v1.1, Tasword/Tasprint, Mscript (regular and V5) and Omnicalc II. There is also a key finder and a blank overlay for your own programs. Bill Bell announces the availability of an Oliger Video Version of BBDOS for the…
- FREE BlocksThis routine allows you to find the number of free blocks with out displaying the catalog. It will return the number of free blocks in the BC register, so it can be accessed from basic with PRINT USR FREEBL or LET K=USR FREEBL.
- From Internet to LarKen-2068
- From Members' LettersCode to copy memory contents to Larken disk.
- From Members' Letters: Data from AERCO LKDOS System
- From the Editor's DeskThis month’s newsletter contents includes a nice review of a Jack Dohany series of utilities for working with Larken disk systems. It is nice to know that there is still more information and use being generated for this system so it is far from being dead.
- Garbage Gobbler
- Home-made 2068 LarKen Disk InterfaceInstructions for building a Larken 2068 disk interface.
- Hot Rumor: Spectrum/AERCO Disks
- How to Build a Larken Dock BoardHow to make a dock cartridge board.
- Index.B1 TS2068 Larken
- Input/OutputLetters from David Solly, Bob Swoger, Glen Goodwin, Jack Boatwright, Fred Henn, Don Oviatt, Rod Gowen
- Interbank Database, Part 2: TS-2068 and the Larken RAMdisk
- Interbank Database: TS-2068 and the Larken RAMdisk
- JLO with LKDOS Cartridge
- Label MakerDirectory label maker.
- Label Maker UpdateCorrection to Label Maker.
- Larken "Maxcomm" BBS Software
- Larken & HunterAdd a switch to the Hunter 8K memory board so it will work with the Larken DOS ROM, which occupies 12-16K region.
- Larken 2068 Disk Interface [schematic]
- Larken and the Large Printer
- LARKEN Cartridge Disk Operating SystemObservations and tips on using the LARKEN Cartridge DOS.
- LARKEN Cartridge DOSDescription and review of the LARKEN Cartridge DOS.
- Larken Cartridge Schematic
- Larken DDI Report
- Larken DDI Report/Living With a Larken
- Larken DDI Report/Living with a Larken
- Larken DDI Report/Living with a Larken
- Larken Directory (Track 0) RepairThe track directory for the Larken disk system is located on track 0. This directory stores the data that is required by the system to locate and load the chosen file. On occasion the system is prone to corrupting the directory track, thus effectively causing the loss of all programs on the disk.
- Larken Disk Copier UtilityProgram to copy Larken disks using only one drive. Copies limited to programs up to 14 blocks.
- Larken Disk Copy UtilityProgram to copy a disk on a Larken system with either one or two disk drives.
- Larken Disk DoctorThis utility will be found useful in the inspection, analysis, and correction of errors on disks used on the Larken disk drive system. This utility is designed for use with the Larken 350K per disk I/F board.
- Larken Disk DriveOne user’s experiences with an early Larken setup.
- Larken Disk Drive Information
- Larken Disk Drive OperationHow to make a boot tape for a Larken disk system.
- Larken Disk Drive review
- LarKen Disk Drive: Spectrum Emulator Compatible
- Larken Disk DrivesInstructions for setting up a Larken disk system, including providing power to the disk drive.
- Larken Disk DrivesIntroduction to disk drive systems.
- Larken Disk Editor: Review
- LarKen Disk Interface Circuit
- Larken Disk Library
- Larken Disk Library
- Larken Disk Library
- Larken Disk Library
- Larken Disk Library Notes
- Larken Disk System
- Larken Disk System Review, Part 1
- LarKen Diskette
- LarKen DSK 400 Disk Operating SystemReview of the disk interface system.
- Larken DSK 400 ReviewReview of the third generation disk interface system.
- Larken DSK400 Disk Operating System
- Larken ElectronicsOriginal designers of ZX81/TS 1000 LDOS and TS 2068 LKDOS turning attention to computer-controlled shaper/router/plotter, driven by IBM PC compatible. Software originally written in Pascal on TS 2068.
- Larken Electronics Launches Maxcomm
- Larken Electronics' LKDOS
- Larken Electronics' LKDOS
- Larken Index.B1 A Printer Fix
- Larken LinesQuestions and answers about LARKEN. Copied from the CCAT/S User Group Newsletter, The Plotter.
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Lines
- Larken Load/Save RoutinesMachine code utility for loading and saving tracks on the original Larken system.
- Larken LockAdd a lock code to Larken disks.
- Larken Maxcom
- Larken NewsLarry branching out to CAD-CAM drilling/routing machines.
- Larken NMI-F Autorestart Menu
- Larken Notes
- Larken Ramdisk
- LARKEN RAMdisk (Bug Alert)Some LARKEN RAMdisk boards may have a diode reversed.
