Curry Computer

5344 West Banff Ln, Glendale, AZ 85306


The TS2068 version of the A&J Micro Drive has all the features of the original and includes a Centronics printer interface.
TS 2068
ZX Spectrum
Home management program that goes a long way towards proving that fancy features are not limited to the big computers.
TS 2068
You play the part of a flea trapped in a colorful cave full of wild and exotic vegetation.
TS 2068
Three-dimensional CAD program.
Real-time flight simulation based on the F-15. 3D cockpit view. Engage in dogfights, practice or landings. On board flight computer, all instruments, flaps, gear et cetera. Full aerobatic performance.
Downloadable TS 2068
ZX Spectrum
ZX Spectrum
ZX Spectrum
33 lessons on two cassettes. Instructions include examples and exercises to learn machine code. Includes a simulated assembler. Converted from Spectrum.
TS 2068
ZX Spectrum
Machine language word processor developed exclusively for the Timex 2068 by Micro Systems Software, Inc., the authors of MTERM II (Smart Terminal II). It is the only popular word processor that takes advantage of the Timex 2068 64 column extended screen mode for a 64×22 text display. Other features include full control of text width
Downloadable TS 2068
Auto boot Spectrum ROM on 2068 cartridge. Switch to enable/disable Spectrum mode.
TS 2068
TS 1000
ZX Spectrum
Scaled down version of speech synthesizer for TS 2068. Consists of same vocabularies with less programmability. Uses a fast machine language program. Sound is heard through TV speaker or through an external amplifier plugged into the MIC jack. Includes eleven programs, two demonstration and nine libraries. Each library contains twenty to thirty words. No additional
TS 1000 TS 1500
Machine language program, multiple vocabularies, flexible memory requirements, very intelligible. Nine programs include 273 high quality digitized words in variable length cells. Words can be played back in any order under program control. Each library contains seventy to eighty words or phrases. Sound is heard through the TS 2068’s internal speaker and is available at
Downloadable TS 2068
ZX Spectrum
TS 2068
You command the German invasion of Russia to take Moscow. As commander of the German forces you must launch a surprise invasion of Russia, capture and hold Moscow before the weather and the Red Army overwhelms you. Effects of terrain, weather and fuel supply. Eleven types of divisions and brigades. Available for the TS 1000
Downloadable TS 1000 TS 2068 QL





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