Bill Bell

596 Cherrington Road, Westerville, OH 43081
Owner(s): Bill Bell


A fully automatic, BASIC transparent, disk operating system that locates itself in the 8-16K region of RAM. Versions available for AERCO and JLO additions to the TS1000. Fully compatible with all printer interfaces.
TS 1000


For Apple, Atari, Commodore 64 and VIC-20, TI, Timex and TRS-80. Ten programs for each system, with explanations of how they work.
TS 1000
30 games ranging from fortune telling programs to simulation of the ecosystem.
TS 1000
This book aims to help you learn to use a microcomputer with confidence. 30 Hour BASIC isn’t all there is to know about BASIC but it does cover all the essentials. Once you’ve completed the course, you will be ready to use a textbook on BASIC or for a second stage BASIC course.
ZX81 TS 1000
Presents classical & popular selections designed to appeal to all ages. Some include guitar chord notations for accompaniment or chord practice. Instructions provided for playing the compositions through amplifier, tape deck, cassette recorder or television.
TS 2068
This unique book contains 30 programs all designed to fit the basic 1K version of the Sinclair ZX80.
From the Cambridge Collection are 30 programs for the TS1000 and the ZX81. These programs are written for the unexpanded 1K or 2K machine. Entertainment and learning from one of the designers of tomorrow’s systems.
ZX81 TS 1000
Games, graphics, education applications and practical uses. Purpose of the program is described and how to use it is explained. Sample run and complete program with suggestions for changes. Main routines and variables listed.
TS 1000
A handy collection of ready-to-run software for businessmen, teachers, students and hobbyists.
TS 1000
Galactic Intruders, Checkers, Death Maze, Breakout, Smuggler’s Mold, and 44 other favorites, newly adapted for your TS1000 or ZX81. Contains complete programming instructions, plus easy-to-understand game rules.
A large variety of great games, interesting activities, and plenty of graphics, providing hours of fun for the whole family. For the unexpanded ZX81. Written in Basic to facilitate learning; complete instructions. Packaged in a spiral bound format which lies flat for convenient referral, these programs feature a variety of graphics and are mostly of
A large variety of great games, interesting activities, and plenty of graphics, providing hours of fun for the whole family.
TS 1000
For the unexpanded TS1000, all 50 programs are in Basic with many user friendly statements to facilitate learning. Featuring plenty of graphics, the programs are mostly games/activities with a few utilities. All listings come complete with instructions and are packaged in a spiral bound book which lies flat for convenient referral.
TS 1000
51 games are listed, some very short and simple, other long and complex. Explains how to run the game but not how the program works. Contents Moving Graphics Games Driving Games Board Games and Simulations Card Games Brain Games Word and Letter Games
TS 1000 TS 1500
Written by an elementary school teacher with experience in classroom use of computers. Makes programming exciting for any age group. A fun alternative to plug-in games that helps to prepare today’s kids for the computer dominated environment they will face.
TS 1000
Third book in Dreger’s series on TS 2068 machine language programming. Picks up where Introduction to 2068 Machine Code left off with the display file, how to create graphics and screens with machine code.
TS 2068
Definitive guide to the AERCO DOS. Examples of commands, how to save arrays/data and use extra 64K RAM.
TS 2068
Subroutines for applied math and plotting routines, for both TS 1000 and TS 2068. Available with cassette.
TS 1000 TS 2068
How to use Archive on the QL. Supplied as three-ring binder.
Full subtitle: Basic Programming on Personal Computers by Apple, Atari, Commodore, Radio Shack, Texas Instruments, Timex Sinclair.
TS 1000
Covers hierarchy of arithmetic operations; entering programs; branching; arrays; loops; multidimensional arrays; simulating library functions; using subroutines; SLOW and FAST mode; relational operators in logical decisions; plotting; graphics in strings; plotting; slicing; strings in arrays.
ZX81 TS 1000
Covers hierarchy of arithmetic operations; entering programs; branching; arrays; loops; multidimensional arrays; simulating library functions; using subroutines; SLOW and FAST mode; relational operators in logical decisions; plotting; graphics in strings; plotting; slicing; strings in arrays. Contents Preface v 1 The Keyboard 2 Hierarchy of Arithmetic Operations 3 Entering Programs 4 Output to the Screen 5
TS 1000 TS 1500
Introduction to programming that shows readers how powerful and flexible Basic is while working at their own pace. Applicable to the TS1500.
TS 1000
Easy-to-build electronic projects, including a numeric keypad and a shift-lock.
TS 1000 TS 1500
TS 1000 TS 2068
Entertainment and utility programs for any TS/ZX machine with 16K RAM. With more memory to work with the programs are more challenging. The programs are fully tested. Contents How to Use This Book vii Part 1 GAMES Backgammon 3 Quatermass 16 Checkers 20 Sub Hunt 25 Gomoku 30 Biorhythms 34 Eliza 40 Four in a
TS 1000
26 challenging educational games, each written in 1K of memory. Guess at the solutions or work them out logically – either way you’ll pick up some very practical knowledge. Contents
TS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2000 TS 2068
The book lays out simple application projects with detailed examples and explanations. These projects range from simple computer input and output to the electrical and electronics circuits of a self contained mobile robot. Although it is a practical “how to build it” book, it also demonstrates the concepts of computer control possibilities which enables the
TS 1000
Contained more than 120 suppliers of Sinclair-Timex products from the ZX-80 to the QL and the TS-1000 to the TS-2068. More than 800 software titles are listed along with more than 100 books and hardware items.
