Timex Sinclair User

Cover of the first issue.

Published by ECC Publications, who also published Sinclair User, the UK version, Timex Sinclair User was headquartered in Buffalo, NY. The print run on the first issue of the magazine was 100,000 copies.

The American magazine has a separate editorial and advertising staff but members of the British Sinclair User team came to the U.S. to coordinate the launch. They included John Sterlicchi, who acted as editor-in-chief, and John Ross, advertisement manager of Sinclair User.

Only seven issues of Timex Sinclair User were published before Timex left the market. In December 1983, Syntax magazine reported that:

”Organization of ECC’s North American magazine will be restructured, according to observers close to the scene, but no decision has been taken to stop printing. Changes will delay issue 8, for which ECC apologizes.“

In just seven issues, they published a nearly 250 articles, reviews, programs and projects for Timex/Sinclair 1000 and 2068 owners.

The magazine shared some staff with Gladstone Electronics, whose American office was just a few miles away on Kenmore Avenue. They also shared an address with Prism Microproducts.


After the American office of Timex Sinclair User ceased publishing the magazine, it was sold to James Povec in Camden, Maine, who intended to bring it back. In an open letter to subscribers, reprinted in the April 1984 issue of The Plotter, Mr. Povec promised that the ”April issue will be on press shortly.“

Timex Sinclair Shopper, published by the same group, was ”created to serve the needs of the Timex Sinclair computer owner and the vendors committed to that market. With the departure of Timex Corp. from the computer market, there is a greater need for information and support than ever before.“

Timex Sinclair Shopper contained an advertisement for Timex Sinclair News. It promised to keep readers ”informed of events at Timex here in the U.S., and bring .. news of Sinclair in the U.K.“

Behind the scenes, there was some confusion about Timex Sinclair User and TS User. The new owner of Timex Sinclair User changed the name to Timex Sinclair News and TS User ceased publication immediately after.

A month later, Povec threw in the towel and announced that subscribers to Timex Sinclair News would receive issues of K-Power.

Syntax magazine announced its purchase of Timex Sinclair News in its July 1984 issue.


Timex Sinclair User shared a number of staff with its parent publication, including Richard Hease (chairman), Terry Cartwright (president), John Sterlicchi (editorial director) and more.

Though headquartered in Buffalo, NY, much of the local staff were Canadian, including:

  • Joseph Gladstone, managing editor
  • Vladyana Krykorka, art director
  • Bill Gladstone, production editor
  • Andres Hannach, Don Kletke and Gwen Egan, art assistants
  • Robert Fraser, Igor Nowikow and Tom Perrone, technical advisors

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