ROM Memory Expansion

The โ€œoperating systemโ€ of the ZX80, ZX81 and TS 1000 computers was contained in a special read-only memory (ROM) chip inside the computer. In all three, that chip was often in a socket, which made it easy to replace with another ROM.

Hardware that attached to the expansion port also supported ROMs, giving users a lot of opportunity to expand their systems.

For TS 2068 users, the cartridge slot allowed for ROM images to be delivered as cartridges.

Vaporware announced as coming soon in the Sync v3 n1 advertisement.
TS 1000
Edited version of the 2068 EXROM, likely to correct some issues with the original EXROM.
Downloadable TS 2068
24K program has many built-in features (including tri-base arithmetic) and printer drivers. Available on tape ($9.95) or EPROM ($39.95)
Downloadable TS 2068
Untested EPROM. There is a one byte difference at 6Dh in the NMI routine. The original Spectrum ROM has 20h at this location; this ROM has 28h.
Downloadable TS 2068
Map its 2716 EPROMs anywhere in the 64K memory. Board is intended to be used as a “cartridge” for storing Sinclair programs on EPROM. It can be used to store machine code tools in the 8-16K block.
TS 1000
Board is capable of mapping either of its 2764 EPROMs anywhere in the 64K map in 8K blocks. Board is intended to be used as a “cartridge” for storing Sinclair programs on EPROM. It can be used to store machine code tools in the 8-16K block.
TS 1000
Works with EPROM-READ card. 2716 EPROM operating in 8192-10239 part of memory-map. Programmed with Breakout, Life, and Toolkit (renumber, including GOTO and GOSUB; READ, DATA, RESTORE; BLOCK-FILL, of screen; block delete, part of program; size, of program; free memory and others).
TS 1000
16 utilities that are relocatable to wherever you can execute machine code, on EPROM. Tape version available from Tom Woods.
TS 1000
All features of 6502 Software Emulator plus graphic display of 6502 hardware status.
TS 1000
Learn 6502 machine language on your computer. Develop 6502 programs.
TS 1000
Upgrade ZX-80 compatible 4K ROM to ZX-81 compatible 8K ROM. The MicroAce scrambled several data lines, so it requires an equally scrambled ROM.
The new BASIC allows the use of floating point arithmetic to nine digit accuracy, and contains log and trig functions with inverses. This ROM facilitates improved graphics, and contains 37 new functions including DRAW, DATA, ARCSIN, VAL, and SCROLL. The plug-in conversion includes a new keyboard template and a supplementary manual.
Allows up to 8K of EPROM or RAM in 2K blocks to be added in the 8-16K ZX81 memory map. Supplied with EPROM I which contains 40 toolkit type routines, including scroll up/down/left/right, free memory, renumber program length.
TS 1000
EPROM (2716) used with the CAI/O board. Converts Sinclair code to ASCII code, allowing the TS1000 to communicate with other computers and serial devices. Supports BAUD rates of 110 to 9600.
TS 1000
Code and edit a source program in the Z80 language and assemble it into machine code. Editor mode allows you to code directly in the right format, manipulate individual lines and control the exact placing of source and machine code. Routines may be merged or listed. Assembler mode handles all standard Z80 mnemonics, numbers in
TS 1000
Plug-in replacement ROM for Sinclair Basic. Redefines hardware and transforms it into an assembly language programming unit. ROM appears at 3000h-4000h. Offers: According to Chris Johnson, the developer, โ€œWe had a lot of TS1000 customers for ASZMIC, since it was mentioned in Sol Libes’ column in Byte magazine.โ€œ The name is an abbreviation of โ€Assembler
Downloadable TS 1000
ROM holding 3 character sets. Upper/lower case, graphics and math/electronics. Supports custom, user-defined character set.
TS 1000
EPROM to correct bugs in the 2068 ROM.
TS 2068
Service to store BASIC or machine language programs in EPROMs. For use with Professional Electronics’ printer interface board.
TS 1000
Ray Kingsley’s fixes to the Timex EXROM, available as a 2764 EPROM.
TS 2068
2716/2732 EPROM compatible.
TS 1000
DROM stands for Development Read Only Memory. This module can have up to 8K of RAM, via plug-on 2K RAM chips. The memory is backed by rechargeable battery for non-volatile storage of programs and data. Behaves as normal read/write RAM when the computer is in use. Individual 2K blocks can be protected against overwriting. DROM
TS 1000
Board containing ‘SCOPE‘ and ‘FFT‘ programs on four 2716 EPROMs in 8-16K memory space, on the Hunter board.
TS 1000
Kit includes all parts necessary to build a plug in cartridge that will accept 2716, 2732, or 2764 EPROMs. Board may be memory mapped in 4K or 8K increments anywhere from 0-16K. Board accepts one EPROM and the memory mapping is jumper selectable.
TS 1000
Uncased board holds one 2716, 2732 or 2764, mapped 0-16K. Jumper selectable. Kit includes board, decoder chip, 28 pin socket, edge connector, tailpiece, small parts, and instructions.
TS 1000