- Larken RAMdisk at the Space Center
- Larken RAMdisk for the TS 2068I have found that for persons with two drives, the RAMdisk maximizes use of the second drive. And it reduces the number of keystrokes required to operate the Larken system.
- Larken RAMdisk for the TS 2068
- Larken Repair ProgramSuggestions for improving a disk repair program printed in an earlier issue.
- Larken Screen Dump
- LARKEN Sequential/Random Files Utility
- Larken System Disk Drive Menu Loader
- Larken TipRecovering from error with diskettes.
- Larken TipRecommendation for LKDOS users to subscribe to SINC LINK.
- Larken Tip
- Larken TipsThree tips for dealing with quirks in the Larken disk system.
- LARKEN TS1000 Disk Drive InterfaceDisk interface with built-in DOS for ZX81/TS 1000 computers. User supplied power supply and compatible disk drive.
- Larken User NotesTips for using the Larken disk system.
- Larken UtilitiesLists and describes utilities members of the Toronto Timex Sinclair User’s Club wrote for the Larken disk system.
- Larken ZX-81 Disk Interface
- Larken: A Tip on Disk Drives
- Larken: Cracking Spectrum Programs
- LDOS Version 3One can upgrade to version 3 by ordering a new EPROM for LKDOS. It provides a raft of great improvements.
- Letter about Larken LK-DOSUser describes his system.
- Letter from Robert Shade
- Letter from Steve Gunhouse
- Listing for Disk Menu Maker
- LKDOS "Didja Knows"
- LKDOS Disassembly11FF-164C section of LKDOS ROM.
- LKDOS Disassembly05BD-0BBF section of LKDOS ROM.
- LKDOS Disk Utility Double to Quad
- LKDOS Machine Language CALLs Explained
- LKDOS Off Switch (For MAX DOS Operation)Add an off switch to resolve conflicts with Oliger NMI functions.
- LKDOS Tools by the Half Dozen
- LKDOS Version 3 EPROM: Highlights and First Impressions
- LKDOS vs JLO SAFEComparison of the two disk operating systems.
- Locked Out? How to Recover!How to recover when saving to a non-existent disk with Larken and Oliger systems.
- Locked Out? How to Recover!
- LogiCall v4.3Description and listing of the program.
- Machine Specifics: OrphansLarken Electronics redesigned disk controller for 2068.
- Make the Tasman 'B' Centronics Printer Interface Work with the Larken DS400Changes to make Tasman B and C printer interfaces work better with Larken disk system.
- Make the Tasman 'B' CPI Work With the LarKen DS-400
- Make the Tasman 'B' CPI Work With the Larken DS-400
- Mass Storage for the TS-1000 Has Arrived!Overview of load utilities and mass storage systems including ZXLR8 Fasload, Winky Board, A & J Microdrive, and Aerco and Larken disk systems.
- Mastering "Merge" (LKDOS)
- MAX DOS: A Study of DUAL DOS in the TS-2068For several weeks UPDATE has been testing two simultaneous disk operating systems in the TS-2068: the Oliger SAFE DOS and the Larken DOS. The hardware hook-up is the full “two board” Oliger system and the Larken LKDOS cartridge in the dock port. Extensive operation with the combination has revealed an almost complete compatibility between the…
- Maxcom TS2068 BBS system for LKDOSBBS software available from RMG. Larry Kenny working on desktop publishing system and is PC-based marketing plotter, engraver, router/miller.
- Meet News, club notesDiscusses attempt to duplicate Bill Jones’ Max-Dos.
- Mike's Notebook: LOADERProgram uses the SCREEN$ function to facilitate loading software from a Larken disk system.
- Mike's Notebook: LOADERRead the output of CAT via SCREEN$ and load programs.
- Modifying ARTIST II for the Larken Disk System
- Modifying the 2068 Larken Disk Title
- More INPUT on AUTOSTART and other Larken Thoughts
- Move Catalog to Upper Ram
- Mscript Version 5.3 for Larken DOSReview
- MSDOS to Larken and MSCRIPT
- MTERM II: Modification for the LARKEN DD SystemModifications to make MTERM work well with the Larken system.
- NEC FD1035 Disk Drive Review
- New and Upcoming in 1987Details about upcoming 2nd Annual Mid-West Timex Sinclair Computerfest; Larken developing RAMdisk for 2068; Thomas B. Woods will be offering RAM board in kit form that operates in the cartridge slot of the 2068. User-expandable from 8K to 120K; TS telecommunications, Sinclair QL; Zebra/Timex Disk support group; new programs and hardware.
- New, News, Views and Reviews
- New, News, Views and Reviews
- New, News, Views and Reviews
- News from the Northwest
- News ItemsUpdate! magazine renewal time; Welcome our new treasurer, Abed Kahale; Hard disks for Sinclair?; EPROMS for the TS2068; Dohany EPROMS for Larken.
