Programming Languages, Aids and Utilities

Program development aids and alternative languages like Forth and Pascal.

10 routines with examples. One routine makes it “impossible” to enter wrong data, another aligns columns of numbers by decimal point. Others allow single keystroke menu selection, sorting, rounding.
TS 1000
Implementation of Z80 fig-Forth 1.1d on the TS 2068.
Downloadable TS 2068
24K program has many built-in features (including tri-base arithmetic) and printer drivers. Available on tape ($9.95) or EPROM ($39.95)
Downloadable TS 2068
Provides beginning programmers with the same time saving utilities previously available only with expanded memory.
TS 1000
A powerful editor for serious BASIC programmers. Offers 11 new facilities: ALTER (replace a string); BYTES (how much free memory); COPY (duplicates program lines); DELETE (deletes a block); FIND (find a string); HELP; INSERT (merge two programs); KEEP (keeps a block of lines by storing them above RAMTOP); MOVE (move lines within a program); RENUMBER;
TS 1000
Listing, 1K.
TS 1000
Where it is and how it works. How to use it for 4x or 8x characters. Listing, 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Print up to 8 characters on the screen. Listing, 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
Two pass assembler. Designed to run alone or with ACS Disassembler and/or ACS Debugger. 16K.
TS 1000
Machine code debug program. Provides register contents, memory search, block move, memory list, etc. Can be used with ACS Assembler and ACS Disasssembler. Works in decimal. 16K.
TS 1000
Disassembler with full Z80 mnemonics. 16K.
TS 1000
Code and edit a source program in the Z80 language and assemble it into machine code. Editor mode allows you to code directly in the right format, manipulate individual lines and control the exact placing of source and machine code. Routines may be merged or listed. Assembler mode handles all standard Z80 mnemonics, numbers in
TS 1000
Write machine language programs.
TS 1000
Two pass assembler that has all the Z80 instructions plus the ZX calculator language. Makes your work easy through use of labels, variables, table, text, and simple expression evaluation. 16K.
TS 1000
Macro assembler for the QL.
Decimal-based assembler that includes converter for hexadecimal/decimal/binary/2-byte values.
TS 2068
Subroutine that will streamline program. Sorting, searching, data file handling, screen save, graphs and special functions.
TS 1000
Automatically renumbers programs written in BASIC. You choose starting line number and line increment.
TS 2068
Permits the full use of 64K RAM. Overlay/copy BASIC program segments.
TS 1000
Extension to Sinclair BASIC with six machine language functions. Label permits GOTO or GOSUB to label name instead of a number. All labels listable. RENUM renumbers; SPACE gives number of bytes free; VARS lists all variables; ELIML removes a range of lines; ERASEV removes any variable, freeing space.
TS 1000
Systems programming language.
Delete or copy blocks of program lines. Scroll through program easily. Relocatable. 16-64K.
TS 1000
2 lists: decimal op code to assembler mnemonic and vice versa.
TS 1000
Provides all of the capabilities of CIOUTIL, but 6 times faster. Writes data to cassettes and reads data from cassettes at a speed which is 6 times faster than the TS1000/ZX81 SAVE and LOAD commands.
TS 1000
CFASTDATA and CFASTLOAD. When both programs are used, you may LOAD programs and data at a speed which is 6 times faster than the TS1000 and ZX81 LOAD and SAVE commands. CFASTLOAD can be configured to your needs.
TS 1000
Utility to selectively read and write strings and arrays to a cassette. Routines occupy approximately 500 bytes and require at least 2K RAM.
TS 1000
Integer compiler and two-pass assembler. Supports integer expression evaluation, multiple statements per line, one-dimension strings and the following commands: PRINT, CLS, PLOT, INKEY$, CODE, RUN, STOP, SOUND, FLASH, USR, TAB, AT, OR, AND, REM, BORDER, INK, PAPER, LET, GOTO, GOSUB, IF, THEN, RETURN, POKE, OUT, RANDOMIZE, PEEK, IN and RND.
TS 2068
Compile BASIC programs to machine code.
TS 1000
A programmable program. Program allows you to assign various mathematical functions to your program variables. Instructions and listing. 16K.
TS 1000
Allows for development of 6502 code on the TS 1000.
TS 1000
Makes writing machine code programs easier. Works entirely in decimal; hexadecimal is not needed. 16K.
TS 1000
Disassemble any assembly language code in memory. Plug in cartridge.