Store programs in EPROM. Module holds four 2716 EPROMs for 8K of ROM in 8K-16K region.
TS 1000
Supports two 4K 2732 EPROMs in the 8-16K slot. Housed in slim plastic case with ribbon connector and expansion port making it compatible with RAM packs, printers, etc. Uses zero insertion force sockets for programs that load in seconds instead of minutes.
TS 1000
Accepts 2K 2716 and 2516 EPROMS. Operates in the 8192-10239 section of the memory map. Fits between the computer and RAM pack. With modification, it is compatible with certain other types of RAM.
TS 1000
Fast Fourier Transform on EPROM in 4K of Z80 code. 256 points of magnitude and phase data calculated in one second. Can be used as a subroutine with the ‘SCOPE‘ to display frequencies up to 75khz.
TS 1000
Debugged/improved LPRINT, CLS, SCROLL, DIM and more. Full display file, SCROLL/CLS work properly, LPRINT small numbers (.0001), DIM very large single strings (DIM A$(47000)) in 64K and a few other changes incorporated. For the 16K TS1000, TS1500 or ZX81.
ZX81 TS 1000 TS 1500
Spreadsheet analysis to assist with reports and financial forecasts. Performs complex number crunching routines with ease. Tables up to 7000 numbers, 250 rows or 99 columns with 64K. Calculate command reevaluates and displays the information.
TS 1000
Brings commercial standards of text editing to the Sinclair. Text is arranged in 32 character lines for the screen with comprehensive editing facilities. On output, the user chooses the line length required for printing and the system does the rest. When used with the Memopak Centronics interface, the word processor can print 80 character lines,
TS 1000
OS-64 is a ROM that supports the Timex/Sinclair’s 64-column mode. It is fully compatible with 32 column commands and functions. The original Zebra manual is available on OS-64 is supplied on cartridge. Insert in the TS2068’s cartridge slot (with the power turned off), then turn your computer on. The boot screen will be black
Downloadable TS 2068
Custom adaptation of the Timex/Sinclair 1000 ROM for the Lambda 8300 computer. Adapted by Fred Nachbaur, the replacement EPROM came in a 2764, a 28-pin device (several additional pins were necessary for programming EPROMs). The PC8300 ROM was a 24-pin 8K ROM. In order to fit the replacement EPROM to the PC8300, several pins were
Pluri-Forth is both an operating system and a programming language, replacing the Sinclair ROM entirely. FORTH programs were compiled and ran about 10 times faster than interpreter BASIC. Pluri-Forth offered multitasking, a feature not available in Basic. When used with the Sinclair ROM, the channel 2/3 switch is wired to the Pluri-Forth board to select
Downloadable TS 1000
Allows you to put your favorite ROM version (JM , JS, JSU, MGUS, MGUK , etc.) on an EPROM. This will lower power consumption by the QL by about 20% & drop the internal heat by close to 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
Modular interface that maps a ROM to several locations in memory.
ZX81 TS 1000
Automatically sets system RAMTOP, up to 64K, automatically boots AERCO DISC system on reset.
TS 1000
Store useful routines and commonly used information in EPROM. Accepts either 2716 or 2732 EPROMs to allow up to 8K of memory in 2K byte increments. Separate 2K and 4K decoding is link selectable. Mapped to the 8-16K area in the TS 1000 memory map.
TS 1000
EPROM is contained in the ASCII firmware. When used with the CAI/O board, allows the user to communicate with other computers and with serial devices such as printers and teletypes. Supports BAUD rates of 110 to 9600.
TS 1000
Solid state cartridges that plug directly onto the Softbox (up to 4 at a time) or onto the back of the computer (1 at a time). With control cartridges, you can perform different automatic functions. Cartridges eliminate waiting for cassette-based programs to load.
TS 1000
On EPROM, bug corrected with additional character set.
TS 2068
TS 2068
ROM for ROMport.
Built-in printer interface, EPROM burner and autostart ROM.
TS 1000
Uses up to four 2K EPROMs. Address space after on-board ROM. Allows calling TOOLKIT-held routines with USR function. Several TOOLKIT modules can be used under MINIMAP. A module in the BASICare Modular Expansion System.
TS 1000
Cartridge adapter for the TS 1000 and TS 1500 computers. Includes reset switch. Loaded Timex Command Cartridges instantly on the TS 1500 and with a USR call on the TS 1000. Four cartridges were listed in the Timex 1983 Winter Catalog.
TS 1000 TS 1500
This board allows many 28-pin EPROMs, EEPROMs and mask ROMs to be used in the cartridge slot of the Timex Sinclair 2068 computer. The installed memory may be mapped into any or all of the 8k banks of the dock space. Write access is supported for EEPROM memories. You can learn more about this board
TS 2068
Use your 4K or 8K software at the flick of a switch. Optional add-ons include keyboard beeper and cassette load processor.
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