ZX80 TS 1000 TS 2068 QL
A step-by-step guide to the capabilities and limitations of the TS1000/ZX81. Teaches TS1000 Basic programming, and includes 37 programs of increasing complexity as examples. Programs for games, math, graphs & graphics.
TS 1000
TS 1000 TS 2068
Subtitle: Computer Fun for the Whole Family for the Timex/Sinclair, Radio Shack TRS-80, Texas Instruments TI-99, Plus Suggestions for Adapting to Other Computers.
TS 1000
Support book for those needing to look up what a BASIC function means and how it is to be used. The book is in alphabetical order so you will need to know what it is you are looking for first. A good book to have around once you know your way about BASIC.
TS 1000
Explains in detail how to use your Timex/Sinclair computer to interface to external electronics. The electronic circuits described in this book can also be used in many other computer or microcontroller (i.e. Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc.) projects. Great book for the DIY’er or Timex/Sinclair hobbyist.
TS 1000 TS 2068
TS 1000 TS 2068
21 pages including block diagram, Disassembly instruction, general operating instructions, grid trace location guide, IC pin outs and terminal guides, line definitions, logic charts, miscellaneous adjustments, parts list, photos, safety precautions, schematics, schematic notes, test equipment and trouble shooting. Also includes an appendix, pages I through VIII Titled preliminary service checks.
TS 2068
Written specifically to introduce children 8-13 years old to the ZX81. Requires no previous knowledge of computers, algebra, or variables. Enables the child to program a ZX81 in less than an hour. Includes a section for parents and teachers.
ZX81 TS 1000
Put your TS1000 to work. With a few inexpensive parts, measure the outside world automatically— light, heat, weight, and more. Turn on lights remotely. Add audible alarms and other sounds to your computer’s repertoire. Time events. Add a real keyboard and/or a joystick. Contents Introduction Chapter 1 Unbaffling Bits Chapter 2 Know Thy Computer’s Memory
TS 1000
Translate other BASIC programs to run on your T/S 1000. This complete guide covers more than 200 BASIC instructions, including a description of how each T/S replacement works and an example of it in use. Gives ZX/TS equivalents for commands and functions found in other Basics for dealing with: string and numeric functions, loops, direct
TS 1000
Features five ready-to-type-in games, along with the principles of game design. Also serves as an excellent introduction to BASIC programming on the Timex/Sinclair.
TS 1000
Chapter One — Starting On TS2068 Games Setting up the T2068 Using This Book Chapter Two — Designing ТS2068 Games Introduction A Good Game How to Design a Good Game Chapter Three — Number Games Crack the Combination Money Match Recognize the Enemy Chapter Four — Word Games Awful Anagrams Pace the Plank Shrink Chapter
TS 2068
Fully explained game programs written expressly for the TS1000. Games of chance and skill written in Basic. Hours of family entertainment as well as informative introduction to programming.
TS 1000
Complete assembly language listing of the ZX80’s 4K ROM with annotations.
Describes the operation of speech synthesis equipment for small computers and explains how to install a system to enable a home computer to speak. No specific application to the Timex/Sinclair computers but does have circuits that can be interfaced to a ZX81/TS1000.
The guide to all hardware, software and accessories for the Timex/Sinclair computers.
TS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068
A new selection of games designed for the TS1000 and ZX81; all in 1-2K. Features such arcade favorites as: Dogfight, Breakout, Outlaw, Galaxian, Roadracer, Alien Invasion, and dozens more.
ZX81 TS 1000
Table of Contents GAMES FOR YOUR TIMEX-SINCLAIR 2000 was first published in Great Britain by Virgin Books Ltd. under the title GAMES FOR YOUR ZX SPECTRUM as part of the Virgin Computer Games Series. The author, Peter Shaw, was a 16-year-old schoolboy who has contributed to Interface magazine and to ZX Computing.
TS 2068
Contains more than 70 programs to help the reader get the most from his TS1000 or ZX81. Game programs include: Checkers, Alien Imploders, Blastermind, Moon Lander, Breakout, Star Burst, and Derby Day. Programs for cascading sine waves, plotting graphs and tables, data sorting, equation solving, plus the use of PLOT, SCROLL, PRINT, TAB, PEEk, POKE,
ZX81 TS 1000
A library of programming subroutines, fully tested, immediately usable in larger programs. For TS1000, 1500. and 2000 series (with minor modifications described in the book).
TS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068
Complete graphics course for the TS/ZX computers. Chapters on the Memotech High Resolution Graphics module. Topics: animation, 3-D plotting, diagonal scrolling, writing and dissecting uneditable programs, machine code short cuts, and more. Program listings.
TS 1000
This super book on the ZX80/MicroAce includes chapters on saving space, machine code subroutines (including PAUSE and ACTIVE DISPLAY). Learn how to protect variables and how to clear them one by one.
ZX80 MicroAce
1K and 16K programs, games and applications, RAM and I/O circuits, programming hits and ROM routines.
ZX81 TS 1000
Build a General Instruments SP0256 speech synthesizer. Written for several microcomputers, it includes a chapter on interfacing to the ZX81/TS1000. Author was with Research in Speech Technology (R.I.S.T.), a firm that marketed The Parrot, a speech synthesizer for the ZX81/TS1000.
ZX80 TS 1000
50 pages of detailed information on the TS market for turning your programs into profit. Topics included: market overview, packaging and pricing, market planning. advertising and selling techniques; list of resources and services.