TS 1000
Machine code monitor.
TS 1000
Machine to assembly language. 16K.
TS 1000
High speed, all Z80 codes.
TS 1000
BASIC language program to disassemble any location or range of locations in memory. Not very fast.
Downloadable TS 2068
Multi-programming system tool providing many capabilities of a disk drive. Features: Storing multiple programs; storing multiple data files separately from programs. Functions: SHIFT, TRADE, CYCLE, DIRECTORY, FETCH, KILL, WIPE, Line Renumber. Block Delete, Total Delete, MERGE, DATA Merge, REMfill and Line Address. Requires 64K RAM.
TS 1000
Listing, 1K.
ZX81 TS 1000
32 page tutorial. Hex-decimal conversion as standard. 16K.
TS 1000
The ESF/81 monitor program will allow you to program your Sinclair ZX81 at the most elementary level, in “machine language.” In. addition, the ESF/81 monitor will let you back up other machine-language programs stored on ESF wafers for extra security.
TS 1000
Utility to design characters and menus. Stores screen in 704 bytes, vs 6912 required for SCREEN$ command.
TS 2068
22 new commands for your TS1000. Advanced screen utilities make your ZX81 look more like a monochrome 2068. Includes READ, DATA, RESTORE, FILL MOVE, LEFT$, MID$, RIGHT$. IN and OUT commands give you Basic control of I/O mapped peripherals which were previously accessed only in machine code. Extended Basic does not require the use of
TS 1000
Enter it yourself using the source listing supplied. Accompanying documentation is an excellent tutorial suitable for schools or self instruction. The construction of the EZ Assembler and Editor is explained for those who would like to know how it’s done, and to make it easy to modify or enhance. 16K.
TS 1000
Allows user to read, write, and test machine language programs in hexadecimal code. Menu operations: conversions (hex to decimal and decimal to hex), block moves, program insertions and deletions, set RAMTOP, save programs (including programs stored above RAMTOP). 16K.
TS 1000
Short machine code routines to use in BASIC programming. Eight scroll directions. 16K.
TS 1000
Full fig-FORTH with editor and assembler.
TS 2068
Includes FILE*SYS functions. Save, merge, erase BASIC programs.
TS 1000
Read and write cassette data files.
TS 1000
Save, restore strings and arrays. Requires FILE*SYS or FILE*BASIC.
TS 1000
An essential tool for machine code writers, this program represents the state of the art in terms of full screen input, editing, and cursor control, plus 42 column display. Features include auto-line numbering, full expression evaluation, all Z80 mnemonics, text buffer, printer output, decimal or hex input, all the normal assembler directives.
TS 2000 TS 2068 ZX Spectrum
22 machine code routines: draw/undraw, foreground on/off, border/unborder, fill, reverse, etc. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
Four function calculator program; intermix decimal and hexadecimal operations.
ZX81 TS 1000
Machine code monitor/editor. 16K.
TS 1000
Symbolic hex assembler written in BASIC. Generates relocatable code.
TS 1000
GENS3 is a powerful and easy-to-use Z80 assembler which is very close to the standard Zilog assembler in definition. Unlike many other assemblers available for microcomputers, GENS3 is an extensive, professional piece of software and you are urged to study the following sections, together with the example in Appendix 3, very carefully before attempting to
Downloadable TS 2068
Pascal compiler for the TS 2068, adapted from the version for the ZX Spectrum.
Downloadable TS 2068
Adds interactive assembler to the disassembler and debugger in Hot Z. Line-by-line assembler checks syntax as you enter Z80 mnemonics and assembles directly to memory. Multiple commands to support program development. 16-64K.
TS 1000
Disassembler/assembler with data displays, ROM floating-point code display, four letter names for commonly used addresses (built-in and user-defined) and more. Features hex code input, two breakpoints, single-step with register, flag, and stack display, LOAD ZX/TS tapes,and a powerful on-the-fly assembler with delete and insert code commands. Saves and loads byte files, prints to the TS2040,
Downloadable TS 2068
For kids who like to do graphics programs but find BASIC a bit difficult. 16K.
TS 1000
In-depth treatise on machine language technique for searching data. Construct a fast and highly personalized data base program. 16K.
TS 1000
Programming language popular for use with research in to expert systems and artificial intelligence.
Provides true logic functions: and, or, xor, nor, nand, not.
