Update Magazine
- "Miz.B4" (A Mizzery Saver)Converts an in-memory machine language program into a BASIC loader, with machine program stored as decimal numbers in DATA statements.
- 12 Volt ModificationModification helps clean up video signal.
- 1993 Dayton Computerfest
- 2068 Block-Move ErrorCorrection to the program in the July issue.
- 2068 Home ROM Corrections - Part ICorrections to the ROM, in part to support bank-switched memory.
- 2068 Home ROM Corrections - Part IICorrections to the ROM, in part to support bank-switched memory.
- 2068 Power Supply Problem?From my own personal experience and information gleaned from articles, it is clear that the method of powering the 2068 has serious problems. My solution to these problems is to provide a husky linear power supply to the computer, printer and accessories.
- 2068 ROM Bypass Board Schematic, RevisedRevised and accurate schematic for William Pedersen’s ROM bypass board.
- 24-Pin Bit Image Graphics for 24-Pin or Bubble Jet Printers in Epson EmulationProgramming tips for printing to 24-pin printers from the 2068.
- A Break Through DOS for the TS-2068MAX DOS: combining Oliger DOS and Larken DOS.
- A Capslock Indicator for the QL
- A Cheap and Excellent Twin Disk DriveYou can get the Amdisk III for $49.95.
- A Code File PrinterMS-TAS is a utility to peek and print out Mscript and Tasword CODE files.
- A Composite BoosterConsider using a VCR dubbing enhancer to boost video signal output.
- A Conglomeration of QL TIPSInitializing Trump card and speed screen in boot programs; copy a complete micro drive cartridge with Trump card; back to business with the QL.
- A Couple of Simple ZX81/Timex 1000 ModificationsInternal 16K RAM using 62256; composite video buffer.
- A Few Z88 CLI ApplicationsShort routines for the Z88.
- A Fist Full of LKDOS Tools
- A Guide to Using CTAS, the Customizer and the PrinterProgram that customizes Tasword for Larken and Oliger systems.
- A Half Dozen or More TOS ToolsThis program was converted from Bill Jones “LKDOS TOOLS BY THE HALF DOZEN” published in the July issue. There are many differences between LKDOS and TOS. Rather than using RANDOMIZE USR 100, TOS uses an asterisk after the BASIC command to denote that it is a disk command. TOS has a serial printer driver and…
- A last minute AddendumNotes about bugs in the versions of JLO Safe DOS.
- A Little About MeI am a native Floridian, second generation. I have written several articles and letters for TDM, SPDOS SURF, and now TS 2068 UPDATE. Among my credentials is a BS in Computer Science and I am working on my MS at present. You may or may not have heard of the University of Central Florida (a…
- A little tab will do you in PipeDream
- A Look at The Crystal Ball
- A Mail File in ArchiveCreate a simple database.
- A Menagerie of Opinions and Some Programming TipsTips about disks and disk systems; a short program to print labels.
- A Multi-Manager for SAFE DOS V2.52
- A New Sinclair BBS
- A Personal Time Management ProgramDescription of the program available from the author.
- A Primer for Using a QL-MutilatorMS-DOS conventions for QL users.
- A Print Using Routine and DemonstrationThis interesting batch of string slicing and concatenations does a nice job of aligning decimal places and simulating the print using functions. There are shorter ways of doing it but this one is included for a study of its tricks.
- A Print Wheel ProblemReader problems distinguishing characters from the print wheel used to produce the newsletter.
- A QL Address FileA simple address database program presented as a tutorial.
- A QL Auto-LoaderBy using the storage device for conversion of directory information to data which can be loaded back into array cl$(). This adaptation of the CAT_PRINT routine provides a menu-loader similar to the one for the TS2068 SAFE DOS user.
- A QL Index ProgramWhen you want to repeat something in Superbasic, the easy way is to englobe everything in a REPeat END REPeat loop, instead of GOTO. That’s what I have done to your small program.
- A QL LList Utility
- A QL Printing PrimerHere is a little tutorial for setting up the QL to print to paper “without a word processor”. It does not do much but print un-formatted lines to the left margins as set at the printer.
- A QL Spreadsheet MatrixCreating a spreadsheet template in Abacus.
- A Review of 'Manual A' for the Z88Manual for the Z88 written by Mike Fink.
- A Review of a Aerco FD-68 Utilities Program DiskThis is a nifty set of disk utilities for the Aerco FD-68.
- A Review of Banter, the Banner Maker
- A Review of QLerk
- A Review of Z88 MagicBook about Z88 that provides information about the computer in an accessible manner.
- A Save Nothing FileSave a blank “CODE” file that can later be used to clear a machine code program.
- A Screen Copy in Full Color and MoreReview of interface and software to print in color on Okimate 20.
- A Screen Dump ProgramSimple program to dump to Citizen printer
- A Selective Menu-LoaderProgram for the QL.
- A T/S 2068 Utility to Put Basic Programs into the Larken RAMDisk BanksIt is possible to load any of the RAMDISK banks with code which simulates a BASIC cartridge (an AROS) and to run that code as a BASIC program. This suite of programs will allow you to create your own simulated cartridges in the RAMDISK memory chips. A program running from DOCK leaves the HOME bank…
- A TOS (Zebra) Disk NewsletterRon Havlen started FDD Express, a resumption of the defunct TOPS Newsletter.
- A Universal Treatment for Bugs in the Program AreaEditorial about John Oliger’s article, “Problems in using the new V2.4 MERGE Command,” and how the techniques can be applied to debugging programs.
- A-B Boxes and other RamblingsDIY switch boxes for disk drives.
- A-Dee-Doo-Dah: A Front-End for the Unzip Utility
- About Disk DrivesThere are many types of disk drives available. Commodore introduced a 3 1/2 inch drive with their Amiga computer. Now IBM has a new 3 inch drive. We Safe Disk users have a system that will work with almost anything that can be hooked up to a Shugart Standard Parallel I/O Disk Drive.
- About TOOLKIT IIAre there any QL owners who if they don’t have TK2, have not been strongly advised to get it? Article reprinted from BoSTUG Sinclair/Timex Newsletter.
- About TS-2068 Safe Disk Up-DateTS-2068 SAFE DISK UP-DATE is a general publication to support TS-2068 Users. SDU is orientated to those serious users who have already, or intend to upgrade to Disk Drive system. SDU is written for all levels of user programming. The expert programmer will likely think that the content is too basic and the novice will…
- About your Editor, plus NostalgiaShort autobiography of Bill Jones.
- Accelerating AbacusTechniques for making the program faster.
- Accessing LKDOS from Machine CodeThe DOS is easy to access from machine code using the internal jump table starting at address 120 in the cartridge. The jump table is a list of 20 or so entry points to the most often used sub-routines in the dos.
- Add serial port to your SinclairProject to add a 2050-compatible serial port to the 1000 or 2068.
- Addendum to Article in January Update "Dock Bank Memory, 20 Cents"Corrected diagram.
- Adding RGB to Your 2068Instructions and schematic to connect 2068 to TTL RGB monitor.
- Adding Two More DrivesAdd two more drives to a Larken system.
- Addition to TS-2068 Mail MergeUpdate to program from October 1987 issue to print out the categories of an index after the program had sorted subjects by title.
- AllegroA experimental musical composition by a tin eared Welshman. There are three GO SUB routines. GO SUB 100 produces an indefinite musical chord which is interrupted by any key. GO SUB 102 gets a 10 second musical pause. GO SUB 122 brings prompts to adjust the chord time duration of a musical interlude.
- Amateur Programming SupportCall for tips, articles from readers.
- An Electronic Spreadsheet: Function and ApplicationDescription of spreadsheets by the author of ZX-Calc.
- An Introduction to PC-ConquerorReview of the MS-DOS emulator for the QL.
- AnnouncementsQuantum Levels magazines ending publishing. New issue disks.
- Announcing "Gulf Micro Electronic"A company for Bill Jones’ software.
- Announcing: The IKI (An IBM Keyboard Interface for 1000/2068)The IKI can be used with the ZX80, ZK81, T/S 1000, T/S 1500, Spectrum and T/S 2068 computers. It is compatible with all interfaces for those computers. The IKI works with any IBM XT-compatible keyboard. The keyboard must have an XT/AT selector switch.
- Another Approach to Extra Memory BanksI put together a board using eight 43256 chips, giving 256K in eight banks. This article will describe how it works.
- Another QL Beginner Tipster
- Archive HousekeepingHow to perform garbage collection on an Archive file.
- Archive Made EasyIntro to using Archive.
- Archive Series - Part 1: Database ConceptsDatabases for novices.
- Archive Series - Part 2: Archive Data Structure, The Good and The BadMore basics of databases.
- Archive Series - Part 3: First Commands or Close Encounters of the First KindPreparing to build a database in Archive.
- Archive Series - Part 4: Create, Open, Insert CommandsCreating and adding information to an Archive database.
- Archive Series - Part 5: Alter and Delete CommandsFurther exploration of Archive.