TS 1000
Authors assume you know nothing about computers in general or the TS1000 specifically. They tell you what to expect and how to handle the problems you will encounter. You learn how to set up the computer, how to make it work, where to buy accessories and software, and where to get additional information. Practical advice
TS 1000
This is a book for people who want to know how the Timex ticks. It will guide you, even if you have no knowledge of electronics, to an understanding of what is going on inside the case of your computer. The book is in two sections; the first deals with the fundamental principles behind computer
TS 2000 TS 2068
Over 200 pages of educational material, written to be used as a self-teaching course in beginning machine code. Many examples and tips.
TS 2068
Course notes developed for UCLA extension course for adult students without experience in computers or programming. Includes writing a program, program control (GOTO and FOR- NEXT); characters, codes, graphics; arrays; sorting; retrieval.
TS 1000 TS 1500
Easy to understand Basic tutorial written specifically for the TS/ZX computers. Leads the user from “turn on” to “advanced programming” with a comprehensive style.
ZX81 TS 1000
Sequel to Timex/Sinclair 1000 Programs, Games and Graphics. Introduces principles of good programming and machine code programming.
TS 1000 TS 2000 TS 2068
Go beyond Basic into machine language programming and open computer horizons you never thought possible. Learn how to use the computer’s own language and find out about PEEK and POKE. Programming techniques, hints, and tips. Aimed at beginners.
ZX80 ZX81
This handbook focuses on the additional features of the TS1000 and 1500. New games and useful learning tricks help show how to write programs that really work. It will guide users from start to finish, through each feature and function of the TS1000/1500 personal computer.
TS 1000 TS 1500
This handbook focuses on the additional features of the TS1000 and ZX81. New games and useful learning tricks help show how to write programs that really work. Guides users from start to finish, through each feature and function of the TS1000/ZX81 personal computer.
TS 1000
Errors in R. Bissell and K. MacDonald’s Amazing Active Display program reported in Syntax v2 n10. Correction in Syntax v2 n11.
Announced in the November 1983 issue of Compute!
TS 1000
Contents CHAPTER 1 AN INTRODUCTIONA brief summary of the book. CHAPTER 2 INTRODUCTION TO HEXADECIMAL AND MACHINE CODEComputers count in sixteens, not tens. This system is called hexadecimal, and is quite useful to know. CHAPTER 3 SIMPLE ARITHMETIC“Simple” means very simple! Plusses and minuses only. Division and multiplication are left till later! CHAPTER 4 PEEKING
TS 1000 TS 1500
Using this guide, the reader learns the ins and outs of ZX machine code translation. The handbook reveals the secrets of the ZX81 and shows how to adapt the ZX81 code to the ZX80 machine.
ZX80 ZX81
18 chapters plus an index. There is a very brief introduction and then each chapter explains a BASIC function or concept. There are many examples to try and the book is well suited for beginners.
TS 1000
The use of computers was once the privilege of the few but the decreasing cost has made them available to all. The growth of the ‘personal’ computer market has led to a new generation of computer users to whom their 8-bit microprocessor-based machine is more important and useful than any large, time-sharing, multi-access facility because
Provides you with some ready to use programs and gives an insight into the techniques on which software is built. Full documentation and detailed commentary. Programs include: Dif, Till, Statistics, Cricket, Carbon Dating, Half Life, Reactions, Gas Laws, Doppler, Triangle, Peristalsis, Electrolysis, Spider Invaders, Notes, Music.
TS 1000
Look at the stars in your own personal planetarium with programs that allow you to observe the apparent movement of the stars, planets, and meteor showers. Written in Basic and ready to be entered on your TS 1000.
Downloadable TS 1000
Program to perform calculations for two multivibrator (oscillator) designs.
TS 1000
Subtitle: For the T/S 1000, 1500, and 2068 Computers. Here are 32 entertaining new games programs written in Timex/Sinclair BASIC. These fun and exciting games are written for all the Timex/Sinclair home computers, including the classic 1000, the new 1500 Personal Computer, and the 2068 Color Computer. All the programs have been fully tested and
TS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068
How to broadcast music and sounds to a nearby radio with no additional equipment. Five listings included control the radio frequency interference.
TS 1000
An edited book of some of the finest and most useful subroutines and programs available for the Sinclair user. It has some of the simplest and most wanted hardware additions that anyone can build and install.
TS 1000
30 programs which will fit into the 1K RAM of the ZX81 (and also the TS1000), and a detailed explanation of how to write your own exciting programs. Includes: Star Wars, Lunar Lander, Blackjack, and Adventures. Aimed at beginners.
ZX81 TS 1000
Explains how to use your microcomputer to control external devices, including how to build a speech output module, a power controller, an interface connector, a temperature sensor and other I/O devices. For each, you get a schematic plus some hints on construction. Photos and sketches help you build these projects. Includes software descriptions to run
TS 1000 TS 2068
Tutorial book with 12 projects on programming with illustrative programs: reaction timer; road race; slot machine: speed maze; ecology game; games of chance; codes; calendars.
TS 1000
Practical programs to show ability of ZX-81.
Downloadable ZX81 TS 1000
Shows families how to utilize the TS1000 in the home. Everything from doing homework to household management.
TS 1000
Introduction to Basic programming for those with no previous computer experience. Easy to digest format leads the user through hands-on examples of programs in the early chapters and helps develop skills gradually for more complex programs.
TS 1000
Thirty interesting and varied programs specifically designed for use on your Timex/Sinclair 1000. Ranging from simple gambling games to more sophisticated arcade games and utility programs, each program comes complete with notes on the structure of the program, programming hints, peek and poke explanations, and space-saving techniques. Contents I – Introducing the ZX81:1K Random Patterns
TS 1000
Math and conversion, data handling and games programs.