TS 1000
Enter, run, and debug machine code programs independently of Basic commands. Enter and debug machine code instructions; then test them in operation. Performs hexadecimal arithmetic, copies and moves blocks of data, converts between decimal and hex, examines and modifies locations in memory. Maintains a protected environment for its own system variables and displays. By Taurus
TS 1000
Machine language program containing three subroutines: MEMORY LEFT, INVERSE SCREEN, and FILL SCREEN. All three are disassembled and explained to the beginner.
TS 1000
Utility program and a complete tutorial course book. Enter, test, display and debug hexadecimal machine code routines simply and quickly. This tool is constructed to help the beginner who wishes to explore machine code programming as well as the expert who wants to polish up. 16K.
TS 1000
Lists and displays machine code instructions as they are written. Ideal for both the novice and the expert. With full 32 page tutorial. Hexadecimal converion as standard.
TS 2000 TS 2068
ZX81 TS 1000
Easily enter machine language listings, programs. Convert hex to decimal. Examine ROMs. Manipulate memory any way you can think of; move blocks, bytes; insert, delete ranges of memory. 16K.
TS 1000
Look at blocks of memory; load hex code from the keyboard; see the results of program run register by register, flag by flag. Converts hex to decimal and vice versa.
ZX80 ZX81
BASIC to machine code compiler.
TS 1000
Memory monitor. Enter a starting address and the screen is filled with that second of memory in character form. Interactive cursor highlights a memory location and the value of that location is shown in hex, binary and decimal. Directly edit memory contents.
TS 1000
View and scroll through memory, displaying contents as hexadecimal, binary, decimal and text.
TS 1000
Full-fledged Z80 assembler. Fast load; source editor.
TS 1000
Allows for disassembly, the display and editing of the processor registers, as well as code substitution and the ability to move blocks of memory.
TS 2068
Utility to store three different screens in RAM and recall any of them in microseconds.
TS 2000 TS 2068
Tutorial on a technique for storing multiple programs in 16K or more RAM at the same time. No machine language knowledge assumed. Cassette illustrates the technique with four games programs: all programs listable. Games are condensed versions of “Syncwars,” “Minotaur,” and “Blackjack.” 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
Template program for developing other programs.
ZX80 ZX81 TS 1000
Subset of Pascal for the ZX81/TS 1000. Includes if, then, else, case, of, otherwise, while, do, repeat, until, for, to, downto, begin and end for program control; read, readln, write, writeln, reset, rewrite, eoln, eof, inkey and text for input and output; +, *, div, mod, abs, chr, odd, ord, pred, succ and sqr for
Downloadable TS 1000
Menu-driven software that allows you to create and edit Z-80 machine language programs for use with the Timex-Sinclair 1000 computer. Contains modules to write, insert, move, store on cassette and list Z-80 machine code. Additional utilities inspect and modify system pointers and convert hex to decimal and decimal to hex. A subroutine, accessible in machine
TS 1000
PEEK displays 100 memory locations in decimal (Basic). BASE gives conversions of octal, decimal, binary, hex, hibyte/lobyte (Basic). PPU is a PEEK and POKE utility, a fully documented monitor (Basic and machine code).
TS 1000
Pluri-Forth is both an operating system and a programming language, replacing the Sinclair ROM entirely. FORTH programs were compiled and ran about 10 times faster than interpreter BASIC. Pluri-Forth offered multitasking, a feature not available in Basic. When used with the Sinclair ROM, the channel 2/3 switch is wired to the Pluri-Forth board to select
Downloadable TS 1000
Replaces INKEY$ function. Use two or more keys at the same time in your BASIC programs. Relocatable listing.
TS 1000
Utility for the merging and renumbering of Basic programs. Renumbering routine can be used on its own.
Downloadable TS 1000
BASIC and machine code program monitor and utility. Functions include:renumber, copy, delete, search, dump, hex load, hex debug, and a condensemode that reduces program memory size. 16K.
TS 1000
Program offers ability to write true moving and flicker-free displays with no machine-code experience. Cassette with 1k, 2k versions and 3 example programs.
Machine code routines write better, faster, and more elaborate programs. Renumber program lines, search and replace any character, insert a wait condition to stop the program until a signal is input, hyper graphics mode, and more. Compatible with the graphics kit and can be loaded with it, making a powerful programmer’s aid.
TS 1000
Four machine code routines.