- Archive: The Final FrontierIntro to Archive.
- Are there any mailing lists/e-zines/web-sites for the Spectrum followers?List of sites, circa May 1996.
- Arithmetic: An Arithmetic Drill Program for the QLA program designed to aid children in learning arithmetic.
- At the keyboardEmail exchange about using the TS2068 “into the next millenium.”
- Autostart Hints for Larken UsersHow to set up an autostart file for Larken DOS.
- Bad QL Membranes Crisis InterventionHow to repair or replace broken keyboard membranes.
- Basic Programming with DEF FN() and Boolean LogicProgram that converts between binary, decimal and hexadecimal numbers and performs math operations across them.
- Be Seein YouLetter from former editor.
- Become a Sinclair Power UserSuggestions on building a Sinclair system that will be usable for several years into the future.
- Beginner's Programming, All Computers
- Bill Pedersen's Diskspeed ProgramAdjustments to the disk speed program to make it work with Larken drives.
- Bob's Notebook: Renumber before merge, Sort in TaswordShort utility programs: renumber before MERGE, sort lists in Tasword.
- Book Review: Epson, Epson, Read All About It!Review of Julie Knott and Dave Prochnow’s book about Epson printers.
- Bootsort Without TK2
- Break-In for CATsShort routine for SafeDOS to SAVE or LOAD during CATalog.
- BudgetThis BUDGET program Is In three parts. First the long program in BASIC Is given. When the listing is keyed in the program will work right away by RUN. BUDGET is really a spreadsheet software that has the purpose of planning a annual household budget and then tracking the expenditures, providing various comparisons, and displaying…
- BZ80 Basic Program Filter for the Z88Short BBC Basic program translated to the Z88.
- Cable ColumnI was pleased to see that in the October & November issues of QL World they gave considerable space to ARCHIVE, the PSION database program we all have. Those of you who have followed this column know that I have high regard for ARCHIVE and have tried to promote it use by more US QL…
- Cable ColumnThis issue of UPDATE initiates me as the QL Editor. I am happy to assist Bill Jones in producing this magazine so important to North American QL users.
- Cable ColumnArchive series part 22: error handling in Archive with Errnum() function and Error command.
- Cable ColumnIs Archive a relational database?
- Cable ColumnSolving the Towers of Hanoi puzzle with Archive.
- Cable ColumnIF and ALL and MODE commands.
- Cable ColumnUpdate and While commands and introducing the “P” word.
- Cable ColumnOrder and Select commands in Archive.
- Cable ColumnOrder, Locate, Reset commands in Archive.
- Cable ColumnFind, Search, Continue commands.
- Cable ColumnBackup strategies to prevent data loss.
- Cable ColumnPRINT and LPRINT commands with an overview of all input/output commands.
- Cable ColumnBycol – a program for displaying and printing databases by columns.
- Cable ColumnMore on linking databases together and using Sedit.
- Cable ColumnUsing keys to link databases together and other handy tricks.
- Cable ColumnFormEd – A form editor and printer for Archive databases.
- Cable ColumnFormEd – a form editor and printer for Archive databases.
- Cable ColumnA review – describing how to use some recently introduced procedures.
- Cable ColumnEntering Query – a program to interrogate any Archive database.
- Cable ColumnEntering procedures using the Archive program editor.
- Cable ColumnEntering procedures using the Archive program editor.
- Cable ColumnEntering procedures using the Archive program editor.
- Cable Column: QL - Archive - PCDatabases, transferring to PC.
- Cables for the Z88
- CAD#5 Intfc Listing for Oliger/EpsonFollow up to earlier article about PCB design program.
- CAD#5 Listing for Oliger/EpsonFollow up to PCB design programs in prior issues.
- Cambridge Z88 NewsNotesWhen UPDATE purchased the Z88 back in January 1989 three issues of “News Notes” were received. NewsNotes is a very informative two page User newsletter published by Cambridge North America. After not receiving follow on newsletters, a call was made to the telephone numbers given in the literature supplied with the Z88 computer. A recording…
- CAT Prints on Your QLMake hard copies of file directories
- Character Recognition for the TS2068?Converting screen saves to Tasword Two documents.
- Character String Emulation in Hisoft Pascal Version 4Routines to handle strings in Pascal.
- Check Book BalancerProgram that leverages Abacus to balance a checkbook.
- Check the VARS AreaVARS_DIS is a utility to MERGE to any BASIC program to give you a disassembly of the entire VARS area.
- Check Your Surge-Protected CircuitsAdvice on checking the devices plugged into surge protectors and repairing “zapped” devices.
- Checker: A short Lesson on SPDOSThe SPDOS system call is one that checks for a filename’s existence on a disk. If you try to load a file that is not on your disk, SPDOS will create an error that cannot be trapped by the usual ON ERR GOTO.
- Christmas Return Label MakerProgram to print Christmas labels.
- Circuit CircusExcerpted from SWYM Newsletter, Seattle Sinclair Users Group. Sync inverter for QL, load fix for ZX81/TS1000, TOS power supply, modem power.
- Club Z88 PipelineLetter about plan to develop a Z88-specific newsletter.
- Common Electronics Symbols and Abbreviations
- Computer MeanderingNotes on the QL.
- Computer TherapyAuthor’s story of post-stroke recovery via computing, starting with the ZX80.
- Connect A Composite TTL Monitor to a TS1000/QLSchematic to connect a TS1000 or QL to a monochrome TTL monitor by extracting HSYNC and VSYNC signals.
- Copy Screens with "scopy.B6"Program to print screen files to printer.
- Corrected QL Membrane Matrix
- Corrections to TS2068 Programming in the AbstractDemonstration of BREAK in during a subroutine and catching and redirecting BREAK.
- Corrupted Disks???Occasionally you might come across a disk that has become corrupted in its file storage pointer area (track zero) that will simply refuse to load any file at all. What will usually cause this is a glitch on power up of either the drive or computer, with the disk installed.
- CPYPRT - Program to print screens to 24-pin printers
- Creating Export Data Files With PSION Software (Abacus/Quill) Then Importing Them to QuillHow to export files from Abacus and read them into Quill.
- CTM Magazine QuitsChet Lambert, owner/publisher of CTM Magazine, announced in the June issue that he is quitting. CTM supported amateur radio operators and contributed to the development of packet telecommunications.
- Customized 2-Column Tasword PrintoutsRevisions to Tasword to support two-column printing.
- Customized Catalog Command for LKDosThis is an alternative catalog command that can be added to your programs or to use when modifying an existing program for disk. It only prints the selected filenames in a single column without any other info such as disk name of disk parameters. It works very well with windows such as the ones in…
- D..base-1 for TOSRevised version of Bill Jones’ program for the TOS operating system, Zebra OS-64 and a centronics printer interface.
- D.base-1DBASE-1 makes maximum use of the computer’s free memory, and coordinates disk drive to manage data base files. The sorting functions give the data base Its flexibility for use for any purpose.
- Datastore() and Datafetch(): Two Larken DOS Procedures for Hisoft PascalTransfer any section of RAM to a file on disk.
- Datatronics 2400P Modem Review
- Dayton Computerfest Report
- Dbase1 EvolutionHistory of Dbase1 and updates.
- Desktop Publishing?
- Disjointed Programming TipsShort descriptions of available DOSes and utilities.
- Disk Drives, the Repair thereof, and analogiesDisk drive repair cost exceeds new replacement cost, by way of an analogy about Lincoln cars.
- Disk Mate 4
- Dock Bank Memory for Twenty Cents: Convert a TS-1000 Ram Memory for the TS-2068How to convert a 64K RAM pack for the TS1000 to map to dock memory on the TS2068.
- Domino CubesThis monthly column is to help those who own the Z-88 and to entice those who don’t into buying it.
- DooDah CorrectionCorrection to program that appeared in an earlier issue.
- DOS-64: A ReviewReview of MakeDOS-64, a machine code system which allows use of the OS-64 cartridge code on an Aerco Disk Drive without loss of Aerco DD commands, and with access to the full 256K RAM via bank switching.
- Dot Matrix Printer DriverDiscussion of printer drivers and the challenges of printing graphics to 9 and 24 pin printers.
- Dropped BytesPotential cure for dropped printer data when using an AB switch.
- Easel PrintThe program shows how to use the graphics dump provided with EASEL. Reprinted from ZX-Appeal.
- Editoral and DedicationWilliam J. Pedersen passed away from complications of lupus.
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- Editorial
- EditorialThis issue has several useful utilities plus two major programs. The second program “SDOS MAIL MERGE” is outstanding in its usefulness, SDOS MAIL MERGE will work right now as a printing mail list, using the Safe Disk printer driver routine. It will print labels and envelopes, or just listings of whatever nature you store in…
- EditorialReflection on publishing the newsletter and updates.
- EditorialUpdate on the status of the newsletter and upcoming events.
- EditorialMiracle in Newport (Rhode Island) QL show; DMA Computerfest.