TS 1000
8K ROM disassembly. Major BASIC command routines are labeled and cross-referenced.
ZX81 TS 1000
Twenty-five science and engineering programs for the Timex/Sinclair 1000 bring professional sophistication to the world of low-cost computing! With detailed documentation and liberally illustrated by sample runs, these programs solve the most frequently encountered problems in the areas of: Electrical engineering Data transmission Number theory Computer programming Computer-generated plotting Probability and statistics Mathematics Operations research
TS 1000
Children from grades 1 through 6 will find basic arithmetic skill instruction and numerous practice programs. Each of the six packages contains 2 cassette tapes with 32 lessons, games and activities, plus an explanatory booklet. 16K.
TS 1000
Listings of software. Paid placements.
TS 1000
Twelve programs for statistical analysis using t-test and analysis of variance. Extensive directions for entering data; complete example of data input and output for each program; large data sets can be handled with 16K RAM. Tests include: independent groups t-test; correlated measures t-test; one, two, and three way analysis of variance and more.
ZX81 TS 1000
A compendium of BASIC numerical programs for the small systems user.
TS 1000 TS 2068
Reprints of articles from the first year of SyncWare News (June 1983 – June 1984). Many useful tips for ZX81, TS1000 and TS2068 users. Table of Contents
TS 1000
Polish your BASIC programming skills with T/S 2068 Basics and Beyond. Designed for beginning and intermediate BASIC programmers, this book offers a collection of tips and techniques that contribute to easier and better programming. You’ll develop a working knowledge of the finer points of T/S BASIC– including many programming methods and commands not found in
TS 2068
Does your brain get enough exercise? Are your wits as sharp, or your reactions as quick as they should be? Tone up the muscles of your mind with this enthralling collection of arcade and action games, puzzles, brainteasers and competitions for your microcomputer. Battle with GALACTIC MONSTERS and ZOMBIES IN THE SWAMP, compete in a
TS 2000 TS 2068
Use your 16K RAM pack and printer. Explains how the extra storage space is used, covers some utilities useful in writing longer programs, games illustrating the extended graphics capabilities in 16K, writing and debugging longer programs, introduces programs for editing data bases and statistical analysis, and using randomness.
ZX81 TS 1000
Programs that fit into the 1K machine. Random number generator; graphics; games of skill; PEEK and POKE; digital clock and reaction timer: character strings.
ZX81 TS 1000
This book introduces all the features of the Spectrum you need to write games programs that are fun to watch and exciting to play. Chapter Two introduces low resolution color graphics. Chapter Three explains how to use the random number generator and we return to graphics, this time in high resolution, in Chapter Four. Chapter
TS 2068 ZX Spectrum
Multi-platform versions of Renegade Robot, Ice Cream Cone, Ski Trek, The Black Mask, Jack-O’-Lantern, Cornucopia, Turkey, Christmas Tree, Personal Valentine and Egg Hunt.
TS 1000
A compilation of the best articles, reviews, programs and hardware projects up through December, 1985.
TS 1000 TS 2068
A collection of over 80 of the most valuable articles, programs, tutorials, and reviews that appeared in Volume 1 (1981) of SYNC Magazine. A vital resource for users of the TS1000, ZX81, ZX80 with 8K ROM, ZX80, and MicroAce computers. Topics include: games, math applications, graphics techniques, programming tips and tutorials, translation from other Basics,
ZX80 MicroAce TS 1000
Selected articles from the first ten years of The Plotter, the newsletter of the Clackamas Computer Applied Training Society, a Timex/Sinclair user group in Oregon.
ZX80 TS 1000 TS 2068 QL
Rise And Fall Of The Timex Computer Corp. Why Time Ran Out For Timex Micro Muse Introduction To Computer Control Automatically Set RAMTOP Without Destroying the Program “Boxes” A Monitor Adapter For The T/S 1500 DATA/READ On A T/S 1000 Adventures In The RAM Jungle and Other Mysteries 8k ROM Upgrade Band-Switching and Operating System
TS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068
A comprehensive manual designed to teach you to write and develop Basic programs for the TS1000 and ZX81; no other books or aids are necessary. Easy step-by-step guide with programs and “test yourself” exercises throughout. Every concept and function is fully described by simple programs. Over 100 programs and examples. Reference work for experienced programmers.
ZX80 ZX81 TS 1000
American readers found this book invaluable in understanding the Timex/Sinclair 2068 ROM.
TS 2068 ZX Spectrum
Includes Part A: 0000H-0F54H & Part B: 0F55H – 1DFFH.
ZX81 TS 1000
Sourcebook of software, hardware, publications, services and users groups for the ZX80, ZX81, MicroAce and TS 1000 computers.
ZX80 MicroAce ZX81 TS 1000
Subtitle: The only book you’ll ever need to become an expert at the Timex/Sinclair 1000 and 2000
TS 1000 TS 2000 TS 2068
The book for the electronics hobbyist to add memory, music, speech and a whole lot more.
ZX80 ZX81 TS 1000
Expansion ideas for the TS 1000. Includes buffered expansion board, different types of parallel input/output (I/O), use of parallel I/O to control AC and DC circuits, RS232 serial communications, parallel printer interface, real time clock and more.
TS 1000
About 60 pages of usable insider information (Interrupts, video, block diagram) and 60 more of somewhat undocumented Basic sample programs. The insider stuff does look helpful and a few schematics are provided (16K RAM, PIO, relay driver). This book just might fill in some facts missed elsewhere.