TS 1000
ROM cartridge that plugs between the computer and RAM pack, printer, etc. The toolkit portion contains commands that will renumber, delete, generate, shorten, byte dump, search and replace and more. The graphics commands include: scroll up, down, left and right; invert screen; fill screen; turn background; define. The cartridge uses 12K to 16K block of
TS 1000
Utility for adding subroutines from tape to a main program. Comes with subroutines for hexloader, hexlister, progstore expansion, renumber.
TS 1000
Programming software for use with the Prom Burner Development System.
TS 1000
C compiler for the QL, designed by Lattice.
ISO standard Pascal.
17 machine language and utility routines to incorporate in to user programs. Includes CLS/screen fill, inverse, border, input check, graph 1 and 2, scroll (4 directions) and more.`
TS 1000
Machine code monitor/editor. Entirely in machine code, loads in 75 seconds. 16K.
TS 1000
Renumber Basic programs. 16K.
TS 1000
Self-loading line renumberer that does GOTOs and GOSUBs; renumbers a Basic program in 5 seconds. All machine code.
TS 1000
A line renumbering routine for your programs. Allows you to insert quickly new lines and program statements. 2K.
TS 1000
Translates the contents of the Sinclair BASIC operating system into Z80 mnemonics, hexadecimal of codes, and “nn” data from the PEEKed decimal values. 16K.
TS 1000
Reverse Polish Notation ZX81 Language is a FORTH-like language. Faster than Sinclair BASIC, support for structured code and faster tape load/save. 16K.
TS 1000
Series of machine code routines for use in Basic programs. Execute complicated operations with a few commands: Draw any size border; clear part or all of the screen; slide screen up, down, right, or left; invert video on part or all of the screen; create a flashing cursor; find how much memory is left; load
TS 1000
Program inputs like on mainframe computers. 1K machine language sub-routine allows inputs anywhere on screen, complete error checking, automatic formatting (dates, decimals), and advance directly to next prompt. Easy interface to programs; one string and a gosub. Saves valuable programming time and looks more professional. 16K.
TS 1000
Added functions for screen programming. 16K.
TS 1000
Change fonts, paper, ink colors. Draw circles and lines with a single command. Erase all or part of a design, paint over to change colors and more. Program was used to design video titles and for program loader screens.
TS 2068
Data collating/sorting tool. Count and file thousands of items in up to 29 categories with just 1K RAM. Listing and text provide in depth review of Basic programming techniques. An instructional aid to beginning programmers.
ZX81 TS 1000
ZX81 TS 1000
Implementation of Forth for the Spectrum.
TS 2068 ZX Spectrum
Fixed implementation of sprites code from the TS 2068 technical manual. Includes 34 page manual.
TS 2068
Thirty-eight new commands extend graphic capabilities of ZX81/TS 1000 in 4K machine-code routine package. Features include upper/lower case, 64-column mode, user-defined graphics, sprites, plotting commands, windows and faster tape speeds/load. Incorporates Wilf Rigter’s WRX16 routines. Requires 8K RAM in the 8-16K region.
Downloadable TS 1000
Debugging tool that quickly pinpoints BASIC programming errors. Provides line-at-a-time execution of programs and allows for checking the display and the values of program variables for unexpected results. Other modes allow breakpoints to be set by line number for quick testing of long programs, by the number of passes for testing loops, or by limits
TS 1000
Routine to add to your programs to search for commands, words, phrases, names and phone numbers. String can help in any program where you need to recall words for correction or information. 2K.
TS 1000
Window scroll routine for use in your own programs. Allows scrolling or clearing of whole or partial screen.
TS 1000
Machine code modules that add seven new statements to 4K BASIC: TAB, SCROLL, MEM, PAUSE, READ, RESTORE and DATA. Most statements are used in the form of a USR function (ie PRINT USR (MEM), which prints amount of unused memory). 1K.
ZX80 MicroAce
Machine code utility. Write, list, insert, delete, and move machine code anywhere in memory. hexadecimal to decimal converter; routines in machine code for fast response; comprehensive documentation. 16K.
TS 1000
Formerly Integer BASIC Compiler. Available on EPROM ($30) as of July 1983.
TS 1000
Scrolling utility for BASIC programmers who want to add a professional and interesting look to their programs. Comes with 22 page user manual. 16K.
