Timex/Sinclair users insisted on using their computers for “real” tasks, including word processing within the limitation of a 32 column display.
80-column word processor, compatible with AERCO printer interface and EPSON printers.
TS 2068
TS 1000
Lowercase on screen, full cursor movement. Prints 64 characters per line sideways on 2040 printer in upper and lower case. Also supports 80 column printers.
Downloadable TS 1000
Software to make better use of your Westridge 2050 modem and MTERM II terminal software with the TS2068. Letteriter is a 32-column Word Processor for the TS2068 computer and a TS2040 printer. With Letteriter you can write, edit, and save screens of information to print with your TS2040. Bufferiter interfaces with MTERM II and allows
TS 2068
Word processors. ZTEXT is upper-case only; LTEXT is upper and lower-case; lower-case is indicated with inverse characters. 16K.
TS 1000
Word processor. Features tab, delete and justification of margins. Insert or delete lines, blocks of text, or entire paragraphs. Move text sections as large as a whole block of text or as small as one word. Built-in lexicon/macro can remember a graphic letter head, standard salutations or closings, addresses, etc. 16-64K..
TS 1000
Brings commercial standards of text editing to the Sinclair. Text is arranged in 32 character lines for the screen with comprehensive editing facilities. On output, the user chooses the line length required for printing and the system does the rest. When used with the Memopak Centronics interface, the word processor can print 80 character lines,
TS 1000
Includes Powell Hargrave’s Super Data Save (SDS) relocated and incorporated for fast load and saves of text. Help screens and a return to BASIC are also included. Requires memory in the 8-16 K block and the Memotech parallel interface.
TS 1000
Machine language word processor developed exclusively for the Timex 2068 by Micro Systems Software, Inc., the authors of MTERM II (Smart Terminal II). It is the only popular word processor that takes advantage of the Timex 2068 64 column extended screen mode for a 64×22 text display. Other features include full control of text width
Downloadable TS 2068
Extremely fast, full-screen word processor that uses less than 4K of RAM. Full featured, including copy, move, replace, global string search/replace. Prints to full-size printers, in upper/lower case and up to 255 characters per line.
TS 1000
Word processing for TS 2068/TS 2040 printer owners. Offers four type fonts and provides 20 selections from the main menu. 16 page user’s manual.
TS 2068
Word processing program on dock cartridge. 1/4″ high headlines, figures in text, full screen editor, extra character sets, printer format control, banners and more. This is an AROS cartridge; it contains a BASIC program converted to run from the cartridge. The Clackamas County Area T/S Users Group used this program to produce their newsletter for
Downloadable TS 2068
Three integrated software programs that do most all administrative functions: word processing, data files management, mailing list, form letters, mailing labels, repeat printing, auto letterheads. Also available in OS-64 and SDOS versions.
TS 2068
Word processor/database/interactive office utility program. It will work with the JLO video upgrade and an assortment of printer interfaces.
Downloadable TS 1000
Text editor. User defined file size; over 11,000 characters for text on 16K; edit, move, and delete text. Tabs for text alignment; continuously updated text display; comprehensive documentation. 16-64K.
TS 1000
Hold five 300-line documents (96,000 characters). For AERCO 256k four-drive mod only.
TS 2068
Convert a TASWORD (word processor) file to the Pixel Print Desktop Publisher File. This gives the user the choice of creating a text file while in the Desktop Publisher program, or by using the TASWORD word processor program.
TS 2068
Program for easy text editing, storage and display. Includes “Prodir”, a programmed directory to organize your programs and ease loading.
Edit and save pages of letters, address books, etc. with Text. Recall pages without splitting words at the end of a line. Text can be used with your printer. PRODIR is a programmed directory to organize your programs and ease loading. 16K.
TS 1000
Screen editor: lets you handle all 128 characters plus ability to rearrange paragraphs. sentences, etc. Text formatter: left and right margin adjust, automatic paragraph indentation, adjustable line length. 32 single keystroke commands.
TS 1000
Editor written in BASIC. Printed as a type-in program in T-S Horizons n13. Written to support TS 2040 printer.
Downloadable TS 2068
Word processor with adjustable number of characters per line. Can split print out to left and right sides to permit 64 columns via TS 2040 printer.