- EditorialUpdate on the progress of the newsletter and questions from readers.
- Editorial and NewsBob Dyl, publisher of IQLR, had heart attack and suspended the magazine. Dyl was owner of English Micro Connection. A heart attack led him to close that, too. Davis points out that the newsletter survives on submissions and subscriptions and both had fallen off.
- Editorial for October IssueRuminations on accessing the internet with Sinclair computers.
- Editorials and AnnouncementsBill Cable is QL editor; advertising dropped, magazine is cooperative effort; seeking volunteers to publish Update.
- Eliad's MeanderingsNotes on the scene.
- Eliad's WanderingsRequests for help from readers.
- Enthusiastic 2068ersI wish that I could print the dozens of enthusiastic and supportive letters that I have received from dedicated 2068ers. There is a real solid desire for a publication dedicated to TS-2068 support.
- Errata and AddendaUsing loops in QL DO files; moving TS2068 code blocks.
- Excerpts on the Z88 from The Hacker
- Exploring Def FN and FNProgramming math formulas using DEF FN.
- Exploring New EnvironmentsZX Spectrum emulation; QL subdirectories.
- Extra MemoryA TS-2068 that has twenty times the maximum capacity of a IBM XT! Do pictures and proof schematics lie? An interesting article by Mr. Charles Bothier sets the technical basis for our cottage industry to provide more memory expansion hardware.
- Extra MemoryDiscussion about using extra RAM in HOME and DOCK banks; errors in the EXROM that affect extended memory usage.
- Extra Memory ProgrammingTutorial on storing programs in DOCK memory and how the Timex interprets those programs. Utilities to prepare BASIC programs for implementation in DOCK memory.
- Eye Burn From Computer MonitorsComputer monitors have introducted a damaging phenomenon, “monitor burn.” Monitor burn is similar in effect to suburn. One’s eyes can become quire irritated after hours before a computer monitor.
- FD-ZX Floppy Disk InterfaceNotes for users of the Aerco FD-ZX disk interface.
- FDD Express: More LettersLetters from Bob Orrfelt about the FDD technical manual he was writing; Jack Dohany about Zebra FDD system; Dennis Bryant about Amdek DXY-100 Plotter and sound; Tom Dunlop about moving Profile 2068 to disk.
- Files 2Review of file management tool for QL.
- First Time Procedure For Your Z88
- Fix the ZX-81/TS1000 Loose Jack ProblemTechnique for adjusting the tightness of the jacks.
- FlashbackReview of the database program and a SuperBasic program to use with it.
- Fractions: Hard for Youngsters and a Problem for ProgrammingThose of you who have had to help your children with fractions in arithematic have probaby wished you had a driller for them. The following program can provide that driller and its two major subroutines can be used as a bcusis for your own program.
- FREE BlocksThis routine allows you to find the number of free blocks with out displaying the catalog. It will return the number of free blocks in the BC register, so it can be accessed from basic with PRINT USR FREEBL or LET K=USR FREEBL.
- From the Editors DeskUpdates on the newsletters and correspondents.
- Graph of a PolynomialPolynomials are power equations of the type most often written in the form of “ax^b + cx^d + ex^f + … +g = 0”, where a, c, e, and f are usually small whole, positive or negative numbers., and b. d. f. etc are interger exponents arranged in descending order of power.
- Graphic Screen$ DumpProgram to print screens to the Tandy DMP105.
- Graphic SCREEN$ Dump RevisitedDot matrix printer driver.
- Graphics Printer TrickReaders who have tried any extensive printer graphics programming (not a screen dump) probably got discouraged with the amount of data required to key in.
- Handy References and a SAFE-DOS File IndexerDOSDEX file indexer.
- Hardware for your QL
- Help with the Aerco FD-68Aerco FD-68 DOS lacks the ability to save character arrays. A solution is proposed.
- Helper: A SuperBASIC ProgramA set of toolkit-like functions presented in menu format.
- HELPER: A SuperBASIC ProgramA set of toolkit-like functions presented in menu format.
- Hints and Tips on Sinclairs
- History's Greatest TS2068 POKEs and ExtrasCollection of POKEs from various newsletters.
- Home Office on the CheapDIY dust buster; DIY printer stand.
- Home-made 2068 LarKen Disk InterfaceInstructions for building a Larken 2068 disk interface.
- Household Accounts on the TS2068Program to track living expenses.
- How Goes It, Update?MAX DOS vs MS DOS vs QL DOS; SPDOS for Oliger; TS-2068 and Sinclair QL issue disks and micro drive dubbing; copyrights; QL support in this issue; meet some QL programmers; SINCUS programs; the North American Sinclair Society.
- How Goes It?SDU intends to cover ALL TS-2068 Disk Drive Systems. These are: The Oliger Safe Disk, The Aerco FD-68, The Larkin, and The TOS (Zebra). Eric Johnson has agreed to provide writer support for the LARKIN DISK system. By the January issue of SDU we should have a writer lined up to provide coverage of the…
- How to Build a Larken Dock BoardHow to make a dock cartridge board.
- How to Convert a Surplus WC2050 Modem into an RS-232 Serial Interface for your TS1000/1500/2068
- How to Do Do In TK2Using the DO function.
- How to Fit a New QL Keyboard Membrane
- How to Modify a Coleco Adam Power Supply for your QL
- Hybiscus: A TS-2068 Software System Five Major Softwares CoordinatedA cohesive set of applications for database management and word processing.
- IBM Archive to Z88 DiaryProcedure to export a file from Psion’s Archive to load into the Z88 Diary program.
- IEEE-488 for Sinclair UsersIt is not widely known that the COMMODORE serial port is a simple form of the IBEE-488 GPIB with serial data transfer in place of parallel. It holds no mysterious secrets. What is needed to do the same with a TS2068, SPECTRUM, or QL is a half way decent interface.
- In Memoriam: Ernest J Wider
- Inexpensive Z88 Parallel to Serial Converter
- Internal Memory Expansion for the Z88Upgrading the Z88 internal RAM.
- Internet Resource List for Sinclair UsersFTP, websites, Gopher and other resources.
- Is there a QXL in Your Life?Overview of the QXL: a PC expansion card that emulates the QL on a PC.
- J-Util ListingDisassembler, poke a decimal table, poke a hex table, convert Hex-Dec-BIN, Mixed Math, Binary Table.
- Jack in the Redwoods Heard FromSYNX is a 46-byte relocatable machine language reoutine for Aerco disk users. It allows you to turn off the BASIC syntax checker when writing or editing BASIC lines and to turn it back on. Syntax checking during program execution remains in effect.
- Jan 1988 EditorialUp-Date provides support for disk drive users; Winter Fest in Orlando; Filing Up-Date pages; New software; Up-Date BBS.
- July 1995 Editorial
- Jumper Settings for the 3.2 Meg DriveSettings for adding disk drives to QL.
- Justified TranslatesAddressing a spacing shortcoming in Quill.
- Keeping RecordsSimple database program.
- Larken Directory (Track 0) RepairThe track directory for the Larken disk system is located on track 0. This directory stores the data that is required by the system to locate and load the chosen file. On occasion the system is prone to corrupting the directory track, thus effectively causing the loss of all programs on the disk.
- Larken Disk DoctorThis utility will be found useful in the inspection, analysis, and correction of errors on disks used on the Larken disk drive system. This utility is designed for use with the Larken 350K per disk I/F board.
- LarKen DSK 400 Disk Operating SystemReview of the disk interface system.
- Larken RAMdisk for the TS 2068I have found that for persons with two drives, the RAMdisk maximizes use of the second drive. And it reduces the number of keystrokes required to operate the Larken system.
- Larken TipRecommendation for LKDOS users to subscribe to SINC LINK.
- LayoutProgram to display a single sheet with scale outline of a page to allow the user to set margins, etc.
- LDOS Version 3One can upgrade to version 3 by ordering a new EPROM for LKDOS. It provides a raft of great improvements.
- Left Handed Ways of Working a PrinterWhy not use my TS-2068 Daisy software to set-up special print pitches and Letter Quality mode, and then throw the the A/B switch over to the QL for printing?
- Let's Read TS2068 Disks With Your QL
- Let's Talk About Printers and Bit Image GraphicsWhen it comes to printers and graphics, there is very little standardization. However, IBM compatible printers all use the same common command format.
- Letter about converting Microsoft BASIC programs to SuperBasicLetter includes a program to replace MID$, LEFT$ and RIGHT$ functions with Sinclair equivalent functions.
- Letter about Z88
- Letter from Charles ReiseInstructions for setting up check balancing using Abacus on the QL.
- Letter from Dick WagnerLetter about two programs from the editor of The Plotter, the newsletter of the CCATS User Group.
- Letter from John E. JuergensQL recommendations.
- Letter in Reply to Left Handed Ways of Working a PrinterWriter’s method of connecting two computers to several printers.
- Letter updating REFIELD
- LettersLetters from Ray Norton about BASICare modules.