TS 1000
Browse the powerful routines in ROM, check your own machine code by converting it to assembler statements. Converts 812 regular and extended opcodes to assembler mnemonics; no external tables required; jump to any point in memory at any time. 16K.
TS 1000
BASIC compiler for TS 2068.
Downloadable TS 2068
Subset of MIT Logo. Teaches children computer programming concepts. 16K.
TS 1000
Three utility programs. Directory displays names of programs on a tape. Record allows SAVEing data and READing it back into the program later; can be incorporated into your own Basic programs. Toolkit allows for better graphic effects and to write programs more quickly and efficiently; commands: NO INVERSE, INVERSE, REVERSE, FILL, FREE, RENUMBER, FIND &
Features a number of utilities for programmers. RENUMBER, DELETE, MEMORY check, DUMP (displays current values of string and numerical values, except arrays), FIND a string, REPLACE a string, SAVE (transfers program to below RAMTOP), APPEND (joins 2 programs), REMKILL (removes all REM statements).
TS 1000
Lets you execute many familiar routines with a single command. Comprehensive LINE RENUMBER including GOSUBs and GOTOs, LOAD, EDIT, and RUN machine code programs; INSPECT the ZX81 and TS1000 system routines; COPY these routines into RAM and PATCH or EXTEND them; FIND a given piece of Basic code and replace all occurrences of it; move
TS 1000
Written in machine language expressly for those programming in BASIC on the TS 2068, the tool provides 5 useful functions: Renumbers a program beginning at any line number, using any initial line number, in any step up to 9999. Renumbers explicit line references of: GOTO, GOSUB, LIST, LLIST, RUN, RESTORE, and SAVE “โ€ฆ.” LINE. Also
TS 2068
Uses one letter commands: direct the turtle to draw just about any figure desired. Sequences of up m 255 steps can be programmed. 16K.
TS 1000
Z80 assembler. All Z80 instructions correctly assembled. Supports EQU, ORG, DEFB, DEFW, DEFS, etc. Code can be assembled and then relocated.
ZX Spectrum
Excellent introductory language for children and beginners since it is easier to use than Basic. Features one-character commands and a line editor. Includes tutorial and sample programs.
TS 1000
Manipulate assembly language programs in decimal or hexadecimal code. Store assembly programs in protected memory safe from the NEW, LOAD, SAVE and CLEAR. 16K.
TS 1000
Machine code program that gives windowing support for TS 2068. Allows a BASIC or machine language program to LIST or PRINT to sections of the screen. Define up to 8 windows, ranging from 2×2 characters to the full screen. Includes version for use with OS-64 cartridge.
Downloadable TS 2068
Forth-79 standard sub-set plus extra utilities. 10K+ available for user code.
TS 1000
More than 25 useful techniques, utilities and programs. Sorting, timing loops, searches, block transfers and more. Complete Z80 instruction set fully explained and listed.
TS 1000
Automatically translates a large subset of BASIC into machine code which is then stored in a REM statement for use as a subroutine in any program you write. It operates on 35 of the most valuable Sinclair BASIC commands including PRINT, IF THEN, GOTO, POKE, GOTO, GOSUB, FOR LOOPS etc. 16K.
TS 1000
VERIFY confirms whether a program has been recorded properly on tape. The program in memory is unaffected, and a further โ€œsaveโ€ can be made if necessary. MLOAD/MSAVE enables a specified block of memory to be saved. VPTR can be used within a BASIC program to eliminate many tedious POKES and PEEKS in finding the addresses
TS 1000
BASIC utilities that enhance programming power. MERGE programs from your own library of tested subroutines to build new programs quickly. RENUM provides neat listings, includes numbered GOTOs and GOSUBs, and flags those with expressions. COPY and DELETE blocks of lines for quick restructuring. VERIFY the contents of your tape against memory and eliminate losses to
TS 1000
Written in Basic for easy modification.
TS 1000
Disassembler and machine code monitor with CAI/ESF and CAI/P40 options.
TS 1000
Uses machine code routines for fast listings to screen or printer decimal addresses. Zilog mnemonics, labeling of system variables, DEFB/DEFW modes, disassembly relocating, bank-switched ROM access. Also produces cross-reference listings of direct jumps and calls revealing major entry points and sub routines. A quality tool for debugging/documenting own code or studying TS 2068 ROM.