TS 1000
Practical programming manual for the beginner with the TS1000, ZX81, or ZX80. Furnishes over 70 fully documented programs. The majority have been written for easy conversion from machine to machine (ZX81 to ZX80 and vice versa). Describes each function and statement, illustrates it with a demonstration routine or program, combines it with previously discussed material.
ZX80 ZX81 TS 1000
Tutorial on “how to get started”, necessary equipment and software, Timex Sinclair BBS phone numbers and info about each one. Includes the QL. Table of Contents
TS 1000 TS 2068 QL
Contains the complete circuit diagram and full discussion of how it operates. Several demonstration projects include controlling a model railroad and interfacing a printer.
ZX81 TS 1000
Excellent book explaining how to set up your recorder to achieve reliable results. The book discusses problems that arise and explains how signals are recorded. Coupled with the VU Meter and Test and Alignment Tape, many hours of frustration can be saved.
TS 1000
Provides an introduction to the computer’s basic components; an overview of the things you can do with it; step by step instructions on how to set it up; LOADing and SAVEing; introduction to Basic; information on how to select, buy, install, and use popular accessories; sources of information about your computer such as magazines, books,
TS 1000
Describes over 1000 programs, book and accessories for the TS 1000, ZX81, ZX80 and MicroAce.
ZX80 MicroAce ZX81 TS 1000
The Sinclair Survivalist Handbook is filled with previously un-published program listings and articles, written by regular contributors to TIME DESIGNS, for the TS1000/ZX81, TS1500, TS2068, and the Sinclair QL. Examples include: ‘Adapting external keyboards to your TS1000’, ‘BASIC Line Delete Utility’, ‘Strategic Football’, ‘Fix Your TS2068 Space Bar’, ‘OS-64 Utilities’, ‘Little League Scheduler’, ‘Homemade ROM-Switch’,
ZX81 TS 1500 TS 2068 QL
Practical programs to do real jobs in a variety of environments. Included is a bulk storage program, word processing, financial applications, banking uses, plus educational programs. Author pushes the ZX81 and casts aside the idea that it is too small for any real computing work.
ZX81 TS 1000
A pocket book from Signet in 1982 that covers all the basics of using and programming the computer, again in Basic. The getting started section is nice in that it has both pictures of the connections and a layout of the keyboard (which helps understand the special keys). They use small graphics to help give
TS 1000
50 ready-to-run educational programs demonstrate scores of different techniques for solving problems in mathematics, science, and business. 10 chapters deal with solving problems by formulas and repetitive trials, convergence, recursion, compounding, probability, geometry, science, simulations, and drill and practice. Some problems demonstrate the capabilities of the computer; others identify its shortcomings.
TS 1000
A light translation of The ZX Spectrum Explored by the same author. Does not reference upgrades made to the TS 2068.
TS 2068
This simple, step-by-step guide makes programming your Timex Sinclair 2068 easy! It contains 50 ready-to-use programs– instructional, enjoyable, and useful programs that let you get the most out of all the graphics, sound, and color capabilities this affordable, portable computer has to offer. You don’t need any previous computer experience to get these programs running!
TS 2068
Covers writing simple programs, which keys to press and using graphic features.
TS 2068
Subtitle: Where to Find Practically Everything for the Timex-Sinclair Computer This is the ideal book for collectors, as it lists and displays all the products available for the ZX-81 in 1983. The keyboard chapter has eight pages devoted to all the alternative keyboards that were available. The interface section is quite impressive. Some pictures show
TS 1000
Describes and provides examples of each word in the TS1000 Basic vocabulary. Every keyword and function is explained carefully and thoroughly. Short example programs illustrate the use of each command in its syntactically correct form. Special notes provide insight to subtleties and extra features of each Basic word.
TS 1000
A practical guide for learning to program. Introduction to computers, how to use it as a simple calculator, then as a super calculator, then as a computer to run programs. Learn how to use prerecorded programs and how to write your own through chapters on Basic programming, utility commands, input, tests and decisions, loops.
TS 1000
Introduces readers to advanced BASIC programming techniques such as sorting, renumbering programs, plotting and drawing, computer animation and graphics, and video games.
TS 1000
A complete, annotated disassembly, with Spectrum cross-references.
TS 2068
Subtitle: Or How to Make Time Fly With Your Timex Computer With a Tutorial Section on Programming and the “Basic” Language. A directory of suppliers with a brief description of their wares including about 250 software, 100 hardware, 30 ancillary. Directories of user groups, Timex/Sinclair specific magazines, newsletters, directories, books, and articles in other magazines,
TS 1000
Covers BASIC, hardware and software, with detailed explanation of the monitor, routines and entry points.
Assists ZX81 users in four application areas: graphics, information retrieval, education and games. The book includes scores of fully documented listings of short routines as well as complete programs. For the serious user, the book also includes a disassembled listing of the ZX81 ROM Monitor.
ZX81 TS 1000
Contains programs ready to run, as well as programming hints to help you create your own programs. Also includes an introduction to machine code, has a complete adventure game entitled “City of Azlan” and guides you to create your own adventure games.
ZX81 TS 1000
A college text approach to programming the computer. Large format, with clear text, but low quality dot matrix listings. 300 pages with over 100 devoted to appendix information.
ZX81 TS 1000
Lists Timex, Sinclair users and user groups.
TS 1000
Combines the comic strip adventures of a teen-age computer whiz, his little sister, and a friend from the future, who become lost in time and face dangerous adversaries, with programs for corresponding games to be played on the Timex/Sinclair 1000 computer.