- Lighthouse, QL GraphicsProgram to print a lighthouse on a Tandy CGP-220 printer.
- Lightning S. E. and BootSetup a boot file for the Lighting QL accessory.
- List LookerView any file saved to disk as a character array. Enhancement to SDOS Mail Merge.
- LKDOS Off Switch (For MAX DOS Operation)Add an off switch to resolve conflicts with Oliger NMI functions.
- LKDOS vs JLO SAFEComparison of the two disk operating systems.
- Locked Out? How to Recover!How to recover when saving to a non-existent disk with Larken and Oliger systems.
- LogiCall Logic, the ExplanationAuthor’s description of what the program does and how it can help TS 2068 disk drive owners.
- LogiCall ReviewReview of the disk management program by Bob Swoger.
- LogiCall v4.3Description and listing of the program.
- Low Cost Voice Recognition for the TS-2068With a new chip recently offered for sale through Radio Shack distributors and a few other parts, a speaker-independent word recognition circuit can be easily and inexpensively built. This article will describe how to build the circuit and interface it to a TS2068 via a joystick port.
- LPRINT CHR$ With Oliger Printer DriverReaders who have programmed in BASIC with the OLIGER printer driver use LET/P=0 command to send data to their large printer. This command works fine for LPRINTing text and messages but not so good for printer codes.
- Machine States/The Serial Interface
- Make the Tasman 'B' Centronics Printer Interface Work with the Larken DS400Changes to make Tasman B and C printer interfaces work better with Larken disk system.
- Making a Wafadrive Parallel Printer CableHow to build a parallel (Centronics) printer cable that connects to the Rotronics Wafadrive.
- Mastering The Management of Character Arrays: The Management PackageAdditional programs that work with SDOS Mail Merge.
- MAX DOS: A Study of DUAL DOS in the TS-2068For several weeks UPDATE has been testing two simultaneous disk operating systems in the TS-2068: the Oliger SAFE DOS and the Larken DOS. The hardware hook-up is the full “two board” Oliger system and the Larken LKDOS cartridge in the dock port. Extensive operation with the combination has revealed an almost complete compatibility between the…
- Menu-Driven Printer_DAT SelectionProgram to allow user to select one of several printers at startup.
- Merging Archive and Abacus Files
- Microdrive Cartridge RepairsI recently encountered a “stuck” microdrive cartridge. I mean, it was working one minute, and suddenly, all I could get from my QL was “not found”, whatever that means. What it means is that the tape is inserted incorrectly and not moving. In my case, reinserting the tape did not help, so I started looking…
- Miracle in Newport Show Report
- Miracle in Newport Two and Other StuffComputer fair report and notes on upcoming software and books.
- Modaptor Elimination Super Basic Program
- Money Machine, Puzzle Maker and additional comment on Money Machine IIThe original Money Machine is a little different than Money Machine II: it does not have Bann Brite nor the enlarged type of the latter. It has 400 puzzles and provides for loading in new puzzles.
- More About Daisy Smart Text
- More About SDOS MAIL MERGENext issue two more functions will be added to SDOS MAIL MERGE, One will quickly let you flip through the listing to find a name or stock list. Presented will be the “Field Number and first line of the field”. These lines will scroll until you find the one you are looking for, then the…
- More INPUT on AUTOSTART and other Larken Thoughts
- More on Larken MaxcomMore notes on the improvements to a TS2068-based BBS.
- More on Printers and Printer Buffers
- More on problems with integers.
- Move Catalog to Upper Ram
- MS-TAS Documentation: A Tutor in Basic Programming TechniquesProgram to view MSCRIPT and TASWORD files.
- MScript Version 5.3 for Larken DOSMscript is a totally different word processor from Tasword. Once you get used to the protocol and press the right keys, Mscript is just as easy to use and a lot more rewarding.
- MSDOS for the Sinclair QLMS-DOS emultors for the QL.
- MTERM II: Modification for the LARKEN DD SystemModifications to make MTERM work well with the Larken system.
- Musings
- Names in ProfilePatch to sort by last name, first name when the two are on separate lines in Profile.
- NESQLUG and the Fourth North American QL ShowReport on the show held in Bedford, MA.
- New Commands Effective with JLO Safe v2.6Updates to the disk operating system.
- New Sinclair Newsgroup on USENETcomp.sys.sinclair established.
- News and New Products for your QL
- News and Views on SinclairsPaul Holmgren lost his house in a fire;QL resources on the internet.
- News and Views on the QL
- News on the Z88 in North America
- News Report on the ComputerfestReport from the August 1991 Dayton Computerfest.
- Non-Epson Screen Dumps from EaselPrinting from Easel to printers that are not Epson compatible.
- Not Quite An Editorial, Just NewsUpdates on hardware and software for QL, TS 2068 and Z88 users.
- Notes on SCLD Failures and potential solutions
- NoticeOrder his programs through Update; 50% of proceeds support the newsletter.
- Notice to Former SNUG MembersUpdate from Paul Holmgren on the status of SNUG.
- October Editorial
- Oh No! Not Another Interest Computation Program!
- Oliger Auto-MenuProgram and suggestions to create an auto-loading menu.
- Oliger Disk Drive BBS Program Issue DiskDescription of the Indiana Sinclair Timex User Group’s effort to write a BBS.
- ON ERR ProgrammingThe TS-2068 remembers ON ERR and the line number in an ON ERR statement well after the program line that contains the ON ERR GO TO statement has been executed. Then the first error condition forces the abandonment of sequential line read, and the line that is designated in the ON ERR statement is executed.…
- OPEN #, CLOSE #, Channels & Streams - A TutorialLet’s delve into the mysterious realm of channels and streams and those two odd tokens OPEN and CLOSE. These two commands are extremely powerful and have many uses and yet there is nothing at all about them in the TS2068 User Manual except to say that “these and other commands like FORMAT, MOVE, CAT etc…
- Open Letter to All QL Users
- Optimizing BASIC on the 2068
- Organization of MemoryZ88 memory map.
- Other Uses for the T/S 2068 Larken RAMDiskThe LARKEN RAMDISK banks are all mapped into the DOCK bank of the 2068 even though the board is plugged into the back expansion slot. Consequently, it is possible to load any of the RAMDISK banks with data for a database or spreadsheet. This means that up to 256K more information can be handled and…
- PalletImplements some of the techniques of “TS2068 Video Bells and Whistles.”
- Peeking and Poking AboutOne of the fun things about using the TS2068 is the ability to PEEK and POKE in amongst the machine code and particularly when using TIMACHINE.
- Pertinent Points on QL Disk Drives
- PianoAllows you to use the keyboard of your QL as if it were a piano.
- Plans and OrganizationAs of this writing there are 45 subscribers to Update.
- Plotting Equations with Radicals
- Plotting the Graph of an EquationType-in program that demonstrates the plotting commands.
- plus4 ReviewReview of plus4, a sequel to text87.
- Practical Uses of Screen Files and Disk Dependant ProgrammingUsing disk files to save and quickly load menu screens.
- Printed Circuit Board Development ProgramCAD program and manual for the TS 2068.
- Printed Circuit Board Development Program CAD#2 for Olivetti PR2300 PrinterFollow up to the PCB development program in the April 1992 issue.
- Printer Editor Setup for the Z88 and HP Deskjet 520
- Printer InterfaceShort description of Miracle Systems Centronics Printer Interface.
- Printer Programming or Adapting Software to PrinterTutorial on sending data and commands to printers.
- Printer Set-UpProgram for printing basic files.
- Printers and Printer ControlThe genesis of this work-up goes back to my early work with the Sinclair ZX-81, a computer designed “not to print”. Soon after the ZX-81 reached the “million mark”, cottage industry developed machine code “Printer Drivers”. From then until today, our Sinclair computer fans have not had a minimum diet of “How To Control Printers”.…
- Printing and Formatting: Commanding the PrinterThis is one of many selected Daisy.B6 program routines that will be excerpted and given to Public Domain. These routines will be selected for their generic value. This one provides PRINTER CONTROL.
- Printing MacrosShort routines for setting printer styles.
- Printing VU-CALC on a Large PrinterPrinting spreadsheets from the TS 2068.
- PRO/FILE on the QLWith a Gold Card and PC Conqueror, one can run PC Findex on the QL.
- Problems in Using the New V2.4 "Merge" CommandProblems traced to attempting to merge corrupt programs.
- Program to Calculate Prime Numbers
- Program to demonstrate math errorDemonstrates puzzling math error with integers.
- Program.. Patch.BasProgram to add editing capabilities to BBC Basic on the Z88.
- Programming Tips (all computers): Exploring Def FN an FNHow to set up and use user-defined functions.
- Programming with SDOS BASIC CommandsTips for using SDOS commands in BASIC.
- Psion Develops Three New ComputersOverview of Psion MC-200, MC-400 and MC-600 mobil computers.