TS 2068
Adds 38 utilities, functions and commands to 2068 BASIC. Runs in any bank. In edit line mode ZEBU gives up/down arrow keys, truncate edit line to the left or right of the cursor, delete all between colons at cursor, fast delete key corrects Timex bug. In the immediate or run mode, ZEBU will join BASIC
TS 2068
Use the full Z80 mnemonics instruction set. Editor allows cursor movement in 4 directions, insert, delete, clear line and screen. Display current registers and alter them. Save machine code by entering one letter commands; substitute lines of code. Move blocks around in memory. Mini monitor accesses memory. Automatic line numbering and renumbering. Adapted from the
Downloadable TS 2068
An optimizing BASIC compiler for the TS 2068 computer.
TS 2068
Machine code program occupies 7K of memory and locates itself at the top of memory. The program is a full Editor/Assembler and Monitor. Labels may be used instead of any string. The features include Line Insertion/Delete, Insert Characters, Auto Repeat on all keys. The monitor has facilities to inspect memory, registers and run machine code
Downloadable TS 1000
Machine code monitor and disassembler. ZXBUG is a powerful tool for machine language programming. It is 4K long and uses memory from 71E0h to the top memory. ZX BUG works in hexadecimal (base 16), not decimal, so all addresses are a maximum of 4 hex bits long. Provides a total of 28 commands. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
Convert BASIC programs to machine language. Increases execution speed. 16K.
TS 1000
Full implementation of FORTH for the ZX81/TS1000. Runs up to 10 times faster than Basic. ZX-FORTH complies with the FORTH-79 standard, with the exceptions of replacing the # sign with the British pound symbol, the @ sign with a question mark, the exclamation point with *, an apostrophe with the word “tick”, and “[” and
Downloadable TS 1000
Translates each Z80 machine code instruction into a unique key. Look up the key in the disassembler manual to find the assembly language mnemonic. Translates the 4K ROM, or program segments stored in a 75 byte section of memory. Includes memory test.
Easy, useful programming trick. Saves memory, runs faster. 1K.
Translates each Z80 machine code instruction into a unique key. Look up the key in the disassembler manual to find the assembly language mnemonic.
ZX81 TS 1000
Two-pass assembler that supports symbolic expressions. Initially available separately. Available on EPROM.
Downloadable TS 1000 TS 1500
Run CESIL on your ZX81. Up to 40 CESIL lines per program. Facility for modify, list, printout listing, etc. Menu driven. 16K.
TS 1000
Define any number of “windows” on screen. Scroll characters against any background or roll off one side of screen onto the other (wraparound effect including top to bottom). Machine language routine makes things “fly” around the screen when called from Basic. 1K.
Two-pass assembler. Using ZILOG mnemonics with labels and symbols, 8 pseudo-ops (ORG, DEFB, DEFW, DEFS, DEFC, EQU, END), syntax checking, display or print listing with commands. Debugger includes examine/modifying, breakpoint with registers display, line renumbering occupies 7K. Comprehensive multipage manual. 16K.
TS 1000
Learn and program in machine code the easy way with this powerful Z80 assembler, commissioned specially for the ZX80 & ZX81. Standard Z80 mnemonics are simply written into REM statements within your BASIC program. The assembly listings, together with addresses and assembled codes are displayed on the screen when assembled. The assembled code is executed
Downloadable ZX80 ZX81 TS 1000
The perfect complement to ZXAS assembler, ZXDB is a complete combined machine code disassembler and debugging program. May be used in conjunction with your own program. Additional features include Single Step, Block, Search, Transfer and Fill, Hex Loader, Register Display and more. Executed by single keyboard entry. The combination of ZXAS/ZXDB plus one of our
Downloadable ZX80 ZX81 TS 1000
Examine MC programs as standard Z80 mnemonics. Display mnemonics or hexadecimal data and equivalent characters. 16K.
TS 1000
Machine language monitor. Direct access to all memory locations and input/output ports. Examine Basic ROM, test RAM, enter and execute machine language programs. Symbolic dump disassembles object code in memory and displays it as standard mnemonics. 16K.
TS 1000
Integer BASIC compiler. 208 regular variables, 26 dimensioned variables. Compiled code can be stored in REM or 2000h-3FFFh segment. Source code can be relocated anywhere; position of compile code can be selected, allowing for longer programs compiled in pieces.
TS 1000
Toolkit adding 10 commands including: FULL RENUMBERING, MERGE PROGRAMS, READ FILE NAMES FROM TAPE, and more. 16K.
TS 1000
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