TS 1000
Programmer and hardware reference manual for the Timex/Sinclair 2068 computer, published in May 1984 by Timex. The initial run (several hundred copies) were photocopied; a full run of professionally printed and bound paperbacks followed.
TS 2068
Instructions to make computer run cooler and numerous ways to improve TV display.
TS 1000
A lighthearted but serious-minded introduction to Sinclair Basic. Includes: setting up the hardware, saving programs on tape, looping and branching, graphics, logic, keyboard control of programs, character manipulation, subroutines, debugging techniques.
TS 1000
This book answers questions about using and programming the Timex Sinclair 1000/Sinclair ZX81 computer. Addresses how to create moving graphics, interfacing external hardware, using machine code and linking machine code to BASIC programs.
ZX81 TS 1000
Original user manual for Timex/Sinclair 1500.
TS 1500
Fred Blechman takes you on a safari through the TS2068 computer. Explains in plain English how to program the TS2068. This book will guide you through the mechanics of operating the TS2068 and BASIC programming. If you’re an intermediate user, you’ll also find a wealth of information in the book — information on the peculiarities
TS 2068
The second of two books on the T/S 2068 computer. The first book, Timex Sinclair 2068 Beginner/ Intermediate Guide, is a guide to getting started with the T/S 2068 computer. It deals with setting up and operating the computer, and learning to program in BASIC. This second book will take you beyond BASIC — into
TS 2068
Appendix to the manual for GESSO EPROM Programmer and EPROM ZAPPER software.
TS 2068
Programmer’s software and hardware reference manual for the 2068. Reprint of the original edition, published by Timex Computer Corporation in 1984. In 1986, Time Designs Magazine obtained permission to edit and republish the manual.
TS 2068
A lightly edited retitle of ZX Spectrum Graphics by Nick Hampshire. Cover splash graphic notes it’s for the TS 2048 and TS 2068 computers. Does not address the Timex-specific high resolution modes.
TS 2068
Original user manual for Timex/Sinclair 1000.
TS 1000
Collection of useful programs to take full advantage of each of the TS1000 function capabilities. Calculate home finances, analyze business and personal investments, investigate real estate options, analyze data, keep records.
TS 1000
How-to hardware upgrade book. Covers buffered expansion interface, serial output, std. printer interface and more.
ZX81 TS 1000
Complete, annotated disassembly of the Timex Sinclair 2068 operating system, including the HOME and Extended (EXROM) ROMs, memory map, system variables. This book is an invaluable reference for anyone who wants to understand the operating system that makes the Timex/Sinclair 2068 tick.
TS 2068
Announced in Compute! Nov 1983.
TS 2068
Two dozen space games, adventures, number games, memory games and more.
TS 1000
How to construct interfaces with instructions for building a relay controller, a joystick interface, analog to digital conversion and more.
ZX80 ZX81 TS 1000
Announced in Compute! Nov 1983.
TS 1000
For the 2068 and 2050 modem. Explains how to upload and download, macro-keys, translation tables, auto log-ons, settings, and much more.
TS 2068
For the 2068 and 2050 modem. Explains how to upload and download, macro-keys, translation tables, auto log-ons, settings, and much more.
TS 2068
Catalog of software, hardware and books available for T/S computers. Description, equipment required, price and ordering information provided for 600 products from 160 different suppliers. Earlier edition was called the ZX81 Sourcebook.
TS 1000
Complete Annotated Disassembly With Error & Calculator Conventions.
TS 2068
Shows how to diagnose problems and make repairs; trouble shooting tips to shortcut diagnosis; diagrams of where to check. DC readings throughout the board. Some test programs. Where to buy parts. List of tools needed, especially a good volt/Ohm meter and LED tester.
ZX81 TS 1000
Melbourne House expected to publish this book, based on Ian Logan’s Understanding Your Spectrum, in December 1983.
TS 2000 TS 2068
Illustrates all the facilities of the ZX81/TS1000 monitor, how it works, and how you can use it in your own programs. A section on machine language use and subroutines will add to your programming power. For advanced beginners to experienced.
ZX81 TS 1000
Everything the beginner needs to learn and how to put it to work in a variety of applications. Introduction to the essential concepts of hardware and software, the unique characteristics of the TS/ZX machines and a mini-course in Basic programming.
ZX81 TS 1000
An introduction to programming the TS1000. Complete education in Basic along with neat tricks in Basic applications. Machine language introduced.
TS 1000
Reviews common mechanical problems and solutions, manual, and Sinclair Basic; programming techniques; home and business applications; teaching applications; scientific applications; hardware modifications.
TS 1000 TS 1500
This publication goes a step beyond the basic programming manual supplied with the computers. It is not meant as a substitute for the owner’s manual, but contains information which clarifies and expands upon concepts introduced in the manual. Learn how to translate programs from standard Basic into the Sinclair dialect.
TS 1000
In-depth instruction on using these two programs. Includes chapter on using VU-Calc on the TS 2068 by Mark Fisher.
TS 1000 TS 2068
40 programs and routines for the 1K Sinclair ZX81.
ZX81 TS 1000
What can I do with my Timex 1000, Timex 1500, or ZX81? The answer may surprise you. Don’t let its price fool you. The Timex Sinclair may be inexpensive, but it packs a lot of computing punch– when it’s programmed right. Programming your Timex Sinclair to do useful work– or to have fun– is easy
ZX81 TS 1000
Ring bound guide to Who’s Who at Sinclair was given to staff at the company. It gives profiles on the key staff complete with pictures. It was strictly available to staff only.