- Psion XchangeThe four PSION programs are tied together in the XCHANGE with the ability to share information between the programs without going to all the hassle of changing mdvs or disks or importing and exporting.
- Public Domain Libraries
- Public Domain Software and the QL
- Public Notice from Jack Dohany dated January 1, 1991Retired from 2068 support activities as of January 1, 1991. Will continue developing/programming.
- Publishing DataUpdate has more than 400 subscribers.
- QBox-USA BBSDescription of a BBS run on a Sinclair QL.
- QDOS ROM CodeDetails about QDOS.
- QL + MSDOSThe ability to access the many MSDOS programs is enticing. A look thru catalogs of 3 West Coast dealers in MSDOS Shareware programs certainly proves the point of the availability of a vast range of programs at very reasonable prices.
- QL Acey-Digety GameGame in SuperBasic.
- QL Archive Revisited
- QL CharacteristicsAbout half of the subscribers to UP-DATE are owners of both the TS-2068 and tlie Sinclair QL, the latest member of the Orphan Computer family. Comments received about the QL range from pure disgust to enthusiastic praise. But there is one common denominator amongst the QL owners and that is a desire to learn how…
- QL CornerDi-Ren keyboard interface; Super Hermes; keyboard connections.
- QL CornerPatch to fix date problem; repairing the power connector; repairing the keyboard.
- QL Corner
- QL Corner
- QL Crashes - An Easy FixFix to the QL power supply with an SCR.
- QL Desktop PublishingBrief overview of Page Designer.
- QL Desktop Publishing
- QL Desktop PublishingNotes on DTP using the QL applications.
- QL Emulator for the Amiga and Some Miscellaneous Ramblings
- QL FAQ and resources pointer
- QL FAQ and Resources pointer, news on newsWhere to find QL resources, circa May 1996.
- QL Keyboard Connections
- QL Mail File Hints
- QL Media Managers
- QL NetworkingClaims abound for computer hardware and software. The original claims for SINCLAIR’S QL (aka ZX-83) promised the capability of a PEER/PEER NBTWORK because the QL had been designed for use in a “business” environment. The two ‘NET’ ports bear witness to this intent.
- QL News and Views
- QL News from Around the WorldQL emulator for Mac.
- QL Numbers Into TextThis program converts a number (entered as numerals) into an equivalent word string.
- QL on PacketOne ham’s experience using the QL to communicate via packet radio.
- QL Perks & Quirks
- QL QuirksThe article on page 17, UPDATE, Jan ’89, by Oscar Sensabaugh presents a problem which has a solution. I am referring to the statement that Oscar uses TWO QL “work copies” in order to implement two printing devices, a QL and a Smith-Corona printer AND he has to make his choice of printing devices BEFORE…
- QL RAM ExtensionThe accompanying circuit is an application of the TMS4500A as RAM extension for the 68008. This chip can drive a maximum of 128K dynamic RAM and provide all necessary signals.
- QL Repair Sources/TS-2068 Repair SourcesDan Elliott and Tom Bent are recommended for QL. Elliot also repairs TS-2068.
- QL SolitaireReview of the game from Softshoe Software.
- QL Tidbits and Tips Since the Last Issue
- QL TipsTips on printing from the QL.
- QL to IBM TransfersHow to transfer files over serial cable.
- QL to Z88 Linkup
- QL_GenealogistReview of the program by Chris Boutal.
- QLAMBerFile management utility.
- QLAMBer Update
- QLAND_LORD: A ReviewQLAND_LORD is designed to aid in the management of real estate. It provides complete detailed record keeping for all financial transactions, prints rent receipts, provides quarterly reporting and prepares the data required for IRS Schedule E tax reporting.
- QLerkReview of the program by Bill Cable.
- QLuMSiTool to make transition between QDOS and MSDOS easier.
- QLuMSi 4.80
- QLuMSi DOS v4.20
- QLuSTer v5.105
- QLUSTer_LITEIteration of QLUSTer program.
- QLUSTer/QL_UtilitiesUtility for file management.
- QMOSAIC ChroniclesUser experiences with a non-graphical web browser for the QL.
- Query about Lighthouse programReader has difficulty reproducing results with same printer.
- Quick and Easy RoutinesYes – No INKEY$, SDOS Printer Drier, Software check of printer status, Pseudo Hex Vars Table with Letterhead Data
- QUILL FilesaverThis program reads a damaged QUILL file and converts it to a plain text file.
- QXL - Miracle's New PC CardBrief description of PC coprocessor card that offered QL compatibility.
- QZX IndexDescription of the index.
- Reference Card for the ZX80, ZX81 and Timex Sinclair 1000Copy of the Nanos reference card.
- Refield ProgramProgram that allows one to add, restructure and delete fields in Archive databases.
- Release of ZX81TapeAnnouncement of program to convert programs on cassette to MSDOS files.
- Releasing Printer Power from a QLMany with a QL do not know how to get the most out of their printers. This is particularly true of those using QUILL who would like fancier documents, but feel they are limited to the enhancements (highlights) provided in QUILL (High & Low Scipt, Bold and Underlined).
- Report in the Sinclair Expo in MilwaukeeUpdate about the expo and Timex/Sinclair scene.
- Report on Newport 2
- Report on Oak Ridge QL Show
- Report on the Dayton Computerfest
- Report on the Dayton Computerfest in August
- Resurrecting a Crashed Directory on the ZX81 LarkenTechnique for manually recovering a crashed directory.
- Review of Chris Boutal's Genealogist 3
- ROM Bypass Board PCB layouts
- ROM Bypass Circuit DescriptionBoard to bypass 0-16K of the HOME bank and 0-8K of the EXROM bank.
- ROM/EXROM Bypass Board for External EpromsNotes and schematics that expand on William J. Pedersen’s ideas.
- Ruminations from the QL Editor
- Ruminations from the QL Editor
- Ruminations From The QL Editor
- S.N.U.G. Sinclair Northamerica Users GroupDuring one of the organizational meetings of the recent Sunstate Timex/Sinclair Winterfest ’88, the idea of a National organization for the advancement of Sinclair computing came up. It was decided that since we had developed a “core group” that was dedicated to promoting Sinclair computing, we would attempt to lay the groundwork for such an…
- Safe as Houses - Z88 SecurityProgram to secure your Z88.
- SAFE Questions and AnswersQuestions about Oliger 2068 Disk I/F and JLO SAFE DOS.
- SAFE Questions and AnswersThis column will answer questions of general interest about the Oliger 2068 Disk I/F and JLO SAFE DOS.
- Scan: An Archive ProgramProgram that allows one to see up to three selected fields displayed on a line for all currently active records.
- Screen Files in StringsThe following demo listing shows how up to a maximum of 704 characters in a 32-column text screen such as a menu may be stored in a string, then printed back on-screen either from RAM storage or after retrieval from disk or tape files.
- Screen Macros: The "macro.b6" ProgramProgram to create SCREEN$ and save/load them to/from disk.
- SDOS AUTO_DEX, MARK_MOVE, AND VERI_DISKDOSDEX stores and accesses from a single disk an index of more files than most will ever get around to using. AUTO-DEX provides an automatic search for a given title. MARK-MOVE moves files from one disk to another. VERI-DISK checks the integrity of files on the disk. All are adapted from programs written by Roelof…
- SDOS Mail MergeDatabase/mail merge program that will work with any Centronics printer.
- Serial Printer Output ProgramMachine language program listing.
- Serial Printers, The FDD 3000, and TOSThis article was written specifically for connecting a Brother EP-22 typewriter printer or the SMITH-CORONA DEVILLE III typewriter printer with the Messenger Module to the Zebra FDD 3000 Disk Drives. However, the article should be of help to anyone in connecting a serial printer to the TS 2068.
- Setting up Quill for Printers
- ShellThe listing in this article allows you to COPY or ERASE any or all of the files on a disk. The first part asks you what you want to do in a series of questions. The second part of the program creates a sequential file using the screen channel. This redirects the screen output to…
- Side BarNotes about keyboard alternatives for the QL.
- Sinclair and Timex User Groups and Clubs of North America
- Sinclair ComputingUpdate Magazine has withdrawn its offer to allow SNUG to take over publishing the magazine. CATS Fest. SINCUS TS-2068 library. QL fix. TS-2068 cassette public domain library: CATS. SINC LINK. ZX-Appeal. The Plotter. BosTUG Sinclair/Timex Newsletter. QZX. SyncWare News absorbed in to Quantum Levels. Time Designs Magazine promises to get back on schedule. PIPE LINE,…
- Sinclair Internet Resources List
- Sinclair Lotto SimulatorConverted from the 2068 program by G. Mockridge.
- Sinclair Milwaukee User GroupOur group is called Sinclair Milwaukee Users Group, also called SMUG. We were established in 1983 and work with all forms of the Sinclair Computers.
- Sinclair On the NetSome of the more interesting info pulled off the Internet in the prior few months, including a magazine dedicated to Spectrum emulators, new products for QL and a ZX81 magazine.