TS 1000
Three programs: Book, List, A-Z. Book: Edit-Tab/Transfer/Review/Print/Save, 20 pages. List: Edit/Save/ Search/Review, 2500 items. A-Z: Alpha-numeric sort with save. 16K.
TS 1000
TS 1000
Word processor. Capabilities include insert/delete, text compression/realignment and buffer memory for saving portions of text to use elsewhere. Also includes tabulation, logically formatted display, text save, and printer control. Also available on ROM from ROMPAK. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
Word processor for the 2068. A Plus version supported full-size printers and a Plus 64 version added 64 column support. Sold by E. Arthur Brown as Textwriter 2068.
TS 2068
Upper and lower case text on the Sinclair or TS2040 printer; programmable characters.
TS 1000
Text handling program that allows on screen editing and output to printer. Up to 300 lines of text.
TS 1000
Word processor. Prints sideways on 2040 printer for 64-column format. Max file size is 320 lines.
TS 2068
Word processor, mailing label and form letter printer software. Later versions supported 64 columns with Zebra’s OS-64 cartridge.
TS 2068
Easily create documents like letters, document spreadsheets and other programs with full insert, delete, move, and print text. Completely menu-driven, 11K free RAM for documents. Define file size, set tabs and start writing. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
TS 2068 ZX Spectrum
Fast mode operation for speed. Write, edit, display, save or LPRINT your text. 16-64K.
TS 1000
6 commonly used routines written in BASIC to help the user understand how word processors work.
TS 1000 TS 2068
TS 2068
Enter text line by line or a paragraph at a time. Edit function allows editing in any way on each line. Shift a line position one space at a time, left or right, center lines. 16-64K.
TS 1000
Word processor with extended features. 42 characters per line, upper and lower case plus punctuation and 20 special characters. Full screen editing, auto repeat on all keys. 8,000 characters with 16K RAM, expandable for larger RAM packs. Requires 16k and TS2040 or Alphacom 32 printer. 16-64K.
Downloadable TS 1000
Same as Word Sinc II.3 but produces 80 column printouts with standard parallel interface and 80 column printer. 8,000 characters with 16K, 48,000 with 64K.
TS 1000
Powerful, easy to learn and use text and graphics processing program. Features include text entry, full screen edit, text listing, searching, block move and delete and two string replacement commands. The print command allows you to preset both right and left margins and tab positions, enter the desired number of lines per page, and the
TS 1000
Edit, save and print any kind of document. Designed to work with any printer. 16-64K.
TS 1000
Word processor with graphics capabilities, and with optional graphic designer, LQ fonts and desktop publisher. Optional featured required an Epson-type dot matrix printer. Word-Master was written for the Spectrum by Paul Sneesby and Barry Parkinson, of PCG Software in England. Jack Dohany customised, sold and supported it in the US. Word-Master was a full-featured “extendable”
TS 2068
Machine code. Many advanced features: variable file length, auto update, search, accessible from BASIC.
TS 1000
Effective mini word processing program. Enter unformatted text, process in any way. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
Machine language word processor. User defined column width, text counter, upper/lower case option. 16K.
TS 1000
Facilitates preparation of documents and handles any size printer. Provides blinking cursor, keyboard features, insert/delete, tab, etc. 16K.
TS 1000
Word processor with WordStar-like commands. Edit 14K with a 16K RAM pack. Total cursor control, move, delete, etc. Upper and lowercase ASCII. Automatic paragraph reformatting. 16K ROM, full RS-232 interface.
TS 1000
A word processing program to edit your written text. Justifies margins, allows revision and replacement of any part of the text. Displays up to 32 characters per line and 22 lines of text and will move text up and down rapidly. Sets up page formats and searches for key words. 16K.
TS 1000
Write, delete, insert, replace. Full print position control. Output to printer; 32 column: any number of lines per page.
TS 1000
Write, edit, and save text on cassette; edit functions to modify pages, lines, or individual characters. 16K.
TS 1000
Line-oriented editor that offers 1300 to 6500 words with 16-64K RAM. Editor supports word and line-based deletion, insertion, replacement. Supports editing two files simultaneously.
TS 1000