Discusses the setup, operation, and capabilities of the computer; how to connect it to a TV; benefits of additional attachments; how to program for a variety of tasks, e.g., doing calculations, making bar graphs, drawing pictures on the screen, playing games.
ZX81 TS 1000
Instructs those who have already programmed in high-level languages in programming with the more powerful and versatile assembly or machine language.
TS 1000
Listing of more than 165 suppliers of hardware, software, books and users groups in the US and Canada.
TS 1000
A complete disassembled, annotated listing of the Sinclair 4K Basic, with cross reference table. Discover how and why your ZX-80 works.
What is programming, programming in Basic and machine language, games, programs for school and data management, connection of a PIO, control programs, appendix.
ZX81 TS 1000
Programming techniques to improve displays using a unique method for reduced RAM usage. Includes listings for 6 original programs using method.
Directory of nearly 400 suppliers of software, hardware, peripherals and publications in the UK.
ZX80 ZX81
Catalog in 3-ring binder format with programming tips and abstracts of programs submitted by subscribers. Periodic newsletter.
ZX80 ZX81 TS 1000
A smoothly structured course for learning how to program in ZX81 BASIC. Presents programming examples and exercises to explain how to use all ZX81 BASIC instructions. Offers programming tips throughout to make your ZX81 programs more efficient.
ZX81 TS 1000
Programming instructional book aimed at those ready to exploit the 16K RAM pack. 4 long programs with detailed analysis of how the lines and routines work.
ZX81 TS 1000
Instructions for programming the ZX81/Timex in BASIC. Games are included.
ZX81 TS 1000


73 Magazine was an amateur radio magazine, published from 1960 to 2003.
80 Micro featured program listings, products and reviews for Radio Shack’s TRS-80 computers.
American Libraries is the official magazine of the American Library Association.
Promised a significant number of type-in programs per issue.
Newsletter of the Bay Area ZX80/81 Users Group.
Behavior Research Methods publishes articles concerned with the methods, techniques, and instrumentation of research in experimental psychology. The journal focuses particularly on the use of computer technology in psychological research. The journal has changed its title several times.
BioScience is a monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal, published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Institute of Biological Sciences.
Publisher: Shaun Ralston Bi-monthly publication focused on business/professional applications.
Cassette-based magazine supplied with several programs per tape.
TS 2068
Monthly cassette-based magazine. Promised educational and home software, games, mailbox and classified ads.
Newsletter of the Capital District (Albany, NY) T/S Computer Club.
Newsletter of the Capitol Area Timex/Sinclair Users Group (C.A.T.S.).
Large magazine, both in size and page count, that had hundreds of pages of advertisements and a modest number of articles. Supported “classic computers” in the mid to late 1980s.
Supported amateur radio operators and contributed to the development of packet telecommunications.
Newsletter of the Cedar Rapids And Greater Iowa Sinclair Timex.
Creative Computing was one of the earliest magazines covering the microcomputer revolution. Published from October 1974 until December 1985, Creative Computing covered the full spectrum of educational, hobbyist, home and personal computing. It regularly included BASIC source code for utility programs and games.
Newsletter of the Dallas Timex/Sinclair/Amstrad Users Group.
Newsletter of the SEMCO (Sinclair Special Interest Group).
Magazine about video games that attempted to bridge the arcade game, video game console and home computer markets.
Newsletter about enhancing Pro/File 2068. Each issue contained a number of patches or modifications to Pro/File, along with a description of how the enhancement worked.
David Hill published this newsletter for Aerco FD-68 Disk Users.
TS 2068
Published by Ron Havlen, this newsletter for Zebra FDD users picked up from TOPS Newsletter.
TS 2068
Published by Jay Siegel, this newsletter supported the FDD 3 and FDD 3000 disk drive systems produced by Timex Portugal.
Covered the Tandy TRS-80 series of computers.
Newsletter of the Hampton Roads Timex Sinclair Users Group.
Fan-produced magazine for Sinclair QL owners.
Newsletter of the Indiana Sinclair-Timex Users Group (ISTUG).
Newsletter of the Kansas Area Timex/Sinclair Users Group.
Newsletter of the TAS BAM User’s Group.
Newsletter of the LIST (Long Island Sinclair Timex) user group.
“The Retailer’s Magazine of Electronics/Appliance Profit Improvement.”
Newsletter of the New England Sinclair QL User Group.
Newsletter for the Chicago Area Timex Sinclair Users Group (CATUG).
Published to support users of Pixel Print Plus and Pixel Print Pro.
Popular Electronics became Computers & Electronics in November, 1982.
Quarterly published by Tom Woods. Provided updates and more to owners of ZX Pro/File databases
Published by Timothy Swenson. Available online.
Newsletter published by Curry Computer for the Sinclair QL.
This newsletter, published in French by Real Gagnon, covered the Sinclair QL computer.
The Quantum Leap newsletter of the United States of America.
Quantum Levels was a Sinclair QL-specific magazine published by the same group that published SyncWare News.
Quarterly publication with an emphasis on the use of the BASIC computer language, as it relates to the T/S computers.
Newsletter for people with a combined interest in amateur radio and the Sinclair—Timex computers.
The official newsletter of the Timex Computer Club.
The journal for users of the RPNZL programming system and applications.
This newsletter, published in French by Real Gagnon, covered the Timex/Sinclair computers.
TS 2068
Promised software and hardware reviews, articles and programs written by Sinclair/Timex users.
Newsletter of the Toronto Timex-Sinclair Users Club.
Promised to be a typeset magazine with color illustrations, published monthly.
