LARKEN Electronics

RR #2, Navan, Ontario, Canada K4B-1H9
Owner(s): Larry Kenny


Produce high quality printing with an Epson compatible printer and LKdos. Page is kept on disk and scrolling through the page is as easy as clicking on the joystick or mouse on the icon menu.
TS 2068
Examine or change any byte on a LKdos disk. Useful in repairing damaged or glitched disks, changing the disk name or head speed, etc. You can also examine the track map and disk info headers. Documentation for the disk editor also includes information on how to access LKdos from machine code and information on the
TS 2068
Floppy disk interface, LKDOS cartridge, operating manual and LKDOS utilities disk. Can support up to four 3″ to 5.25″ single-sided, double-sided or quad density disk drives. NMI snapshot button and Kempston joystick port on the disk interface.
TS 2068
Expands the 2068 with up to 256K of nonvolatile RAM. Includes LKDOS Extended BASIC cartridge and memory board that attaches to expansion port. LKDOS uses standard BASIC commands (LOAD, CAT, SAVE, etc) to operate the RAM disk. Uses 32K (62256) CMOS RAM chips backed up with a battery; comes with 64K. Compatible with Spectrum, OS-64
TS 2068
Floppy disk interface for ZX81/TS1000.
TS 1000
Contains Larken DOS with 8K ROM and 8K RAM on the cartridge. Used to control Larken DSK-400 or other disk interfaces. All LKDOS or extended BASIC commands use the PRINT #4: syntax. Support for all Timex DOS commands. Extended basic commands include CIRCLE, windows, box clear and fill, channel support for devices, variations of POKE,
TS 2068
Full-featured modem software that links the modem to the disk, allowing uploads or downloads of files larger than 100K. Send NMI saves and large text files as well as Basic or code files, which other modem programs couldn’t send because of memory limitations. Also files can be sent with or without a information header (Spec-term
TS 2068
RAM-based LKDOS extension adds support for sequential data file support to BASIC commands. Lets you create, read from, or write to very large data files kept on disk. It uses the commands OPEN#, CLOSE#, PRINT#, INPUT#, and INKEY$# to access the files from BASIC. There is also a high speed search command for finding a
TS 2068




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