6 Turning Mill Road, Lexington, MA 02173
David Wood
Founded by a member of the Sinclair/Timex User Group of the Boston Computer Society.
Utilities for the COMPUSA floppy disk system for the TS 1000. Read/write to/from any memory address Read/write multiple track data files Read fractional tracks Automatic disk-to-disk copy Recover deleted tracks List directory of physical tracks
TS 1000
Extremely fast, full-screen word processor that uses less than 4K of RAM. Full featured, including copy, move, replace, global string search/replace. Prints to full-size printers, in upper/lower case and up to 255 characters per line.
TS 1000
Highlights from the December MeetingTS 2000 Mike Levy demonstrated Mindware’s “Quickload” feature. Tim Hartnell, head of the National ZX User Club in the UK, attended. Henry April displayed the production version of the keyboard he designed and is marketing through his company E-Z Key. Dave Wood described the software products he has developed and is selling through his company SiriusWare. Dan…
New Product News, Old Product OffersTS 1000 TS 2068 Updates on products from Budget Robotics and Computing, ROMPAK, Hunter, Oliger, Compusa, Softmark, W. T. Associates, Markel Software, D. Lipinski, Siriusware and Ace Software.
Reviews for the Non-Programmer: Word* from SiriuswareTS 1000 Software review Word processor for the 1000.
Star PerformerTS 1000 Software review Review of WORD*, a word processor for the TS 1000/ZX81.
Computer Media
- Computer Trader Magazine Oct 1984
- Computers & Electronics (v21 n6)
- Computers & Electronics (v21 n7)
- Computers & Electronics (v22 n1)
- Computers & Electronics (v22 n2)
- Computers & Electronics (v22 n3)
- Sinclair Timex User Group Newsletter v2 n10
- Sinclair Timex User Group Newsletter v2 n12
- Sinclair Timex User Group Newsletter v2 n5
- Sinclair Timex User Group Newsletter v2 n6
- Sinclair Timex User Group Newsletter v2 n8
- Sinclair Timex User Group Newsletter v2 n9
- SUM v3 n12
- SYNC v2 n6
- SYNC v3 n1
- SYNC v3 n2
- SYNC v3 n3
- SYNC v3 n4
- SYNC v3 n5
- SYNC v3 n6
- SYNC v4 n1
- SYNC v4 n2
- SyncWare News v2 n3
- Syntax/Syntax ZX80 v3 n9
- Time Designs Magazine v2 n2