Newsletter of the Sinclair/Timex User Group of the Boston Computer Society.
British publication dedicated to Sinclair computers, most specifically the ZX Spectrum.
Newsletter of the Victoria (BC) Sync Association.
Billed itself as "The Users Group for Timex & Sinclair Computers."
A one-off, one-page newsletter published by Mike Felerski.
A text-only newsletter index/activity log maintained by Bill Miller.
SINCUS NEWS was the newsletter of the Sinclair Computer Users Society.
Newsletter of the Sinclair Louisville User Group.
Newsletter of the Sinclair Milwaukee Users Group (SMUG).
Glossy magazine by the same group that published Syntax.
Originally a user group newsletter, it transitioned to a full magazine.
The newsletter of the Seattle Area Timex User Group.
Newsletter of the Central Pennsylvania ZX/TS Users Group.
The major, full-color American magazine supporting Timex/Sinclair computers.
Quarterly newsletter filled with games and ideas for the Sinclair.
Half-page sized magazine that included a cassette every other month.
More technical publication that printed many hardware articles.
First and longest running professional magazine to support the Timex/Sinclair computers.
Magazine that published a mix program listings, product reviews, programming articles, hardware projects and applications.
Newsletter of National TS Users’ Network.
Publication supporting educators using Timex computers.
Newsletter of Dallas/Fort Worth area user groups.
Publication of the Timex/Sinclair User Group of Las Vegas. Contributing Staff
Newsletter of the Clackamas County Area Timex Sinclair Users Group.
Newsletter of the Greater Cleveland Sinclair Users Group.
National Sinclair Timex Newsletter.
Newsletter of the Northeast Florida Timex/Sinclair Users Group.
Short newsletter was published inside Update Magazine that reviewed and demonstrated desktop publishing techniques accomplished with the Timex/Sinclair 2068.
One-off newsletter about music and MIDI uses of the TS 2068.
Bi-monthly that had aimed fill the void created by the departure of SYNC, TIMEX SINCLAIR USER, and SYNTAX magazines.
Joint publication of three user groups in the San Francisco, San Jose and Oakland Bay area.
Timex Sinclair News intended to keep owners up to date on events in the US and abroad.
Served the needs of the Timex Sinclair computer owner and vendors committed to that market.
American version of Sinclair User, published only 7 issues.
Newsletter of the (Ottawa-Hull) Timex-Sinclair User Group.
Newsletter of the Denver, Colorado, Timex/Sinclair user group.
Newsletter of the Timex/Sinclair Users Group of Cincinnati.
Created by Dave Franson to support the Timex (TMX) Portugal disk drive systems sold by English Micro Connection and Zebra Systems. Succeeded by FDD Express.
Newsletter of the Triangle Computer Society (Raleigh, NC).
Hand-typed one to two page newsletter published by Bill Harmer.
Subscriber supported newsletter with no advertising.
Quarterly publication that supported Timex/Sinclair 2068, later expanding to all systems.
Newsletter of the Vashon Island Sinclair Timex Association.
Newsletter for 1000/2068 and Jupiter ACE FORTH enthusiasts.
Newsletter of the U.S. National ZX User’s Group.
British magazine that covered all Sinclair micros, from the ZX80 through to the QL and Spectrum 128.
Retrospective, four-issue zine published using the ZX81.
Newsletter of the Vancouver Sinclair Users Group.
Newsletter of the Timex/Sinclair NorthAmerican User Groups.
Actively published e-zine, produced with open source software.


  • BBDOS: A Disk Operating System for the Aerco FD-ZX Interface
    ZX81/TS1000 owners who have been using the Aerco FD-ZX Disk Drive Interface owe Jerry Chamkis and his Texas staff a debt of gratitude for providing them with a reliable, high speed, mass storage system. But even as nice as the FD-ZX unit is, its disc operating system (DOS) leaves much to be desired.
  • For Your Support
    Product announcement from Bill Bell, G. Russell Electronics, Dunbar Aitkens, I. B. A. Computer Users Network, Brice Road Pharmacy, Damco Enterprises, Sharp’s, C. W. Associates.
  • For Your Support
    Product announcements from John Oliger Co., NovelSoft, Willcocks Research Consultants, Grey & Clifford Computer Products, Knighted Computers, G. Russell Electronics, Jim Houston Enterprises, Larken Electronics, Chia-Chi Chao, Fred Nachbaur, Robert Fischer, Bill Heberlein, Bill Bell, C. W. Associates.
  • For Your Support
    Product announcements from Chia-Chi Chao, NovelSoft, Willcocks Research Consultants, Grey & Clifford Computer Products, Knighted Computers, Fred Nachbaur/Silicon Mountain Computers, Robert Fischer, Larken Electronics, Bill Bell, Thomas Woods, Jim Houston Enterprises, WIDJUP Co., David Hill.
  • For Your Support
    Product announcements from Fred Nachbaur, John Oliger Co., Grey & Clifford Computer Products, Larken Electronics, Chia-Chi Chao, Robert Fischer, Bill Bell, G. Russell Electronics, EZRA Group II, RMG Enterprises, David Hill, Paul Holmgren, GLENN Technics, John Deering.
  • For Your Support
    AN-TO Productions is marketing QUICKEY 2068 keyboard overlays. Overlays are available for the following programs: AccuDraw T2, Artworx v1.1, Tasword/Tasprint, Mscript (regular and V5) and Omnicalc II. There is also a key finder and a blank overlay for your own programs. Bill Bell announces the availability of an Oliger Video Version of BBDOS for the


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