- Sinclair Publications - A ReviewMentions of ZX-91, International QL Report, QL Hacker’s Journal, Computer Monthly column.
- Sinclair Publications, 2nd LookNESQLUG News, FDD Newsletter for Zebra system, QZX, Sinc-Link, RAMTOP, SWYM, ISTUG, The Plotter, CATS Newsletter and Z88 EPROM.
- Sinclair Publications: Quantum Levels Still KickingQuantum Levels will continue publishing and will absorb Syncware News.
- Sinclair Talks to PC/XTRoutines to transfer files to/from a PC using a parallel printer interface.
- Sinclair Timex Publishing PictureLast year I offered “Update magazine on a platter” to SNUG, I am publicly renewing this offer to SNUG for them to take over publishing Update as the SNUG publication with the October 1990 issue.
- Sinclair Z-88 Filling a Market Niche?What makes the Z88 unique is its packaging. The computer is eight by eleven inches, weighs under two pounds and is only three fourths of an inch thick! This makes it the first truly portable computer.
- Sinclair ZX Spectrum micro-FAQ
- Sinclair ZX81 FAQVersion 1.3, revised June 13, 1995.
- Sinclairs and the World Wide Web
- Slave CPU Processing: Applicable to ANY Host ComputerDiscusses how to apply techniques described in “Interfacing to S-100/IEEE 696 Microcomputers” by Sol Libes and Mark Garatz to the Timex Sinclair 1000 and 2068.
- SNUG UpdateBrief update on progress in establishing the Sinclair Northamerica Users Group.
- Software Review: Money Machine IIFor those unfortunate ones who are able to observe Vanna infrequently or not at all, but are nevertheless equipped with a T/S 2068, there remains the option of MONEY MACHINE II. This option not only permits discretionary observation of Miss Banna Brite (as shapely an assembly of pixels as one could wish for), but also…
- Some comments on bitim.b1, a utility to create and print 1 or 22 one-line screen files to a 24-pin or bubble jet printer
- Some More Ideas on How to Create Multiple Columns in Z88 Pipedream
- Sorted DirectoriesProgram to save programs in alpha order.
- Sound ExperimentorUnlike most home computers, the QL has a very limited noise making capability. What there is can only be dragged out by using the enigmatic BEEP command. Reprinted from ZX-Appeal.
- SPDOS for North AmericaSPDOS originates from Abbeydale Designers. The American version is marketed by Cuyahoga Valley Software Works.
- Speed Comparison Between 2068 Pascal and Compiled Basic (Timachine)Comparison of floating point (sine/cosine) math between two compilers.
- Speed Comparison Between 2068 Pascal and Compiled BASIC (TIMEMACHINE)Recently I have been working on using my 2068 to control a 3 axis drilling/routing machine using stepper motors. To make the machine move in arcs and circles I needed to use the sine and cosine functions in the 2068 ROM. After trying some BASIC and machine language routines I found that the machine couldn’t…
- String Slicing, Coercion & ConcatenationString concatenation is a subject that can’t easily be covered in a vacuum. It must include string slicing and coercion as well.
- Style Sheets, Formats and MacrosI create a document of my letterhead with design, margins, footer, Justification and tabs the way I like them. I have both my box number and my street address, together with a dummy date and salutation.
- Super Spectrum - the never-release LokiDetails an 8-bit computer designed to replace the Spectrum 128 that was scuttled when Amstrad took over Sinclair.
- SuperBasic Data Types
- Switching Printer CharactersSending printer codes to change fonts.
- System Variables and Number StorageAppendix D of the TS-2068 user manual gives four pages of “System Variables”, which most users klnda ignore, These variables are used by the TS-2068 operating system to control things, and we users can use the vars to advantage. The most confusing thing about the tables are the “two byte numbers”, which leaves us out…
- Systems-Oriented Languages Bulletin Board SystemBBS running on a TS 2068.
- T/S EmulatorsNotes on Carlo Delhez’s emulators and letter from Carlo about them.
- Tax Software for the QLTAX-l-QL (rhymes with icicle) is the lead program from the Boston QL software house of EMSoft. It is a spreadsheet template to run under ABACUS on the QL to make the IRS tax preparation easier but is does require at least 384K RAM.
- Tax-I-NowUpdating Tax-I-QL templates with current IRS data.
- Telecommunications on the QLSimple terminal program. Reprinted from the May 1988 issue of Nite-Time News, which itself was reprinted from the Data Expansion, the newsletter of the Dallas/Fort Worth group.
- Telecomputing, Where We StandHam radio operators and computer communication via packet radio.
- text 87 and Quill, Part IComparison of the two word processing programs.
- text87 and Quill, Part II
- text87 and Quill, Part IIIConclusion to the comparison between the two programs.
- Text87Plus4 Drivers for QL
- The "PEEK VARS" UtilityThe PEEK VARS utility is designed to be MERGED to a Basic program either under construction, or one that is being modified. Use it as a “dangling sub-routine” to be consulted when facts about the System Variables are needed. «GO TO 9000» gets a screen print of the System Variables that may be needed for…
- The Aerco FD-68 Disk SystemReview of the system.
- The Aerco prcode, and possible ProblemsThere are at least four versions of the Aerco printer code and each of these may have three variations of configurations set up during the user’s adaptation to his own printer equipment.
- The August Dayton Computerfest: A ReviewNotes about who attended. Logicall V6 available.
- The Budget Software, Part IIThis software began in the April issue. Some repetition is included for convenience of reading. There are several ways of attacking this group of programs. You can key in the listings, which will give you a operating BUDGET and SPREADSHEET program “in basic”.
- The C.A.T.S NewsletterFive articles reprinted from the newsletter: The C Column, QL Small-C Comparison, Additions to the QL Library, More on Benchmarks and Dealing With The BBS.
- The Cable ColumnThis featured column, by Bill Cable, starts with this issue.
- The Cable ColumnMore on programming in Archive.
- The Cable Column: Programming in ArchiveArchive has a built-in procedural based language. The author walks through writing a few procedures.
- The Cambridge Z88Discussion of features and capabilities.
- The Cambridge Z88 ComputerA Sinclair portable from England: a first impression mini review.
- The Cambridge Z88 Personal ComputerReprint of press announcement.
- The Changing Complexion of Timex-Sinclair Computing Seen at the Orlando 1988 Winter FestThis issue of Up-Date was delayed a week to report upon the Orlando 1988 Winter Fest. Representing the Western USA was Tim and Stephanie Woods (Time Designs Magazine), and the Central USA was represented by the staff of SyncWare News and attendees from the Michigan user group.
- The Dayton Computerfest - Sinclair Sub ShowDetails about upcoming computerfest.
- The Editor SpeaksNotes about producing the newsletter and the scene in general.
- The Editor Speaks
- The Extra Memory SectionWe can use the DOCK BANK for programs and the HOME BANK for DATA. We can put a 64K program in the Dock Bank, and keep almost all of the 38K of FREE memory for data storage and management. This capability of the TS-2068 has been neglected and few realize the increase in power that…
- The FD-68 UpdateUsing RP/M (a clone of CP/M by Micro-Methods) with the TS-2068 and FD-68.
- The FD-68 UpdateThe following list is just a few of the programs I find indispensable and which I strongly recommend you obtain. It is certainly not exhaustive, but are a few that I use almost daily.
- The FD-68 UpdateProgram/routines to switch between Sinclair/Timex mode and CP/M mode on the FD-68.
- The Future of the TS2068
- The GEnie Information Service
- The History of QZXHistory of the ham radio focused computing magazine founded by Martin Irons.
- The History of the RAMEX Millenia KThere once was a little orphan computer named TS 2068. Like all orphans, it was not responsible for being an orphan. Along came the carpet baggers. Ramex was just one of many of this species. They sought to exploit the poor orphan by making grandeous additions. When the orphan was unable to support their standard…
- The Hungry OrphansThere are two TS-2068 Disk Drive Systems that are still in use despite the fact the their manufacturers have discontinued support of the systems. These are The RAMEX MILLENIA and the TIMEX of PORTUGUAL Disk drive systems. UP-DATE will publish every bit of information about these “orphan” disk drive systems that we can lay our…
- The Index PrinterLast issue we gave an index printing program for the TS-2068. This time I was determined to make the QL do it. Actually it turned out to be pretty good, and it has some other applications as well. It could be an “outline printer” or could be used for just about any purpose that one…
- The Issue DiskThe UP-DATE ISSUE DISK is a valuable tool to verify all of your key-in work. Larken Disk section contains Budget by Robert Mitchell. John Oliger and Larry Kenny for the nucleus of the 2068 disk drive support system; Aerco has slowed developed of FD-68 DOS.
- The Issue Disk ProgramGenerally, the feature programs included in the issue diskette are original programs never before offered to the TS-2068 user group and not for sale from other sources. The April Issue diskette will include the Feature Software “Budget”, plus the compiled program, plus the printer annex, plus the customized “Loader Manager” for either Oliger Safe, or…
- The J-UtilitiesHow can one name a program that has six diverse functions? J-Util combines most “number functions” needed in computing.