- News, New Views and ReviewsSNUG is gearing up. CapitalFest coming up. MAXCOM, from Larken, for 2068. Ray Byler provided a TS2068/Spectrum ROM call listing, both alphabetical and by address for each machine. Will be printed in future issue.
- News, New, Views and ReviewsAnnouncements about newsletters, MAXCOM from Larken.
- News, New, Views and Reviews
- October News Roundup
- Oliger proposes Detente with LarkenBob Swoger’s LogiCall description and discussion of features. Oliger for LKDOS, allowing compatibility of Oliger/LarKen systems.
- Other Uses for the T/S 2068 Larken RAMDiskThe LARKEN RAMDISK banks are all mapped into the DOCK bank of the 2068 even though the board is plugged into the back expansion slot. Consequently, it is possible to load any of the RAMDISK banks with data for a database or spreadsheet. This means that up to 256K more information can be handled and…
- Other Uses for the T/S 2068 Larken RAMdisk
- Pages missing from Larken ROM Disassembly
- Partial Review of Maxcom
- Pascal Disk Handler for the LarkenConverting HiSoft Pascal to work with the Larken disk system.
- Pascal Disk Handler for the LARKEN Disk Operating System
- Pascal Disk Handler for the Larken Disk Operating SystemAccess to the Larken disk system from within HiSoft Pascal.
- Power Supply for the LARKENBrief discussion of building a linear power supply for the Larken disk drive.
- President's AddressNotes about low attendance at summer meetings; author’s experience setting up a Larken disk system.
- Product NewsOliger 2068 floppy disk interface available; Larken drive controller with Spectrum ROM; uncased 2050 modems; Tech Draw Jr, Spectrum Emulator cartridge, Zebra Talker from Zebra; Amdek plotter; Jack Dohany’s shareware announcement.
- Program Printout: Disc Catalog
- Programming the TS2068: Opening Larken Files
- Programming Tips
- Programming tips... LARKEN System
- Psi Chess and the Larken
- Quick Directory Sorter
- RAMDISK for Phillip
- RAMDisk to Disk Backup
- RAMDisk to Disk Backup: A Larken 2068 Utility
- Redwood GoodiesLarken DOS programs from Jack Dohany.
- RenameUtility for Larken DOS to rename a program on disk.
- Repair - A Larken UtilityCorrections to a program used to reconstruct a Larken disk directory.
- REPAIR: A Larken Disk Repair UtilityTool to reconstruct programs on disks where the directory has become corrupted.
- Resurrecting a Crashed Directory on the ZX81 LarkenTechnique for manually recovering a crashed directory.
- Saving SCREEN$ of LARKENShort routine to save a SCREEN$ file while avoiding the Larken DOS cursor.
- Scrabble and the LARKEN SystemPatch to make the program work with the Larken disk system.
- Service Corner
- Setting up LKDOS User-Defined Commands
- Seven-Bit ASCII Text Filter for the TS-2068 with LarKen disk I/O
- Simple Sound PortAdd a simple sound port to the rear of a Larken disk interface.
- SNODGITS and the Larken System
- Stepping Rate FixProgram to adjust stepping rate on LarKen systems; allows for reading/writing disks from other LarKen users.
- Stepping Rate FixProgram to assist in fixing stepping rates on Larken systems.
- Stepping Rate Fix
- Stepping Rate Fix
- SuppliersUpdates on Larken Electronics, RMG, Update Magazine, EMSoft, John McMichael, Byte Power.
- System 15000 on the Larken Disk System
- TASWORD and the Larken Printer DriverPatch for Tasword.
- Tech Draw and the Larken
- Technician Ted and the Larken
- The Amdek Amdisk III and the Larken LKDOS System
- The Changing Complexion of Timex-Sinclair Computing Seen at the Orlando 1988 Winter FestThis issue of Up-Date was delayed a week to report upon the Orlando 1988 Winter Fest. Representing the Western USA was Tim and Stephanie Woods (Time Designs Magazine), and the Central USA was represented by the staff of SyncWare News and attendees from the Michigan user group.
- The Larken Disk SectionThis section in UP-DATE is devoted to providing information about the Larken Disk System(s) in the same manner as we provide the section titled “Computing with SDOS, by John Oliger.”
- The MAX DOS SagaSome are having problems with conflicts. LKDOS users should use RANDOMIZE USR 100 instead of PRINT #4, which conflicts with Oliger DOS.
- The Programming CornerQuestions about Larken disk system; programming in machine code; recovering from data loss.
- The Tasman 'B' CPIMake it work with the Larken DS-400.
- The Ultimate AutostartAutostart menu construction for Larken users.