- The July/April Issue Disk Consolidated into OneThe July and April Issue Diskettes have been consolodated into one giant assemblage of programs and utilities. The consolodation was necessary because the Budget program, by Bob Mitchell, was split between the two issues. I have not ever seen such a combined useful and educational works presented in a computer magazine.
- The Key-In ProjectsThe two programs in this issue are long and complex but worth the effort to key in.
- The Larken Disk SectionThis section in UP-DATE is devoted to providing information about the Larken Disk System(s) in the same manner as we provide the section titled “Computing with SDOS, by John Oliger.”
- The Last Hardcopy EditorialLast issue of Update.
- The Last Issue of your SubscriptionUP-DATE begin in October 1987 with 40 subscribers and climbed to 220.
- The Logical OperatorsReprint of Sharon Zadetto Aker article from Sync about using logical operators to save time and memory.
- The Lonesome DockTo date little information has been published about how dock cartridge programs, home bank memory and disk drives can be “cross utilized.”
- The MAX DOS SagaSome are having problems with conflicts. LKDOS users should use RANDOMIZE USR 100 instead of PRINT #4, which conflicts with Oliger DOS.
- The Mscript File Printer that printed the above ArticleRefers to the DOS-64 review by Pete Fischer. Discusses switching between 32 and 64 column modes in OS-64 and code for an Mscript file printer is included.
- The Mysterious "DEF FN and FN" FunctionsThe two functions DEF FN and FN are used together like bread and butter to store math formulas in memory and then solve the problems by input of the missing factor.
- The New Oliger V2-52 EPROMThe latest Oliger DOS EPROM includes ERASE / (file name), RESTORE / (old file name to new file name), RESTORE /”new disk name”, RESTORE /(used alone to re-initialize to default parameters), VERIFY /(file name) to check the file for errors, COPY/ copies screen to printer, MERGE /(program name), SAVE //(Save without warning ~ that file…
- The North American Timex Sinclair AssociationThe Florida User Groups, who organized [the 1988 Orlando] Winter Fest, came to Orlando with a plan to organize a national Timex Sinclair association. “National” was changed to “North American,” a more appropriate name wihc includes the Canadian user groups. Eric and Mary Lynn Johnson are the key persons. The two had major parts in…
- The October and January Issue DiskThe OCTOBER 87 and JANUARY 88 Issue disks are now available for three Disk Operating Systems; Oliger DOS, Larken DOS, and Aerco FD-68 DOS.
- The October Editorial
- The Oliger TS-2068 SAFE DISK SystemReview of the hardware and DOS.
- The Printer RevolutionCommentary about printer prices dropping.
- The Programs for This IssueSDOS Mail Merge and Outline, a database.
- The Q(old_S)LAW ProjectNotes about a user survey project that netted only 2% response at that point.
- The QL Beginner CourseIf you have dug around as I have between the four sections in the back of the QL manual, you know that these books were not written in a 1, 2,3, sequence that lets you get right to it. I believe that, for this discussion, we should start with the printer itself.
- The QL Beginner's Column: "Software Dependant" SoftwareConfused title? Nope! We need to understand that the bread and butter for QL computing are the many new softwares, American made, inexpensive, that depend upon the Psion group for operation
- The QL Network device without ToolKit 2Connect two QLs together.
- The QL's Forbidden ByteThose of us who “cut our computer teeth” on the ZX80/81 learned quite early about the caveat that accompanied any use of CHR$ 118 when machine code was stored in REMs. Like the Cheshire cat, the line could disappear right before your eyes till nothing was left but the grin! The problem was that this…
- The Release of XCHANGE
- The Reliable QL
- The Round-Up: An Update Programming TutorialThis is a program designed for UPDATE to demonstrate several abilities of dealing with numbers. FIRST, the “INT” function “ROUNDS DOWN” figures. All businesses do the opposite, ROUNDING UP to the nearest cent. This can make a busy department store quite a few dollars during a day’s operation.
- The Sinclair QLLetter from Donald Jones about upgraded power supply resolving problems.
- The Sinclair Z88 "Lap Top" ComputerSo far as I can tell, there are only praise and enthusiasm coming from the owners of the Sinclair Z88. Frankly, I dont like the term “lap top”, as it seems to have a connotation of “tinker toy” which demeans the extraordinary capabilities of the Z88.
- The Sinclair Z88 Small But PowerfulDemonstration of mixing word processor and spreadsheet features in same document.
- The Sinclair Z88: Considerations for Peripheral DesignSince the Z88 uses the Z-80 CPU, some of our better interfaces for the TS-2068 offer the prospects for easy adaptation to the Z88 by BUSS connector changes and re-work of chip addressing. Generally, the engineering has been accomplished for the Z-80 CPU and its 8 bit capability. One seemingly fruitful area is the disk…
- The Trump CardThe Trump Card combines a disk interface, 768K of RAM, Toolkit II for SuperBASIC, screen dump, static and dynamic RAM disks and a dynamic printer buffer. Reprinted from ZX-Appeal.
- The TS-2068 Disk Drive Systems: Combinations to Achieve Increased Capability
- The Ultimate AutostartAutostart menu construction for Larken users.
- The Universal Code Data PrinterThis neat program will work with any TS-2068 configuration, Including cassette, or disk systems (with modifications). The program is designed to be a MERGE IN program for the new DAISY.B6 software, but it operates independently, with RUN or GO TO 5226. When MERGED to any Basic program, It provides the capability to PRINT-OUT data files…
- The Update Editorial
- The Versions of QPAC2, Thru December 1993
- The XChange Version of Quill
- The Year of DiscoveryCall to make 1992 the “year of discovery” for Sinclair.
- The Z88 and TelecommunicationsNotes on connecting a Z88 to another computer.
- The Z88 and TelecommunicationsThe Z88 is particularly well suited for communicating to modems and other computers. A serial port which communicates up to 38,400 baud, a VT52 terminal program and a dedicated file transfer utility are included with the stock Z88. The Z88 also weighs only 2 pounds and is easily transported right next to the device you…
- This JULY UP-DATE Issue- New Programs and New UtilitiesChallenges in compiling disks for the various operating system are described.
- Timex 2068 Emulation on a PC Using Z80How to use Gerton Lunter’s Spectrum emulator, Z80, as a Timex 2068 emulator.
- Timex Clubs of North America
- Timex Publication Index, part 1
- Timex Publication Index, part 2
- Timex Publication Index, part 3
- Timex Publication Index, part 4
- Timex Technical Data: Connector Signal Layout
- Timex Technical Data: TS-2068 Schematic
- Timex Technical Data: TS2068 PC Board Component Layout
- Timex/Sinclair 1000 Emulator for MSDOSReview of the emulator by Jeff Vavsour.
- Tips and Small ItemsShort programming tidbits.
- Tips on ZX81/TS1000 Computer RepairTroubleshooting tips for fixing TS1000 problems.
- TMX Disk Operating System Boot Disk ProgramProgram to automatically load from disk when the computer is booted.
- Tony BlizzardNotes from a QL user.
- Toronto Timex-Sinclair Users Club and SINC-LINKThe Toronto Sinclair User Club is one of the most active clubs in North America.
- Toronto Timex-Sinclair Users Club Information Sheet
- Transferring Z-88 Files to the 2068
- Traveling with the Z88Notes on using the Z88 on the road, including connecting a modem.
- Trump Card User's GuideDocumentation to supplement the small manual that comes with the card.
- Trump Card User's GuideThis series of articles will bring to light some of the very powerful features of the TRUMP CARD and TOOLKIT II via real usable examples. The articles may be assembled into a user guide at some future time, if enough interest is shown.
- TS 2068 Standard Memory ConfigurationMemory map diagrams from the technical manual.
- TS 2068 VARS Save and Reload: TOS Disk System VersionModification to work with TOS.
- TS-2068 ActivitiesThere are now three predominent disk systems for the TS-2068. Their order of usage is: LKDOS, Oliger SAFE DOS, TOS, and Aerco FD-68. TOS DISK users hang in there with determination but receive little support. User activities during 1989 has been away from the Aerco FD-68, mostly toward LKDOS. Quite a number of FD-68 users…
- TS-2068 Business SoftwareThis comprehensive software proves that the TS-2068 is a mighty fine computer for running a business. The equilivant of this program in use throughout the World costs hundreds of dollars. Jim Bretz designed and uses this AR1-9 software to run his large hardware business.
- TS-2068 Cottage Software SupportFairware (Jack Dohany), Chia-Chi Chao, RMG Enterprises, S&K Enterprises, Lemke Software, Byte Power, Grey & Clifford, Bill Pedersen.
- TS-2068 Data Input - a utility for: data base generation, keyboard reading, character concatenation, screen display, full editingThis is an audacious attack upon the most famous weaknesses of the TS-2068, slow data input and poor screen editing. The result is a INPUT SECTION of programming that can be used for many purposes. Programmers have overcome the problems mentioned by developing their own independently running Machine Code in RAM.
- TS-2068 Data Input (re-visited) or "A new hiding place for code"Concatm.C1 relocated to an area other than print buffer.
- TS-2068 Extra Memory RecapIn January 1988, UPDATE began a series about extra memory. The first objective was to explore the ways and means of using existing extra memory hardware.
- TS-2068 Power WarningAs more devices are hung on the I/O port, the rated output of the voltage regulator is stretched to the limit.
- TS-2068 Program "Dbx.B6" A software for RECORD Keeping
- TS-2068 Programming In The AbstractManipulating the stack from BASIC.
- TS-2068 Publication SupportThere are some excellent small publications that are worthy of a look: QZX, CATS Newsletter, QL USA, D-FW Data Expansion, ZX Appeal, SINCUS News, DATSN, The Plotter, Timelinez, Smug Bytes, LISTing, FDD Newsletter, SINC LINK.
- TS-2068 Super CalcMultifunction calculator program.
- TS-2068 Suppliers
- TS-2068 Talks to a PC by ModemDirect connection via modem.
- TS-2068 Tool to Convert Chr StringsProgram to convert two dimensional character arrays to three dimensional arrays.
- TS-2068 VARS Save and Re-LoadProgram find and save VARS for Larken DOS or cassette.
- TS-2068 with Unlimited RAM capabilitySchematics and machine code to expand the 2068 RAM with port buffer, clock/calendar, 56K or 64K, expansion bank controller and proper address decoding for EXROM.
- TS-2608 Supporting Publications
- TS1000 TurboAdd a switch to add “turbo” mode to the TS1000.
- TS1500 memory modExpand TS1500 to 32K internally.
- TS2068 Key Top ProtectorYoung user protects his keyboard with plastic cling film.
- TS2068 Payroll Program for LarkenProgram to calculate wages, payroll, etc.
- TS2068 Power Supply Information from QZXOverview of the AC adaptor and internal voltage regulation.
- TS2068 ROM Bypass SchematicSchematic and notes about a proposed expansion system.
- TS2068 SOL BBS ReportProgress report on improving the features and reliability of the database software with the help of Jack Dohany and Larry Kenny.
- TS2068 Tape to Disk Projects and Availability
- TS2068 Video Bells and WhistlesAdvanced graphics programming tutorial.
- Two Magazines Depart With ClassQuantum_Levels and SyncWare News cease publication with the vol 2 num 6 of Quantum_Levels. List of back issues (incl articles) included.
- Two-Column & Wide Tasword PrintoutsRoutine to print side-by-side columns with Tasword.
- Update Announces "Daisy.B6" for TS-2068Program for complex printing options.
- Update Changes PublisherFrank Davis will take over publishing with the October 1990 issue.
- Update Gets a New Editor After JulyCarol and Frank Davis will publish Update after July 1990.
- UpdatesCirculation level is at around 500 and building. All 50 U.S. States and all Canadian Provinces, plus three foreign Countries are represented. The breakdown of population is? 50% TS-2068, 50% Sinclair QL, 12% Cambridge Z88. About 70% use two or three of these Computers, and express their intent to continue to do so. Sinclair QL…
- User Group Digest: C.A.T.S. The Capital Area Timex Sinclair User GroupCATS is a not-for-profit and has been around since ZX81 ads appeared in Popular Science. About 90 active membets – about a third are active TS-2068 users, more than half have TS-2068s. Monthly newsletter and software library.
- Using BASIC String/Arrays in Machine Code ProgramsProgram to transfer the location of a specific variable to a machine code program.
- Using Quill ASCII Files in a DOS DTP
- Using Quill for ASCII Files
- Using STR$ to Modify Disk Program TitlesSolution for printing a number of files sequentially with Smart Text.
- Using the Larken Sequential/Random Filing System to Produce a TS2068 ROM Disassembly
- Using the OS-64 Cartridge with TOSHow to boot TOS with the OS-64 cartridge installed.
- Utilities "INIT" and "Cclear Code"The “INIT” utilities for the three Disk Operating Systems are slightly different. Each listing may be used to pick up another little twist for another DOS.
- Video Interface with QL ComputerNotes on connecting TV or a variety of monitor types to the QL, along with generating the necessary signals.
- VU-CALC Tutorial, Wide Printer Enhancement and Additional Notes on VU-CalcPrinting spreadsheets on wide printers.
- Wall Street, Here We Come!Program to plot stock data.
- What is New for the QL
- When They Built the Timex 2068 Computer They Threw Away the Mold!Schematic diagram of the Z80, SCLD and memory along with call to correct the problems with the computer.
- When to Upgrade: The QL in TransitionUpgrades to the QL.
- When Zero Isn't ZeroAnswer to Basil Wentworth’s question about integer math errors.
- Whither Goest, TS-2068 UP-DATEThis April issue of UP-DATE marks the third of a four issue year, and a time for a decision for the second year. I am having fun publishing UP-DATE and learning a bit with each issue. But it is a lot of work: I hope that you like what is being done because it has…
- Why Buy a QL (or in the end, keep one)
- Why Use Archive?Twelve reasons to use Archive.
- Window Defining: A Program, Part IWhen programming, to get the full power out of your Sinclair QL one must learn how to effectively use its windows. Using the SuperBASIC commands can become tedious and slow. This series of four articles will develop a program to completely define any window giving all relevant facts about it.
- Window Defining: A Program, Part IIIn this article we will write and discuss the different functions that will be used. SuperBASIC gives us the ability to write very versatile, many variable functions which can do more than merely return a number.
- Window Defining: A Program, Part III
- Wire Frame Sprites with MagnificationUsing pattern tables to draw wireframe type characters is used a lot with the Apple II computers since they don’t have sprites. This program uses letters stored in a string variable to draw graphics characters with a magnification parameter.
- Word Perfect Power with the Z88Editing Z88 documents with Word Perfect.
- Word-Master Is ReadyWord processor with graphics capabilities.
- World MapGeography lesson for the ZX81, TS1000 or TS1500.
- World Map, Part 2
- XREF - A ReviewReview of a utility that helps programmers improve their Basic programs on the QL.
- Xtricator, Version 1.75Review of the ZX-81 emulator by Carlo Delhez.
- You Could Call This An EditorialNotes about how to submit articles.
- Z88 ASCII Translation ProgramsProgram to convert Z88 text file to one that can be used on a QL or PC.
- Z88 Battery ReplacementBill Jones discovers that the Z88 retains programs/data even when the batteries die.
- Z88 Biorythm Program
- Z88 Connections to Hayes ModemTwo methods of connecting a modem.
- Z88 External Battery Box
- Z88 Fax News
- Z88 Fax NewsNew publication for the Z88 that is distributed by fax.
- Z88 Flow Chart
- Z88 Glossary of Terms
- Z88 Hardware Connections
- Z88 MacLink Review
- Z88 News
- Z88 News and Information
- Z88 Prime Number Benchmark
- Z88 ReviewI have owned a Z88 for about five months now. I thought I would give my impressions of it. I have always been interested in laptop computers and wanted to buy one for a long time. But they were either too expensive or not powerful enough. That is until the Z88. It is both powerful…
- Z88 ROM and Internal RAM Upgrade
- Z88 Spreadsheet Use
- Z88 to Sinclair Transfer LinkReview of program/cable to transfer files from Z88 to/from QL.
- ZX-TextDescription of the program available from the author’s company.
- ZX81 Emulator for the Atari STReview of emulator.
- ZX81 Emulators
- ZX81 Tic-Tac-ToeDocumentation, part 2.
- ZX81 Tic-Tac-ToeDocumentation for the program.
Started as TS-2068 UP-DATE, Update Magazine was a quarterly publication created to support Timex/Sinclair 2068 users with disk drive systems. Articles about the Sinclair QL and Cambridge Z88 were added as those systems gained users.
Started in October 1987 by Bill Jones, it transitioned to Frank and Carol Davis in October 1990 and published until July 1996.
The newsletter was originally sectioned by disk drive system and printed on color stock. That was quickly abandoned and, as time went on, the format become more consistent with other newsletters.
In the April 1989 issue, Bill Jones gave a demographic update. Circulation was about 500 and growing. All 50 US states, all Canadian provinces, and three foreign countries were represented.
Computer ownership among subscribers was 50% TS-2068, 50% Sinclair QL, 12% Cambridge Z88. 70% used two or three of the computers and expressed their intent to continue to do so. Sinclair QL users were evenly divided between using disk drive or microdrive. 95% of TS-2068 users had a disk drive system and were divided:
- 47% Oliger Disk
- 47% LKDOS
- 19% FD-68
- 8% TOS Zebra
- 4% Ramex
- 30% had dual DOS capability
The newsletter went through several name changes, finally landing on Update Computer Systems under Frank and Carol Davis’ leadership.
All issues are available on archive.org.
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