- The Ultimate AUTOSTART
- Timex TidbitsOur Timex brethren in Milwaukee are producing Digitizers for the TS-2068. The cost of a completely assembled and tested unit with postage is $52.95 while the bare board alone costs $22.95! These prices include the software. For more information write to SMUG, Р.O.Вох 101, Butler, Wisconsin 53007. RMG Enterprises have expanded their Timex/Sinclair inventory by…
- Timex Tidbits
- Timex Tidbits
- Timex Tidbits
- Transferring MSDOS files to the TS2068Utility to move MSDOS text files to Larken LKDOS.
- Transferring MSDOS Files to the TS2068Techniques and program for loading files from an MS DOS disk using a Larken disk system.
- Trivial Pursuit: Converting to Larken Disk Operation
- TS 2068 - Copying a Screen$ to the TS-2040 Printer Using the Larken User-defined NMI/F-key Option
- TS-2068 ActivitiesThere are now three predominent disk systems for the TS-2068. Their order of usage is: LKDOS, Oliger SAFE DOS, TOS, and Aerco FD-68. TOS DISK users hang in there with determination but receive little support. User activities during 1989 has been away from the Aerco FD-68, mostly toward LKDOS. Quite a number of FD-68 users…
- TS-2068 VARS Save and Re-LoadProgram find and save VARS for Larken DOS or cassette.
- TS2068-Larken NMI-F Key: Another Application
- TS2068-Larken Tidbit
- TTSUC LarKen Disk Library
- Utilities "INIT" and "Cclear Code"The “INIT” utilities for the three Disk Operating Systems are slightly different. Each listing may be used to pick up another little twist for another DOS.
- Utility to Print Out the Catalog of a Larken Disk
- Utility to Print Out the Catalog of a Larken Disk
- Vera Cruz on the Larken Disk SystemPort the program to a Larken system.
- ZX ResourcesLarken disk system; Eprom Services Programmer, MODified Shapes for T/S.
- ZX81 Hardware and Software NewsShort notes on ZX81/TS1000. This issue includes brief info on Larken, COMPUSA, Aerco and Oliger 1000/2068 disk systems. Also, why Aerco CP/M was never released. Short reviews of Sinc-Artist for the 2068 and ZX HI-Res. And one user, a Kolorworks owner, mentions writing a TMS9918 toolkit for the ZX81.
- ZX81 Larken I/F CasedDiagram for building a case to enclose the Larken ZX81 disk interface.
- ZX81 News & ResourcesAERCO and Larken disk systems for ZX81/TS 1000 available. Reports on difficulties with Mini XMOD. Silicon Mountain Computer products discussed.
- ZX81 News and ResourcesLarken Disk system for TS1000, Mini XMODEM 1.7 for ZX81 and TS 2050, Fred Nachbaur’s JOBASIC.
- ZX81 ResourcesLarken LDOS, Eprom Services Programmer, modified version of program that appeared in Compute.
- ZX81-LARKEN TipNote from a user about fix to disk copy program.
- Adding the Larken RAMDisk to an Existing LKDOS System
- Larken Disk Drive manual
- Larken Disk Drive manual - 2
- Larken Disk Drive manual versions L3 and L3F
- Larken Disk Interface Schematic
- Larken Maxcom instructions
- Letter from Les Cottrell to Bob Swoger with Larken disk interface schematics
- RAMDisk Backup & Restore Utility
- RMG Update News for April 1991
- RMG Update News for March 1991
- RMG Update News for March 1991
- Sequential Random Access File Utility
- Unofficial Technical Manual for the ZX-81 LDOS Disk Controller
- Sinc-Link v7 n3
- Sinc-Link v7 n5
- Sinc-Link v7 n6
- Sinc-Link v8 n2
- SUM v3 n11
- SUM v3 n12
- SUM v4 n5
- SUM v4 n6
- SyncWare News v3 n5
- SyncWare News v5 n5
- SyncWare News v5 n6
- T-S Horizons n18
- T-S Horizons n19
- Time Designs Magazine v2 n3
- Time Designs Magazine v2 n5
- Time Designs Magazine v3 n2
- Time Designs Magazine v3 n3
- Time Designs Magazine v3 n4
- Time Designs Magazine v3 n6
- Time Designs Magazine v4 n2
- Time Designs Magazine v4 n3
- Time Designs Magazine v4 n4
- Time Designs Magazine v4 n5
- Update April 1988
- Update April 1989
- Update January 1990
- Update July 1989
- Update July 1990
- Update October 1989
- Update October 1990
- Update October 1993
- ZXir QLive Alive! v2 n2
- ZXir QLive Alive! v2 n3
- ZXir QLive Alive! v2 n4
- ZXir QLive Alive! v3 n1